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Streiben Bones

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Status Updates posted by Streiben Bones

  1. Alright, but just for the Pokeday...

    1. Kothen


      It makes your pic look so silly

    2. Streiben Bones

      Streiben Bones

      I know *sigh*


      I was too lazy for something good.


      SO i just use that as long the pokeday is.


      I just hope there aren't too many people who take a closer look to that =3='

  2. I found her i found her i fou~ ACK!

    Oh hey, a link!
  3. I like to write in parentheses, had i ever mentioned that? ^~^

  4. Awesome song is awesome.

  5. My smirks are sooo evil.

  6. Girls wearing black are my only weakness. /)=O3O=(\ 'dis can't beeee!

  7. Nosebleed...? Uh oh...

    1. Velcorn


      D'awww, used to get pretty bad nosebleeds when I was younger. Have them very rarely now.

  8. Nosebleed...? Uh oh...

  9. See you... *yaaaaawn* in space cowboys'n girls.

  10. See you... *yaaaaawn* in space cowboys'n girls.

  11. I'm going to.. punch you you friggin weird light-thingy! gtfo of my dreams =3=

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monsoon


      I only distracted myself

    3. Streiben Bones

      Streiben Bones

      Alright, that's close enough. *pat*

    4. Monsoon


      *falls in volcano*

  12. Sleep is for the weak and i- *chrrrrr*Zzz....*

  13. If someone eve calls me "Streiben Boner" i swear i'm going to rip some bones out of you! xDD

    1. ponylaces


      That's hilarious, I should've thought of that sooner. xP

    2. ShadOBabe


      Well... r and s are pretty close... you might get some "typos"... B3

  14. I'm throwing with avatars. Pm me if you need one.

  15. God Morn- uh.. it is 11:00 PM I SAID GOOD MORNING!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Coffee Pony

      The Coffee Pony

      Wait until midnight or 1:00 AM. THEN you can say good morning!

    3. ponylaces
    4. Streiben Bones
  16. I got Trixies autograph, plus i'm going to sleep. See you later, guys and girls and things between it.

  17. ....Some people.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Streiben Bones

      Streiben Bones

      Some of them don't even own something like a soul ö_ö


      If you stare in their eyes, they .. seem to be empty.


      Know what i mean?


      Like there is no life in them.

    3. Streiben Bones

      Streiben Bones

      (But at least it gave me the power for overworking my rainy mood avatar thehe)

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yup, I know exactly what that is like. I know some people that don't seem to take pride or enjoyment in anything and I don't see how. :|

  18. After buying some groceries, i will mess up my ponysona. For the mares. He needs to get about 20% cooler. Not even cooler, BUCKED UP!

  19. I have a big heart, yes. It's black, and full of thorns and shards, and bad words, but HEY it's a heart right? Hahahah!

  20. [interning smile couldn't be wider]

  21. Hell did i slept well. Time for Cornflakes in the middle of the night! Woooh!

    1. Mothra


      Any time is the perfect time for cornflakes!

    2. Monsoon
  22. Iwannagooutandkillthingswooooh! ♪

  23. I change my avatar in a daily rate. Why? 1: I am awesome. 2: Who needs reasons anyways?!

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