My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie
How did you find MLP Forums?: When I first became a fan I would spend most of my time searching for episodes and RPs (though I don't really roleplay to much)
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: It all started a few years back. I thought the show was pretty girly and usually stayed away from it, but that all changed when my cousins who lived in a different state came over. A younger female cousin asked if I wanted to see an episode, I said yes and we watched season four: Rarity takes Manehatten. It was really great and I really enjoyed it, so I started watching from the beginning until I had caught up with the current episodes. I spent alotta time on Netflix.
I like shows such as MLP (Obviously), Gravity Falls, and Steven Universe, and as a side thing I used to watch Doctor Who while catching up on the episodes and I really loved the episodes with David Tennant. I like playing the piano, though I don't really want to play it professionally or take lessons. I like many different video games, basically if I can play it I most likely will at least once. I love 80s music, though it annoys the heck out of my sister. I'm a giant fan of Queen and my favorite member is either Freddie or John. I'm planning on becoming an actress and/or a voice actress. I am a mormon and I live in America. And I spend alotta time on Tumblr and I'm not extremely outgoing when I first meet someone. My birthday is in October and yeah I guess that's it.