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Everything posted by FanOfManyShows

  1. @Blitz Boom He nodded at her as he followed her out. "Understandable. But they won't need me saying that to make them think I am a threat..." He grumbled lightly, before sighing. "The chains are alright however, but when there is a threat and I could sense it's exact location without them is, irritating. Anyway... progress is progress." He said, 'progress is progress' a phrase he had mentioned to himself nearly every day thus far in the reformation. ======================================= "Yes, it is nice of her to give us a lift here, in this.... public location." Astral said awkwardly, glancing to Rose, Chow was partially mistaken as it was Rose who took them back, as she gave a light smile, which would cue that she was the teleporter. "Anyway, best we contact one of the generals, who would be best? Maybe General Iron Wing?" "Er, he's out of commission due to an injury-" Rose bit her lip, that wasn't public information yet- "You didn't hear that!" She blurted out- what was she referring to- She didn't... she didn't say anything? "Iron wing may not be a good idea is all..." Astral shook her head, she was really thrown off after that moment, it's like they heard her say something but then forgot. "A-anyway, any other ideas?" "What's wrong, she just said General Iron Wing is injured and you're just going to forget?" Misty mentioned, Rose glaring intensely, with a strange hint of fury. Seems Misty knowing was unintended...
  2. @Blitz Boom Chariot sighing as he could sense the hooves being set down on the subject of the chains, especially since they just said they wouldn't budge "She is an enemy of mine, but we'd be aligned on finding the elements of disharmony at least, doesn't sound like I have a say either way however" ===================================================== The concern over her was rather appreciated as Astral chuckled to herself "I'm good Chow, I haven't done that before is all." But then he kept talking, reformation? She looked to the side as she processed this information, in a strange way Chariot would have never been reformed if she never let him free, she shook her head, looking at Chow. "Very well, maybe this Shadow Streak also deserves a chance at good too." An unexpected response, to be sure, as Rose looked really caught off guard. "Isn't he your enemy? A-and Shadow Streak really couldn't be reformed-" "Yes but if he's been reformed obviously it's because he shows promise, and I only want to consider Shadow open to change, not that you should ever get back with him if that happens." Something boiled inside Rose, she was silent for a while after, as Astral wandered around- "Well we should go back to tell the guard about Shadow, make this easier on us." Astral nodded and stood near, along with Misty, assuming Chow would step near, they would be off at Canterlot, arriving at a plaza.
  3. @Blitz Boom The look from Hogweed gave him the hint, but he couldn't take it back now, there was still that egotism he still had to get over and saying things like that wouldn't help. "Powerful Illusions and tricks from the Element of Lies, and the Element of Depression saps the joy of others and gives the user more power, in affect similar to changelings." ======================== "He certainly wouldn't expect that, so go right ahead." Suddenly Astral jerked backwards and fell onto the forest floor, stumbling about before she got upright. "Wow returning to the body is more forceful than I thought!" She brushed off the dust, and looked to the group. "That method would take days to use, we should just report this to the guard and they might be able to help us, or they will handle it themselves." "But wouldn't finding the elements first be better?" "We need them to tell us, and seeing how basically nopony alive knows, we can't." "Except Chariot." Misty blurted out, having not spoken for a while managed to startle Rose. "Uhm, no chance am I going to him for help with this. He probably can't even sense them in those chains."
  4. @Blitz Boom So that can do it then! I guess that's easy to figure out in story. We can continue then.
  5. @Blitz Boom Ya know what you're right about the fact Sapphire was inside the Element of Deceit. The reason for this element being in play is it's illusions and such, But the element Shadow Streak has to be a different one entirely since there can't be two of one element. That scene of Opal stealing it in my first post also has to be different if we can't use that element too, it has to be a different one entirely. I can't think of what other element would work other than the Element of Deceit basically, The renaming to Element of Lies is just me thinking it sounds cool however. I don't really like retconning but if I could make it something confusing within the story itself that has to be a mystery to be solved could also be fun, But for now, Warlock's blurry senses and Astral mistaking the element for another can be explained I'm sure. This will mean I may postpone replying until us two can figure out a feasible explanation in the story.
  6. @Blitz Boom "To ease you all on this, if I really wanted to cause trouble I would have already, such as in my prime I would've taken Hogweed here out with ease, without magic." He said, gesturing to her with his prosthetic hoof. "Anyway, I know of all but one of the elements of disharmony from my research before I was petrified, there are six in total, as part of a balance against the elements of harmony; Greed, Lies, Betrayal, Depression, Cruelty, the only one that stumped me over all was what is the Element of Magic's counterpart, so I am clueless about what that one is or where it is." He paused for a moment, seeming a bit more collected than earlier. "The ones I sensed have similar magic to ones I've sensed before, Depression and Lies. But it's fuzzy to me due to the anti-magic restraints." He said, always feeling it necessary to mention the restraints on his senses thus far, he wanted to make that clear, it bothered him more that they asked him such things while them knowing theses, senses, where restricted. "As of now, if my research is still accurate, the Element of Lie should be bottled dust, so I am not sure why I sensed it." ====================================================== Now Chow may not have known, But harm to Astral's form would return her to her body instantly, so she wasn't the least worried as she zoomed through the forest at rapid speeds, but she'd be gone for quite a while. "His weakness is his ego, fittingly enough. Physically; yes his legs would probably work, but also aim for the horn with a Unicorn, they are really sensitive due to their importance in the body."
