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crispy fries

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Everything posted by crispy fries

  1. @@Illiad Easle, @@cwhip9, @@Bracket Sparks, @@Wolves, @@Mentis Soliloquy, @@The Cerberus, Redwood decided to go up and introduce herself next. "Howdy, y'all, mah name's Redwood, and ah just moved here from Appleoosa last month. Mah Ma and Pa are in th' army, and ah'm th' toughest filly around. One day, ah'm gonna join th' army like them and th' rest of mah family."
  2. @@The Pixelated Pony, "No, y'all didn't do nothin', but maybe y'all can draw me a little afterwards," grinned Redwood before she grabbed Fire and began kissing him passionately. As she did so, Redwood reached out with one hoof and flicked off the lights. It seemed crazy to her, but Redwood didn't care too much.
  3. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Hey, Riley, can we get a little... privacy?" asked Redwood. Even though she would absolutely never admit it, Redwood got lonely sometimes. It had been far too long since she had been with somepony, and she was very much in need of an outlet for her emotions.
  4. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Surprise and pleasure in mah face? Yeah, ah'll admit there was some pleasure, but ah think all th' surprise was in Fire's, considerin' how red he was." Riley was reacting to this about how Redwood figured she'd be, and it was good that she was going along with it.
  5. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Careful now, Gadget's probably gonna be pissed if hears y'all did that," said Redwood. "And ah think Fire might be a little jealous of y'all too. Have y'all seen th' drawin's he did of me?" It seemed unlike Riley to outright kiss her though, even if she was doing it as a joke.
  6. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Ah might've given him a little peck to make him feel better," answered Redwood. It seemed like Fire would be too overwhelmed to tell Riley how it had really been, but Redwood thought that she would understand, considering her relationship with Gadget.
  7. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Oh, we already got some meds fer Fire, but thanks," said Redwood, acting as if absolutely nothing happened. "Anyways, how are y'all doin', Riley?" It seemed funny that Fire hid back under the bed because he was blushing, rather than because she had kissed him.
  8. @@The Pixelated Pony, It felt like time had quite literally slowed down for this moment, and Redwood figured that Fire was behind it. "Y'know, yer real cute when y'all blush like that," she said. Redwood thought back to when Riley went haywire and kissed her, and that brief moment when she kissed back, and it felt similar to this.
  9. @@The Pixelated Pony, "How's this fer motivation?" said Redwood before she grabbed Fire and have him a long kiss, tongue and everything. Really, she wasn't entirely sure why she was doing this. Maybe it seemed like the best way to keep Fire around, maybe she understood what he was going through and knew how terrible it was, or maybe she was doing it for her own benefit.
  10. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Y'all got Militia trainin', and that makes y'all real valuable to us. Ah know that off th' field, yer clumsy and goofy, but when it comes time fer action, yer capable, and ah've seen it mahself. Besides, Echo's short a pony too." Redwood was taking a bit of a chance by putting Fire on Echo, but she was sure it would be worth it.
  11. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Fire, it looked like y'all had some potential, but it turns out that y'all got a whole lot more than ah thought. With a little personal guidance, ah think yer gonna make a damn fine addition to Echo Squad." While he definitely had skills, Fire still had plenty of room for improvement.
  12. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Well, we ain't th' Militia. We don't burn down towns or slaughter innocents, and y'all could use what y'all learned like how y'all did durin' th' op. And y'know what? Ah hear Militia trainin' is good. Real good. Echo Squad good." If Fire was trained like he said he was, he could prove to be invaluable.
  13. @@The Pixelated Pony, Keeping her hoof around Fire's shoulder, Redwood said, "Y'know, back when ah was nineteen and just made it to Ranger, mah until got ambushed by raiders. We had to hole up in a ruined building, and th' fightin' lasted fer two hours until th' raiders figured we weren't worth it. Ah took two bullets in th' leg and was stuck in that building, and ah had to watch while th' ponies in mah unit who weren't already dead bleed out."
