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Prince Midnight

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Status Updates posted by Prince Midnight

  1. the Saturn V launching you too the moon faster than celestia :D

  2. getting into kerble space program and by extension, rockets, has given me an appreciation as to what NASA actually had to go through just to get the shuttles and rockets into orbit, not to mention, actually get them off the launch pad.

  3. Have been interested in rockets lately beacuse of KSP, and i think i found my favorite designs (besides the saturn V which tops them all) but if NASA funding had continued, we may have seen more people on the moon, by way of the ares 1 and ares V rockets, which i like x3


  5. 2 landers on the mun :D awesome, now i need to get to minmus

    1. Jadefire


      Those Kerbanauts' sacrifices shall be remembered always. *salutes*

  6. Breaking news: Ponies at the ESP have put their first sattleite into orbit around the moon, taking pictures with extreme detail, luna is displeased, quoted in saying "you could have just asked."

    1. Jadefire


      In other news, Princess Luna has announced she is remodeling her lunar estate. The exact modifications are as of this writing classified, but insiders speculate that she is moving her outdoor sunbathing area indoors.

  7. An announcement from your local ESP representitive: The Twilight 1 Sattelite is in orbit :D

  8. Damnit, i WILL get the Twilight 1 sattelite into orbit before i have to leave for work if its the last thing i do.

  9. i kinda want to write a KSP pony crossover now x3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      but with ponies survivng, beacuse their ponies, and noone reads grimdark fics


    3. long gone

      long gone

      Oh come on, KSP is about a space program with no defined safety standards (besides maybe player-defined standards), without death these safety standards can't be created by the player effectively creating a space program that fires a rocket that can't even get past 30km before running out of fuel or exploding on the launchpad. Death is a central part of the core gameplay and without it, players can't create a safer, more productive program.

    4. Prince Midnight
  10. Off to work, bye everypony

  11. farcry 3 is glitched XP

  12. time for work, bye everypony

  13. Get out of here STALKER.

    1. Iudex


      I said come in! Don't stand there!

    2. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      Hey you STALKER, lets have a chat.

  14. would anybody be interested in a farcry 3 roleplay x3 nahh, i doubt it, plus its not....forum friendly

  15. all ive been is a jackass to everyone i love....can i go hide now

    1. Jadefire


      You can come hide with me. I'll set up a fort made out of pillows and books.

  16. i think imgoing to try writing a Farcry 3 pony crossover

    1. AnonyPoni


      I'd like to see that.

  17. i seriously feel like shooting myself right now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felix


      Because suicide is never the answer. Whatever makes you want to shoot yourself, you can fix, I'm sure. Everyone deserves to live their life regardless of who they are what has happened to them.

    3. Prince Midnight
    4. Felix


      Just keep that in mind.


      I'm off to bed. Goodnight. :)

  18. i ....my car broke down...now i dont know how im going to get to work

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DaReaper


      Well you could luck out and it be a clogged air or fuel filter or a tune up, or do you kniw what it is, i had hyst about every probkem wuth my old cars

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      no, i dont know what it is

    4. DaReaper


      I'm no mechainic but there are so many small problems that cause that, holding down the gas all the way home worst case is new timing belt, but could be clogged injectors bad plugs or wires, faulty mass air flow sensor them aren't too bad so you might not be out much

  19. Im okay if anyone asks <.< >.>

    1. Jadefire


      Are you okay?

  20. Generic depression related message that nopony cares about.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Prince Midnight
    3. jw5587


      Just add my on Skype or something. I'm going to sleep now, but I'm always willing to listen if it helps people.

    4. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      sure, mabey sometime soon

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