  7. @Blitz Boom He would remain silent, allowing the incident to pass over, as he's had far worse done to insult him so far. He observed the generals office, taking it in, his ears twitching as he holds his head. "Could we also discuss removing these chains?" he whispered quietly to Hogweed. "I can't stand having my senses blurred like this." ============================== "Chow, the snake eyes are new." She jutted out, with his unmentioned name sticking out. "All of this about him is new." "The elements aren't innately corrupt, I can use them safely." Astral cleared a small spot. "I have an idea, but it will take me a moment." She sits down, facing away from the group. "If I enter an Astral form I could theoretically search really quickly for him." She said, before starting to meditate on him. "Maybe if I focus on his magic-" Invisible to them, she was shoved out of her body as she suddenly entered Astral form. "Oh, that was easy, now, where is he?" Her form whizzed by Chow in a seemingly random direction, causing Chow to feel a light breeze, and a hint of Astral's essence.
  8. @Blitz Boom "Being ready isn't always possible. But I do desire to make sure this threat is dealt with. So yes I am ready." ============================= "Well I trusted him before he got power hungry." Rose jutted in. "This is, I'm not sure what got him like this." "Whatever the reason, what would he go after next?" "Uhm, want to turn in the first two elements first?" "I can use them against him. Gives us an upper hand against him..." She looked around, taking a moment to try and sense magic nearby. But she couldn't shake off something. "I can't sense the magic from these." she looked to the gems in her hoof. "But I sense it from you." She looked to Rose, who looked nervously around. "Do, do you somehow have them?" "N-no, maybe your senses are wrong." Those words dug into everypony's minds, an intrusion, but then that sense vanished, feeling like it belonged "Maybe, I've not had this happen before so perhaps that is possible... anyway! I need to think... What does the kingdom not have under protection? Which one is not in Canterlot right now...." She started pacing, wondering aloud.
  9. @Blitz Boom "Any more time to get used to it, seeing what we might be facing." He bent the joint and felt how sturdy it is, and decided out of curiosity to balance on just that leg. ============================ Astral looked at Chow, reading him for a moment. "Yeah they are called the Elements of Disharmony. These are two of them, surprised you don't recognize this one." She said, lifting up the element of depression, holding the element of lies in the other hoof. "I imagine he hid the other one in his cloak but I sensed it's magical energy." "How does that work?" "I can sense magic, these emit magic." "Interesting." She looked away, Rose walking off a bit. "Then- can you sense his energy?" Astral thought a moment. "No, ponies are different. He won't give off any magic without an enhancement." She looked to Chow. "Also if I see him I'll let you act first, you seemed disappointed about me reacting so quickly."
  10. @Blitz Boom He put off an air of confidence, burying his nervousness about the situation. "I sensed what may be two elements of disharmony, though these cuffs inhibit my focus, making it hard to discern where they are." He said, lifting a hoof up to show them. "But I don't ask to have them removed, knowing the answer." He took a moment to let them digest this information, before continuing. "However I do sense the elements in Canterlot- Wait." his eyes scanned the horizon, looking to the Everfree. "It just moved to the Everfree Forest.." ====================================== After Chow spoke they teleported to the Everfree, arriving in front of a hut that must be Rose's home. Coming face to face with Shadow Streak. "Oh hello, come to apolo-" Astral suddenly shot out a spell which unraveled into chains that bound him instantly, holding up the element for them to see. "Where did you get this?" "I got it from Opal Luck, a pitifully weak general, even with two of these." "Two? Right, element of depression." The chains grasped the amulet, and started pulling it away, as suddenly the chains exploded into a burst of magic, revealing a pair of burning red wings, resembling a spell that Warlock made. "I am however not as weak as her, nor Warlock, these elements provide more power in my hooves then- GAH!" Suddenly a blast of magic hit the amulet as he was knocked away, leaving two broken amulets on the ground, a green gem inside it.one, and a blue in the other. Misty lowered her hoof and snatched both, holding them close. "You're mean!" He glared, looking to the four. "There are but more of those. Good luck finding them before I do." And he vanished once again, Rose stepped forward. "What are those?!" She said, spinning around to the group "A-and how do we get them all before he does? L-like maybe the canterlot guard can keep them in security?"
  11. @Blitz Boom "I wasn't necessarily asking I be let loose, any one of you could just follow along to keep me in check." He got up as they went out to meet Colonel Syringe, occasionally pausing to test the joint of the leg, when they would get there, Chow would let Hogweed speak the first words to the Colonel. ======================================= Astral would wait till after the exchange with Chow and his helper, before she looked to the mare with the potions on her and gestured to her. "We're going to what seems to be her ex's home to help her with that, what's your name by the way?" The mare extended her hoof to Astral, shaking it, before reaching to Chow's hoof, and then Misty's "Rose Brewer. I'm a potion maker who moved here, more to escape him than anything else." "Alright Rose, well we'll make sure he's brought in after this, as well as find out where he got the element from." "What are those anyway?" "Er- I'll explain when we get there." "Oh! Well I can teleport us right now if you want, you just have to stand near." With that Astral stood closer, Misty as well, Astral gesturing for Chow to get closer.