  14. @@The Pixelated Pony, Fire was a wreck, so Redwood put her hoof around his shoulder. "Listen, this probably ain't th' first time y'all lost somepony, and ah can almost guarantee it ain't gonna be th' last." She then took a set of dog tags from her coat that belonged to Jenny and handed them to Fire.
  15. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Ah'm dealin' with him right now," she said, pointing under the bed. "Yer dismissed." Redwood then turned her attention Fire and said, "Y'all were wounded and outta commission, there wasn't anythin' y'all could've done to help Jenny. It's a hard pill to swallow, but it's somethin' y'all just gotta accept."
  16. @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood followed Fire back into his room and bent down so she could talk to him. "Fire, ah've been down th' road yer on right now, and listen to me: it ain't yer fault that she died and it shouldn't have been y'all in her place. Jenny knew th' risks, and she died fightin' fer somethin' important."
  17. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Th' op was successful fer th' most part though. We got rid of th' outpost, and our casualties were minor enough. Sierra made it out unscathed, we lost two from Delta, and one from Echo. Fillin' a spot on Delta is easy enough, but ah'm gonna have to do some searchin' fer somepony to fill th' spot on Echo."
  18. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Yeah, y'all might wanna wash yerself off," said Redwood. She had to admit that Fire had fought bravely, and he did a much better job than anypony would have expected, especially Knifepoint. It was looking like Redwood didn't make a mistake in transferring him after all.
  19. @@Dapper Charmer, @@reader8363, Redwood kissed Hooligan on the cheek and chuckled a bit at how fast things had gone. "Ah guess we both work pretty fast." It was admirable of Hooligan that he didn't run and hide at the news that she was pregnant, and he even went so far as to propose to her.
  20. @@Gamer_KM, @, Redwood slowly approached the car with her shotgun drawn, but before she could reach it something else caught her attention. The area right next to the road was flooded, and Redwood could hear a low growl coming from the water. She looked over and saw a pair of eyes that clearly belonged to animal, and a big one at that. Without hesitation she took off sprinting in the other direction. "Gizmo, get yer ass in gear!" yelled Redwood. A massive alligator nearly the size of a bus erupted from the water, and it was hungry. It easily shoved aside the car that Allegory was hiding behind, and opened its mouth to reveal a menacing set of jagged teeth.
  21. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Y'all took a couple bullets and ah had to carry y'all back here," said Redwood. "Oh, by th' way, th' doc said that y'all should take a couple of these, and yer horn should grow back by tomorrow mornin'." She handed Fire a small unmarked bottle of pills from her coat.
  22. @@The Pixelated Pony, Sierra Squad regrouped with Echo Squad and Delta Squad, and they began the hike back to the ship. Fire had done a much better job than Redwood thought he would, and Knifepoint was even more surprised. The whole way back, Redwood carried Fire on her back.
  23. @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood picked up Fire and said, "Everypony, retreat out th' back entrance! Sierra's coverin' our exit!" Echo Squad and Delta Squad began their retreat from the outpost, making it out safety through the back thanks to Sierra Squad. Once they were a safe distance away, Redwood gave an order to Sierra through her radio, and just a few seconds after, the outpost went up in flames.
  24. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Fire, can y'all box in th' last of th' Milita troops in one place?" said Redwood, still firing at the onslaught of soldiers. Echo Squad and Delta Squad could only last so long, and they needed to retreat soon. Luckily, even if they weren't able to clear out the outpost like this, Redwood had a plan in place.
  25. @@The Pixelated Pony, "Get a medic on Fire," ordered Redwood without looking away from the Militia soldier she was shooting. Echo Squad's medic got Fire behind cover and began to tend to his wounds. "That's probably gonna grow back," he said as he looked at his horn. "Sierra, how's our exit lookin'?" said Redwood into her radio. "Better do it quick before reinforcements get here," ca,e the response.
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