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About Lukington17

  • Birthday 1995-07-17

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    Here there everywhere
  • Personal Motto
    È essenziale sempre dare il nostro migliore in ogni cose che faciamo
  • Interests
    MLP, soccer (WE call it football lol), music, MLP, animated comedy, philosophy.

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    Rainbow Dash
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. Merry Birthiversary! 

  2. Merry Birthiversary! 

  3. Well yes, but even then, a 'Jack' is the name for the flag flown at a ship's head; the one at the rear is called an ensign. But to be honest, as a Brit, it never really bugged me when people call it the Union Jack. I'm sure others would disagree though haha.
  4. #reignitingtheconvo For me it's got to be the Canadian Red Ensign - it just exudes class and looks beautiful when flying. Not only does it contain the already-flawless Union Flag in its canton, but the shield denotes the proud heritage of its settlers. Many Canadians still fly this flag out of protest against the Maple Leaf, considering this to be their true flag - and I couldn't agree more. It represents a country proud of its heritage and looks amazing!
  5. I wonder if those clothes will go on sale eventually
  6. Do you ever have one of those dreams where everything in it seems so real, and then wake up feeling like :baconmane: ??

    1. Barpy
    2. Lukington17


      I dreamt I went swimming with the mane 6, but Rainbow stayed behind with me when it got dark...woke up and was like wtf...

    3. Barpy


      Damn O.o only pony dream i ever had is that applejack was angry at her sister and then had 100 sisters.. no idea why xD

  7. I wasn't sure how to feel about this one...my initial reaction was that they did a good job of negotiating the scenario of lying to avoid hurting a friend's feelings (an age-old cliché), but then I stood back and thought about the whole episode. As some of you have pointed out, it was a bit repetitive seeing RD trying to fool Pinkie for essentially the entire episode, even if it did lend itself to some funny slapstick. It just seems wrong to have a pony like Rainbow immediately dispose of the pies that Pinkie had made - because it felt so insensitive, even for a sometimes-cocky pony like RD. I'm not sure that she was trying to be sweet in her actions for Pinkie, because she almost seems like she enjoys coming up with the ridiculous ways to make them disappear. Perhaps she doesn't; who knows what to believe now haha. She's my favourite character and she came across in a bad light in this episode; the attempt to justify her actions so as not to hurt her friend has been done before (see Honest Apple for one) and, even if it can be argued that it's morally justifiable, it leaves a sour taste because it's basically saying dishonesty is okay if it's well-intentioned. Would've been funny to see, for an alternate ending, Rainbow tries a bite of the 'concrete' pie to even things out, and of course has to see a doctor, learning the lesson that lying will come back to haunt you eventually. Still, I always like seeing Rainbow and Pinkie together, very cute!
  8. I believe today marks the 7th birthday of MLP:FiM so I extend a very happy birthday wish to the shoe that's brought us all such joy!

    bday mlp.png

  9. :( It's noticeable that the Mane Six are appearing altogether less and less in each episode (It Isn't the Mane Thing About You was a cute recent exception), and it's presumably because the writers think that their story arcs have been pretty much completed.  If so, that saddens me because a lot of shows run for many years with character development ever improving; thus the show appears to be coming to an end, as far as the Mane 6 are concerned.  What do you think?

  10. I just watched this one again, and I don't know what the hell I was on about earlier; the Wonderbolts are fine... still one of my favourite episodes. Rainbow's Element of Loyalty rang true with her parents in the end, which is why her outburst was so out-of-character, and she realised that herself minutes later. Cute how the protected little sis (Scootaloo) became the advisor. With the Mane Six appearing less and less in each episode (It Isn't the Mane Thing About You was a cute recent one), it seemed at times like their story arcs were pretty much completed - with that in mind, it was so nice to see a whole new aspect of Rainbow's character development.
  11. I suspect that Spitfire is a retired (or still serving) air force captain - her badges in Wonderbolts Academy reveal her rank - and is designated by the AF to oversee training of the cadets. Thus, she adopts a militaristic approach to training since it's what she knows and has been exposed to. The Wonderbolts themselves are most likely a flight demonstration squadron, like the Blue Angels, that can be called upon in times of war due to the military training they underwent as cadets. The topic of an Equestrian military has been a clear sidenote in this chat, but I'm still quite keen to know how having an Equestrian Air Force would assist in a battle - like, what do they do to each other up in the sky; they're not armed... Curious to know what you guys think?
  12. So having just watched The Perfect Pear, it's not really any clearer what exactly happened to them. Whilst it's almost certain they died sadly, it's deliberately avoided by the writers, who believe that such a tragic premise would not have been allowed on the show. Good episode though
  13. What's happened to Season 7?  The release dates aren't matching up and we haven't seen an episode since 'Not Asking for Trouble' !  Does anyone know, does the show have a break or something?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PinkiePie97


      The first half is over for them.

    3. Lukington17


      ah gotcha.  So what about where you are, when are the episodes scheduled to air for you? :o

    4. PinkiePie97


      Not Asking for Trouble airs this Saturday, then it goes on hiatus.

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