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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by TigerGeekGuy

  1. Spike should be a porcupine in Gen 5. The pun has been staring them in the face for almost 40 years! :BornAgainBrony:

  2. Alright, I read The Diary of an Evil Pony, started on Maternal Instinct. I must admit, my first thought upon reading the description of the story and seeing the artwork, I thought Fleur was a hitman. :sealed: Anyways, not really one for romance, but that was good, nice moral to the story. I have a feeling that Maternal Instinct will evoke the feels, though. :awed:

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      It's been a while, but I definitely finished Maternal Instinct a while back and boy was it great. I especially liked the chapters with Celestia. A great story, I definitely enjoyed it. I don't know if I'll get to reading Past Sins right away since I have a few other fics I want to catch up on first, (I'm gonna try and give Fallout Equestria another go), but I'll defnitely read it later!

      As for those stories about Diamond Tiara and her family, I'm really looking forward to Menace to Propriety since it looks like a great setup for a comedy.

      Anyways, I'll catch back up when I read another one of your recommendations! See ya 'til then!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Wow, okay I am not reading all those notifications.

    I've been "busy". Okay, I was totally lost in Minecraft for a while there, cut me some slack.

    Hello again, guys! Hopefully I won't disappear for two months again. I will however, be way more lax with how frequently I pop in from here on out.

    How's everyone doing? I've just been playing Minecraft again lately. Made a pretty garden in my backyard:



    And I'm still surviving the pandemic as an essential worker, whoopee.


    1. TigerGeekGuy


      Oh, I'm alright. Went back to work today, still not liking it but eh, it pays the bills. Y'know what I mean?


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I just got back and what is that banner?

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      haw yes, first thing I saw. Took me entirely by surprise.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Red beryl is estimated to be worth 1,000 times more than gold by weight, and is so rare that only one crystal is found for every 150,000 diamonds that are mined. Top quality natural red beryl gem crystals from the Ruby Violet Claims that have been faceted sell for as much as $10,000 per carat.

    hydrothermal bixbite %28Red Beryl%29.jpg

  6. Main dreams;


    - visit Japan 🍓💖

    - go to a street filled with cherry blossoms in bloom 

    - find work with animals that will accept me despite my back

    - live on my own 

    - own a cat 🐈 

    - find someone who will love me for me despite my flaws and mental issues 

    - become a good artist who knows how to shade well 

    - travel to many different places after japan


    what are your dreams?

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      - Get great paying job working from home.

      - Make a game someday.

      - Become an artist and draw all the ideas I've had stored up for a while now.

      - Get my own place.

      - ???

      - Profit.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7. Bleh~I'll probably just stream art or do whatever tomorrow, maybe play a game or something rn i feel like crying and curling up and yeah I'm not yay, in fact every single day i wake up in pain because of work not taking me seriously when it comes to my back. it's freakin misery.

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      That sounds awful, I hope everything works out better for you!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. I feel like I’m a loser.

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      You are definitely not a loser! You're an awesome person!

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  9. Admit it: You think I'm the most beautiful creature in Equestria, don't you?


    1. TigerGeekGuy


      Pshaw. You wish, Chrysalis. Twilight is way prettier!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Which do you pony’s prefer and why?

    Rainbow Dash from “Rainbow Factory”.


    Pinkamena Diane Pie from “Cupcakes”.

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      From a horror fan's perspective, neither are very frightening, but I would go with Pinkamena because I think she has more legitimacy behind her insanity. Also, she's more iconic, IMO.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. I hate myself, I'm an absolutely awful person. :(:(

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      Absolutely not! You're a wonderful person!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. "Hey ninetales, whats your favorite flavor of pie?"


    I n v i s i b l e

  13. Global warming is a myth!

    ... and if you'll remove that pitchfork from the vicinity of my eyeball, I'll explain.

    See, all the finest myths have a core of truth within them, wrapped about with artful swathes of allegory, poetry, and story. Therefore, I reason, creating modern fact-myths may serve well to underscore truths that are often rejected due to a sort of notion of the disconnect of 'scientific reality' from concrete everyday reality. Allow me to demonstrate:


    Once upon a time, when the world was not yet mastered by man, plants learned to love the sky. Air flowed about them, and they drank of it with gladness. Sunlight shone down upon them, and they received it into themselves as life. The creatures of the earth came and ate of the plants, taking up their life within them, and the light of the sun became the spark in the eyes of every bird and beast. So life was in the days before.

