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About GamerLunaLuver117

  • Birthday 1996-06-28

Contact Methods

  • Fimfiction

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Monroe, LA
  • Personal Motto
    " when life gives you lemons, throw em right back and use lemons of your own."
  • Interests
    Mlp, fallout equestria, fan art, music, mixing, pinkie pie, Luna, long boarding and fragging noobs!

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Everfree Forest

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

GamerLunaLuver117's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. Wow I just deleted my new status...I hate this tablet..so much! But yeah anyone down for geeking out about season 5!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GamerLunaLuver117



    3. TheLegoBrony


      forget ep100 luna episode is best episode


      and now I can smell a ham shank in my house eventhough I haven't eaten one

    4. GamerLunaLuver117


      Oooo ham! I loves ham! And I dunno...Luna is best princess but derpy is best background pony....and doctor hooves and derpy are best ship....

  2. Absoulutly again ive been tere and done that with being really good, i just wanna have fun skill et or skill in general doesnt matter, there have been some delays with my playstaion, just alot of b.s in general but when its up and running and the clan is set up i will p.m all of you.
  3. Nothing like being able to say the words "boom. Headshot." Ahhhhhhh I love for.

    1. Monsoon


      I say that all the time good times

  4. Wha!? Other brony gamers!? Oh joy! I'm so in on this! I'm setting up a steam when my Mac gets back from the shop and I play a crazy amount of c.o.d on my ps4 (its getting fixed too don't ask -_-) but I was always the only brony in any party and my clan, this is so cool!
  5. That's fine lol skill doesn't matter just wanna play dude
  6. Wraith: "well I mean yeah me and gamer get along, I respect him as much as any pony could and would never-" Gamer: " WRAITH!! when I find you your dead! You've over written my final fantasy game for the last time!" Wraith: " he found out sooner than I thought! I'm just going to.." Gamer: "there you are! Hey come back here!"
  7. Ah back in the forum after a long day is just what the doctor ordered ha-ha!

    1. Monsoon


      Welcome back

    2. GamerLunaLuver117


      Why thank-you meta sup dude?

  8. Bro don't even trip its just how I roll any pony who loves ponies is ok in my book, consider yourself befriended!
  9. Sup dude! Welcome and all that stuff, honestly I'm just excited to see what art someone like you is brining to the table! Bet its going to be amazing, and I'm already prepping to mash the brohoof button on all of it! Good luck and happy browsing!
  10. What's up my fellow brony? I know that you don't know me, But I like to welcome, Most all of the new ponies, So while my rhyme welcomes you, I hope it will suffice, And let you branch out to all, Cause most of us are nice! (Drops Mike, #FBGM!)
  11. Today has just taken a turn for the worst...my dog got into my room...R.I.P my rainbowdash plushie and my serato cable... Ugh FML

  12. Yo i got you in beta testing bro! When my Mac gets back from my buddy with a new screen I'll be in business so about a week then I'm on it if you need me pm me for skype info!
  13. Sup and welcome! Hope you find everything your looking for! Happy browsing!
  14. So my ps4 is being fixed right now and black ops 3 isn't even out so this is just thoughts and speculation, I have heavy clanwars diamond division experience in advanced warfare but I really want to take a step back and enjoy just playing a game with clan members that won't mess with me about the show I watch. So I was thinking of forming my own clan (the name of which would be "Gamer Lunas Legion" but that can change as well hahahahaha!) and wanted to see any thoughts or suggestions you guys!
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