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Prince Midnight

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Status Updates posted by Prince Midnight

  1. so my pet cornsnake let me hold him/her for longer than 5 minuites

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Yeah, someday definitely. Kay is enough for me right now :)

    3. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet


      Chigens+Kay shipment! :\/

    4. Prince Midnight
  2. Typing with an iPod is hard.

  3. time for this dark goddess to go do....things, ill be back in 7-8 hours, hopefully with less blood on my hooves.

  4. looks like i need a new laptop or desktop -_- apperently my USB connectors wont work

  5. the only dragonball z i like is the abridged version, never really cared for the regular version.

    1. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      Same with me and One Piece.

    2. Toa of Ponies

      Toa of Ponies

      I often bring it up with people,that even though You think I'm weird for watching a show with a predominantly Female cast,you watch a show with shirtless muscle men

  6. wow.....my ask nightmarity really took off......i wasnt expecting this, but it has made me very happy :D

  7. ahh memorial day, a time to remember those loved ones, military or not who have passed, but as one general George S Patton Jr. once said "it is foolish and wrong to mourn then men who died, rather we should thank god that such men lived."

  8. alright darlings, im more tired than usual, so i shall see you tommorrow, and may your dreams be full of nightmares.

  9. alright my darlings, i must be off for now, be back in about 4-5 hours

  10. So last night, at my job, im just helping someone, and i notice she has a MLP: FIM wallet, i comment that i like it, she asks if im a brony, i say yes, and she says "eww your too fat to be a brony." -_- sometimes i think mabey i got into the wrong fandom

    1. ~StatesTheOblivious~


      Ouch, that's mean!

    2. None42069


      It's alright. People like that are in every fandom. You're welcome into the fandom no matter how many tons you weigh.

    3. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      you should have asked her "says who?"

  11. Alright darlings, time for this little nightmare to get her beauty sleep, and may your nightmares NEVER end.

  12. faith in humanity fucking restored:

  13. alright darlings its time for the dark goddess to do....dark....goddess.....things

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shiki


      Probably donate to charity.

    3. Toa of Ponies

      Toa of Ponies

      The charity of DOOM

    4. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      a girl just HAS to keep her mane looking great, EVEN when being evil.

  14. i guess i should clarify, my last update was not about this site, i apologize if i had you thinking so.

  15. yay, just what i wanted to see, more, "The United States is bad and you should feel ashamed of living there" thread, just this weekend could i not see a thread like that? damnit....its memorial day for celestia sake.

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      I have no words to reply to that. So it's the people's fault that we were born here? And the fact we are taking a day to remember our fallen... geesh.

    2. Yes-Man


      That's just crossing the line. I mean, I have problems with the government and some people's attitudes, but that's just...

      Wait, there's a thread like that on this site?

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      i didnt mean to state it was happening here, guess i should clarify, another forum i go to... uggh, sometimes even I say i dont like this country, but in all reality i love it here, we have it better than most, and sometimes we take it fro granted.

  16. element of generosity? well, she was GENEROUS enough to let me in *grins*

  17. enough dilly dallying i must be off, goodnight my little ponies.

  18. and may you have some wonderful nightmares.

  19. as much fun as ive had with all you ponies tonight, i must be getting to bed, a queen of the shadows needs her beauty sleep after all, goodnight my little darlings

  20. anyone want to make a signature for me :3 since my artz skills are...well shall we say, been on the moon for 1000 years, i figure someone could make a better one for me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Toa of Ponies

      Toa of Ponies

      Thankyou, I cant seem to find any

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      done and done, cant wait to see what you pull off ^.^ in the meantime, i need sleep x3

    4. Toa of Ponies
  21. i wonder what happened to my prince blueblood, i want to see if his namesake is true *brandishes knife*

  22. new banner gives me hives.

  23. I am back darlings. x3

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. KitsuneSoul108


      *looks around*So i did....*notices a black mark on my leg*What the?

    3. Prince Midnight

      Prince Midnight

      *raises eyebrow* hmm?

    4. KitsuneSoul108


      I didnt have that mark before! Whats going on?

  24. alright my darlings, i must be heading off to do.....queen...things, ill be back in like 6-7 hours

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