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Status Replies posted by IDoNotSpeakEnglish

  1. what is the difference between pony and horse

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      ...addition to being smaller than a horse, their legs are proportionately shorter. They have strong hooves and grow a heavier hair coat, seen in a thicker mane and tail as well as a particularly heavy winter coat.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. what is the difference between pony and horse

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      Ponies are pretty much small horses, but it's not just that; and the size criteria is sometimes ignored in favor of more prominent characteristics. Here, from Wikipedia: For many forms of competition, the official definition of a pony is a horse that measures less than 14.2 hands (58 inches, 147 cm) at the withers. Ponies are often distinguished by their phenotype, a stocky body, dense bone, round shape and well-sprung ribs. They have a short head, large eyes and small ears. In addition t...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. g'night everypony, i'm of to bed, but i might not sleep to much because i can't breath. i hate having a cold every autumn.

  4. Almost killed myself moving on saturday, busted up my whole right side falling down the stairs. Barely able to move. Atleast I am in the new place now and getting some rest.

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      Hell... =( I just hope you're fine now and that you get good as new very soon.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. why can't my parents stop fighting?! it's happening more and more often lately, this morning it's because my brother spilled glue on the table and my mother sayd it was not so bad, my father sayd it was really bad and now they are arguing and send me to my room. can somepony pleas tell them to stop with this!!!

  6. Does anypony know how to do a blog :( :( I am new at doing this kind of thing :( :(

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      Oh, I'm glad. =) You're very welcome; I'm happy I could be of use to you. =)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Does anypony know how to do a blog :( :( I am new at doing this kind of thing :( :(

  8. Does anypony know how to do a blog :( :( I am new at doing this kind of thing :( :(

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      Are you still on that? I think you can click in "community", "blogs" and, in the page that it will open, there will be a "create new blog" button or something similar. After you click that and create a blog, the option "Manage Blogs" will appear under your name. I'm sorry; I could be wrong, though...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hi there! :D

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      I see. =) Don't necessarily believe everything she said about me... =\

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hi! :3 How are you today? ^.^

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      ...even in the show(I still don't know). Well, would you consider that episode an average Pokémon episode? Can it represent the show?

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hi! :3 How are you today? ^.^

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      I see. Well, I knew they were also captured from the wild, but I didn't know how to put that in a nice sounding sentence. XD But I thought they were also massively stolen; like, half of them.That's what I had seen in one Pokémon game. And, yes, I know it's not bad in the anime, it's just that it doesn't work when you say it out loud, you know? But, I watched that episode, and, it was okay to me. It reminded me that I, as a kid, wondered why the hay Team Rocket was even in...

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hi! :3 How are you today? ^.^

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      Yes. =) Have you become friends with them? And, thank you; I am watching that. But I still find it violent that the show is based on stealing other people's animals by fighting or taming animals and then imprisoning them and carrying them around in very tiny recipients. I'm sorry, but that's the premise, right? Even though the show focuses on the best part, the premise is kinda weird...

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hi! :3 How are you today? ^.^

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      ...representation of a show, but, still, that's the Pokémon I saw and I didn't like it. For me, it was just violent. Is the actual show better?

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hi! :3 How are you today? ^.^

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      Well, if it's over with, I guess it's over, right? =) So, yeah. Thank you for explaining, but I have watched an episode; I mean, it was a movie. I don't remember very well, but, in it, everyone almost killed everyone, one of them died but was ressurected because a protagonist cried, they learned fighting is bad, then the protagonists forgot about the lesson and could fight again without remorse, rendering the whole story pointless. I don't think a movie is a good representatio...

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hi! :3 How are you today? ^.^

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      I'm sorry for that. Were they mean to you? Or is it really because they were strangers? Also, Pokémon and Digimon really are separate things, right? And, what do you mean by "there's much more to it"? Like, I understand it's an story and, therefore, there's a reason and a point for the fights, and they will affect the characters and create a plot. Is there more to it then what you demand from any show?

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hi! :3 How are you today? ^.^

    1. IDoNotSpeakEnglish


      Thank you. =) Then, if I may ask, did you feel like that because something specific happened? And, hey, I am amazed that people can say that Pokémon and Digimon are not the same thing; I only know that Lunamon is a Digimon and that Ponyta is a Pokémon because I googled them. Also... I've never watched Pokémon because, as far as I know, it's just a fighting anime; is that wrong?

    2. (See 63 other replies to this status update)

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