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  • Birthday 1997-11-02

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    Cars, ponies, games

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  1. I always thought that it was sort of an exaggeration of how many pedophiles there are on the internet, but now that I'm learning a bit of information about it, there are really quite a lot. Not referring to this website, to another one.

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    2. Malinter


      I find it rather worrying that in some countries the age of consent is alot lower than it is in my own country and what gets you arrested here is a cultural norm elsewhere.

    3. Phanact


      Yeah I'm sure there are some here, but I'd rather not find out tbh


      And as far as I'm concerned, I have to follow my legal age of consent in my country lol

    4. Malinter


      Ofc, another sad irony is that there are young people who choose to flout the age of consent anyway, seeing it as just something that gets in their way instead off as something meant to protect them. This is a pretty dangerous attitude for them to have both for themselves and the person they are with if they are with.

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