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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Telferi

  1. I've Telfari, Telfrei, Telf... what else i will? :D

  2. Goodnight everypony!

  3. OMG i have only 4 days to buy something for gifting, and i have no idea what.I'm start to panicing

    1. Kenshiro


      Welcome back to the Welcome Plaza =)

  4. I am back to the Welcoming Plaza! It's been a while the last greetings, but i return now :D

    1. Shiko


      Hi And Welcome Back Telferi :)

  5. Today the advent market is opened! I going to buy something so i'll be back soon ;)

  6. Ok, i just want to say, i am not selfish that i expect others to greet me every day. (just i mention it, before somepony think this) :squee:

  7. goodnight everypony! I should head to the bed now.

  8. I am so mad at a people. He just call me naiv, because i don't know how can i scan my drawings.

    1. CrimsonWeb
    2. Telferi


      He is not even on the forum, so you can't search for it.

    3. CrimsonWeb


      Just ignore them if you can

  9. Looks like i am close to upload my first drawing to DeviantArt

  10. It seems still no snowing :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Telferi


      And the whole december is just raining :(

    3. catnet


      Sorry to hear that; as a big fan of winter myself, I get how annoying the lack of snow can be :( Hopefully December will be a bit more generous with it, though :)

    4. Telferi


      Yeah you're right :D

  11. Why the wings is so hard to draw?!

  12. I am back from a concert- again. I am very tired

  13. I draw an another picture until i can scan my drawings to upload to DeviantArt. It's it's looking awesome ;)

    1. NOX33


      Hope to see it soon, I bet its great!! :D

  14. Somepony know how can i scan my drawings to upload to DeviantArt?

    1. HackTune


      try using a printer scanner

      i scanned my face there


  15. I got the 500 brohoofs! I am so happy right now ^_^

  16. I need one more brohoof to reach the 500 brohoof! Wohoo!

  17. The drawing is done ^_^! Now just i need to scan it and upload to DeviantArt :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cajunbony23
    3. Snake


      I'd love to see when you upload!

    4. Telferi


      OK i will soon after we figure out, how we can scan it.

  18. I make my first ever mlp drawing. I think, it's looking great. When i am done, i upload it to Deviantart.

  19. Good morning everypony!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Telferi


      Actually, in here there is 11:24 AM, so we're close to the middle of the day

    3. Blue Vexillographer

      Blue Vexillographer

      I see... Then it's Good Beforenoon!

    4. Telferi
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