    But life attracts death like a hunter to prey, and much death followed this time of vibrant life. Plants were destroyed and animals torn to pieces, and the mouth of the earth opened wide to admit their entrance. Deep into the crushing depths the dead fell, and in the ages that passed the light and life they once held was distorted by the heat of the earth's heart into darkness and death, a slick formless black of immeasurable taint.

    Long this ancient corruption lay, and would have ever done so had man's ambition known limit. Not content with the hoards of silvern earthblood they had wrenched from the depths, man sought out a power to put all others to shame, one that would give them mastery over all the earth and sea and sky. Deep they forged, tearing rock asunder in their craving, until they came to the deepest dark, the viscid remains of a myriad lives, that fated substance they called Petra Oleum.

    Aeons in the molten depths had imbued the substance with a fiery heat, and as it burned it shone with light so like the sunlight of times past that had caressed the leaves of plants and sparkled in the eyes of animals that man was deceived, thinking it a power worthy of being wielded, forgetting that no power born of death will ever truly serve life. And so they used it as a tool: with the death of beasts, they conquered the earth; with the death of fish, they conquered the sea; with the death of birds, they conquered the sky; and with the death of plants, they grew and became as fruitful as the verdant host before them.

    Yet even after all these things, it was not too late. They still lived, and the creatures they chose to live lived with them. But they had not yet realised their folly, and their eyes were on yet a loftier goal. They had conquered all the nature that lay around them, and so the last thing to be conquered was their own nature. Long did they toil to create cages to bind themselves, cages of iron and oaths and the terror of rejection, but just as this final end hove over the horizon they were forced to abate their quest, at last apprehending the grim inevitability that humanity could only be conquered with the death of man.

    Man fell into anomie, and in the throes of their despair they turned on their own works, tearing them to pieces to find a reason for the turmoil they found themselves in, seeking a cause that lay outside themselves that they might not be found guilty for the wrongs that had overtaken them. They discovered many secrets in their deeds of old, dark and ancient things that brought anguish upon all who heard of them, but the greatest of these was found in the power of that deathly substance they had wrenched from the utter depths. From its flame, once thought to be purest light, there rose a darkened smoke, a twisted wraith of the myriad dead with a hunger that rivalled even that of man.

    With growing horror man brought to light the paths of this ghastly taint, seeing for the first time the fate of the deaths it embodied. The death of beasts leached into the earth, sterilising the once-fertile soil and poisoning all who lived on its produce. The death of fish seeped into the sea, blighting the creatures who swam in its waters and bringing affliction to all who fished its host. The death of birds rose into the sky, thickening the air into a suffocating smoke and choking all who breathed it. Worst of all, the death of plants covered all the earth with a malign shroud, receiving the sun that shone upon it and making of its light not life for all the creatures of the earth, but a stifling heat, the final curse of the crushing depths that man had so exploited.

    So it was that man saw the folly of its ambitions and renounced its thirst for conquest. So it was that the ancient traitor death was found out and faced direct, and man counted it as an enemy.

    If the ending seems a little weak, that's because humanity's response has been a little weak. :yeahno:

  14. What do you guys think of this plushie? :Tempest:


    1. TigerGeekGuy


      That has to be the cutest set of armor I've ever seen, I love it.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Man, I can't wait until this whole coronavirus pandemic finally ends. I work as a grocery store checker and it gets so tiresome hearing people complain and take out their frustrations on you. The same questions every day, the same sob stories, and the same complaints. No, it is not a personal attack on you if I ask you to wait a distance away in order to comply with social distancing measures. No, you cannot take more than your fair share of limited provisions. No, you cannot come back in or buy the product separately just to get more.

    Not to mention my whole schedule has been completely uprooted and now I have even less time than before to pursue my personal interests. I was really looking forward to getting back into drawing now that I have a new tablet on the way, but I don't think I'll have time for a long while. It's such a drain, even more than before. People are incredibly hard to deal with, especially with this pandemic.

    I want my quiet life back.

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      @DivineBlur1000 I certainly hope it's sooner rather than later. Thanks, my friend.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. I FINALLY GOT IT!! I AM SO HAPPY!!! :yay::yay:


  17. Keep up your awesome awesomeness everyone!


  18. Some people here in Australia are assholes.

    These panic shoppers are lowlife scum, they stole toilet paper off a blind woman.

    1. TigerGeekGuy


      I unfortunately witness the panic firsthand because of my job. There's been some talk of fights breaking out, but nothing that I've seen myself, thakfully.

      Those people are terrible, hope karma does them in good.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

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