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Morning Glory

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Status Updates posted by Morning Glory

  1. About to go through 421 notification.. I don't even know if I can go that far back..

    1. Terra woodsland

      Terra woodsland


      bo burham's left brain/right brain from his special "what"

  2. I wonder if I can sleep with my eyes open.. experiment time

    1. Shadow Dash DJ Rod
    2. Roseluck1


      Wide open? I wouldn't recommend it :<


    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Don't even try. It hurts.

  3. Don't have time to type a long message so next best thing!! <3 I'll be on later, probably like 11 or so, if you're sleepy, sleep :3 Cause I would If I could x.x SLeep for me xD haha Anyways, byes <3 Havea good day lovie

    1. Roseluck1


      Commenting is the new hip thing? Awesome <:

      Alright, I suppose I'll see you in 6-ish hours <3

      I'd sleep for you, although I'm afraid I'll have to go out and about v.v;

      Either way, you have a good day too <3

  4. Nomming on unhealthy stuff is my forte ;D

    1. TheRockARooster
    2. Roseluck1


      Unhealthy, but too darn delicious ;~;

      Choclit <3

  5. I was like "Oh I'll go to bed at 8.. Then it was 9.. NOW ITS 10" what happened----

  6. My room is dark and my dog is growling at something in the distance and it's freaking me out---

    1. Nintenboy195


      Don't worry Miss, It'll be ok ^^

    2. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      probably just a monster, you'll be alright.

  7. I talk to my dog like "What're doing? You 'cited? Fluffy puppyyyyyy"

  8. Does anyone else sit in a public place listening to music and then suddenly you feel really epic when that drop comes around and you start smiling and people look at you like wtf kid? Just me? oh ok

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Morning Glory

      Morning Glory

      The question is, is that a good thing or bad thing

    3. Night Visions

      Night Visions

      Both. It was good because I was being complimented on my "maturity" and whatnot by some 30-year-old on the city bus. It was bad because I was being complimented on my "maturity" by some 30-year-old on the city bus.

    4. Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      im a dj, i get that all the time XD

  9. Brother throws a fit and breaks stuff, Grandpa gets upset at it, Grandma threatens to leave Grandpa.. HOW DOES MY FAMILY MAKE SENSE i don't understand

    1. Terra woodsland
    2. Morning Glory

      Morning Glory

      somehow I don't think so... because Friendship is Magic--- and nobody here is friends


      teehee i made a funny

    3. Shadow Dash DJ Rod
  10. Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?

  11. Dear Trash: at least you get picked up. Sincerely, Me.

    1. Fluttershyfan94
    2. Brobocop


      Another Forever Alone thing, I guess?

  12. I've reached the "Walking on eggs shells because I think I'll say something wrong and scare them away" phase...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morning Glory

      Morning Glory

      Yes ;~; So long as I don't say anything to scare someone away---

    3. Willow


      You wanna talk about it?

    4. Morning Glory

      Morning Glory

      Mm.. I appreciate it, but i'm just being anxious.. It should go away over time, it usually does.

  13. Sometimes, it's not the light in a person you fall in love with, but the dark. Sometimes, it's not the optimist you need, but another pessimist to walk beside you and know, absolutely know, that the sound in the dark is a monster, and it really is as bad as you think.

  14. Watching Shakira's dance videos make me wanna belly dance then i remember I can't so i just admire her

    1. SilyGeny


      Shakira truly is admirable :3

    2. Roseluck1


      So long as your hips don't lie it's all good <:

    3. Morning Glory

      Morning Glory

      My hips are terrible liars x.x

  15. I want more Rarity episodes ;~; or more Twilight episodes x.x I liked when we got to meet Shining Armor

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Terra woodsland

      Terra woodsland

      we need more discord!!!

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      We need any episodes. I mean any great and powerful episodes with Trixie.

    4. Terra woodsland

      Terra woodsland

      @Crypty Script

      Maybe something about how she came to be whom she is?

  16. All these "taken" people.. -crawls in the forever alone corner-

    1. Show previous comments  43 more
    2. HybridImages


      I will start getting the profile ready


    3. HybridImages


      So I can replace the purple one with the brown one but I will still keep the purple one =)

    4. power strike

      power strike

      i know how you feel....*hugs*

  17. People.. You realize OC's are Original Characters, therefore, claiming Octavia or any other slice of life character as your OC is incorrect.....

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Morning Glory

      Morning Glory

      Ah Okay I got it

    3. HybridImages


      Maybe you should try to draw something easy first like your OC's cutie mark anyways were getting off topic

    4. Morning Glory

      Morning Glory

      I can draw my OC's cutie mark... haha

  18. What I realized from my last status: I am NOT ready for requests x.x I was going to start a shop but now I'm like Nope nope nope

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HybridImages


      Basically my OC is my icon <3

    3. Morning Glory

      Morning Glory

      My hand hurts too much and my eyes hurt as well x.x And I'm hungry.. Lunch time!!


      Maybe possibly later if you send me a Pm i could do yours

    4. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      LoL. Big mug of hot nopes is my favorite.

  19. I need practice on drawing. Comment your OC. If an OC is too complicated for me, I'll try my best, but there's not guarantee.

  20. Nothing like japanese food for breakfast xD

  21. I'm off to the marvelous world of House MD <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Roseluck1


      Marathon all seasons

      Do the swag, be the yolo c:

    3. Morning Glory
    4. Terra woodsland

      Terra woodsland

      can't all the tvs are taken for holiday shows and movies :(

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