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About Kozmos

  • Birthday 1998-06-10

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    Kozmos (Jacob M)
  • Fimfiction
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  • Interests
    Ponies (duh)
    Eating xD

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Parasprite (4/23)


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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

  2. Merry Birthiversary!

  3. Merry Birthiversary! 

  4. Merry Birthiversary! 

  5. Merry Birthiversary!

  6. I'm bored... why you leave me motivation?

  7. Just finished a mad rush at work, phew! But in the process, I injured myself :( I am OK though ;)

  8. Just finished a mad rush at work (phew!)

  9. This is sounding really cool man, awesome job! And you are most welcome! IMO, for the outro, you should've only used PurpleRoselyn's vocals as it would've sounded better and not a mess of outer-synced vocals
  10. Hey man!I read your critique of regarding the lyrics, I just want to say I agree with you, to an extent, regarding them being cheesy. And I was wondering if you'd be interested in helping me with writing lyrics in the future?
  11. Hey Cloudie! Welcome to MLPForums! You seem like a very friendly person xD And you're going to meet a lot of like-minded people here! And I agree, coffee is the cure for any situation, even if you're sick of coffee, just drink more coffee! xD
  12. Heyo! I recently got back into rapping after a year of hiatus, and I'm excited to get back into rapping. I'm also really excited to collab with the many fantastic artists/musicians in this fandom. Here's some of the songs that I've done: https://youtu.be/3xhi3m70kBQ https://youtu.be/bRUrFRsvGx8 If you wanna collab, or ask me questions, feel free to PM me
  13. I don't have anything as of know, but in the future, if I do, I'll let you know
  14. I did a thing with someone...

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