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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Telferi

  1. Anyone wants to join to the Pony PM Chat?

  2. Good night everypony!

  3. Yay I'm a Cupcake ^_^

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Sweet! :D Obvious pun is obvious but congrats. :3

    2. Telferi


      Yeah, "delicious" feeling to being a Cupcake (bad joke :D )

  4. Wow, i am really sick O_o! I am just wondering how to got this disease.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghosty13


      Get some rest. :) get well soon.

    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Sounds like a cold, which you shouldn't worry about. Just drink plenty of water and get lots of rest.

    4. Telferi


      Thank you guys for the tips :D I'll take your advice :)

  5. I never speak before in IRL in Skype, But not now! I speak with this guy Fmember

  6. Wow the weather is so rainy for days! Looks like we got a monsun or something o_O

  7. OMG i found a LOTR mod for MCPE! I going to learn about it :D

  8. Goodnight everypony! Time to school tomorrow :)

  9. I play with the Akinator and i defeat him! :D

    1. HackTune
    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      It really isn't that hard when you figure out the AI's patterns.

  10. Wow, for some reason i am sick, my throat hurt, but this is not stopping me to made my day :D

    1. HackTune


      yay :D *hug from above*


    2. Telferi


      Thanks ^_^! *hugs back*

  11. I came from a very interesting musicological lecture about Zoltán Kodály, it's really got me and i felt like listening music like this:

  12. Geez, I did'nt notice before that i have no time to watch the newest MLP episode, but not now! I going to watch it :D

  13. I get the 100 brohoofs! wohoo ^_^

    1. Mez


      only 30 behind you.

  14. My orchesta is spreading up for a very famous (in Hungary) award, called: Prima Primissimma, and we are included in the top ten, who can receive it. But we need votes. Please vote for us (the Gárdonyi Zoltán Kamarazenekar) here: https://veol.hu/hirek/kozonsegszavazas-ki-kapja-az-idei-prima-dijat-1731681 It would mean a lot for us. Thanks :D

  15. Wow, slowly i reach the 100 brohoofs! That's crazy O_o

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Congratulations! ^_^ Milestones are always really fun to reach.

    2. Telferi
    3. CheeryFox
  16. Wow, slowly i reach the 100 brohoofs! That's crazy O_o

  17. I am now a Wikia page editor! Yay :D This is what i always wanted :)

  18. Good night everypony!

    1. NOX33


      Good night yo!!

  19. I found really old pics about my family and me. *sight* good memories :) Also, how are you guys doin'?

  20. I had no idea it wolud be so difficult to choose christmas songs for the concert. And still i don't know what i will play there :(

  21. Finally i got an awesome game, called Trove. I've heard a lot about the game, so I try it

  22. My school is invited me to play on my vionlin in a christmas market's concert and i have no idea what i will play there. So any idea? :D

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Telferi


      Wait what time is at you?

    3. 碇 シンジン
    4. Telferi


      Ok. I send you a partner request on skype

  23. Finally i got time to watch the newest MLP episode, and i think it's super awesome wohoo ^_^

  24. Goodnight everypony!

  25. Thank ya guys for all the birthday wishes! :D

    1. Wingnut


      And happy birthday from me too! Pretty nifty you celebrate on the same day as the forum. :)

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