  12. @Blitz Boom He thought to himself, focusing on the element. "Well it's hazy, and I ain't about to try and convince you to remove the cuffs so I can sense it better." Somewhere in canterlot was a blurry spot, two hot spots that were setting off Astral and Warlock at the same time, Astral able to sense magic can feel it. And it was conflicting, they aren't meant to be used at the same time. "Something bad if a Element of Disharmony. In all my years of research I never once saw them used for good, If you want I could potentially deal with whoever it is." ==================================== "Opal went off with the element of depression last I saw her, this magic is similar- but more powerful, so definitely a power ripple." She looked outside for a moment. "And Close." There was a pony outside, carrying potions and gems on her, while Misty wandered up to the shop. "What's up?" "I sense some Elements near, by their magic." "Oh! Could it be Warlock?" "Opal more likely, since Warlock is imprisoned." She said, still not having heard about his reform. Two deep green eyes stared at Astral from the pony wandering by. "Oh! Shadow Streak!" they cried out looking to a tall stallion suddenly walked up, with a thin form and a red mane, a black furred body with a thick torso, wearing a dark cloak with a red outline around it, wiping their mane to reveal a longhorn. Astral wandered outside to the right, standing by the entrance, but watching this unfold. "Yes my dear, I came for you." His horn sparked with a red magic as his eyes glowed a green, similar to a dark magic used by Sombra. "With a new accessory." He moved aside a part of his cloak, revealing- the Element of Lies?! (Shadow Streak) Suddenly Astral blasted him aside the face, as he growled in pain, before looking her way, snarling. "Where did you get that?!" Astral cried out, holding her hoof out ready to cast another spell Suddenly he was swallowed by a cloud of green and vanished, the mare with the potions running over to Astral. "Wow you really scared him off." "That's-" She shook her head- the sense of a close magic wasn't gone, in fact it got closer to her, but she wasn't sure why. "I suppose I did, where could he have gone?" "Well we used to be together and that guy was a jerk. I can show you where his home is." Astral looks into the shop to Chow. "Want to go on a brief adventure?" "Brief? He won't be easy to fend off-" "Trust me, I've fought sorcerers before."
  13. @Blitz Boom Guess I really am making a comeback here. Hope I remember all the character colors/text stylings I chose.
  14. @Blitz Boom Opal was searching for what felt like a year after she disappeared with the Element of Depression, she needed the Element of Lies to become more powerful, since she lacked a depressed characteristic. Astra on the other hand, finally separated that last piece of Emerald's soul inside of Chow during training, it flew off as a small glowing cloud and she never saw where it went. Warlock was testing his leg, bending it and seeing how it moved, wishing inside that he could use magic to assist- but he thought again that maybe not using magic was fine sometimes. Smashing down a wall, it all clicked, Opal saw it infront of her, solving a riddle and finding an ancient ruin. "Finally, the Element of Lies, now no lie of mine can be seen..." It appeared to be a bottle with a deep green powder, but she understood through her means, that it was a poor attempt at destroying it. She strapped a leather band around the top of the bottle and turned it into a makeshift necklace, transporting herself away. Meanwhile, Hogweed suddenly saw Warlock's eyes glow as he paused, tilting his head as he thought. "Strange, I've never sensed that element before." He looked to Hogweed, realizing he said that aloud "Er- We may have trouble incoming." Astra was just standing in Chow's shop for the time being, when her eyes glowed, as she shook her head. "Opal is back." She said, looking to Chow.
  15. @Blitz Boom You too man Can't say if I will regain interest in the future, best thing I see is if I do regain interest, I'd take it slower rather than having big world ending plots.
  16. @Blitz Boom It has been a while and feels a bit too long of a wait to only give you only this but I don't have too much motivation nor interest to continue it unfortunately, Sorry about that, that and life finally caught up and I'm worried this will be too much work to continue, and I keep forgetting to post so frequently I might as well and yeah I'd like to continue the story to the end but it feels like it's just being dragged on too (by me mostly), so I'm just saying this so I don't just silently leave the rp. Hopefully you didn't have too much intended for it that's going to go to waste without me, if there is I'd love to hear it anyway. Edit: did Dji change their name? I would've mentioned them here but I wasn't able to.
  17. @Blitz Boom "She's incaporial, you couldn't physically throw her" He sounded serious, with a smirk that seemed to hint he was joking "But sure, I'll teleport you there." "I'll stay here, I don't want to get hurt in battle, it'd be safer." Iron looked to Misty, sighing. "I can't in a good mind leave you alone, you're young." "Yeah so?" "It won't look good, might even be more dangerous." "What if you came back to look after me while Chow and Astral are away?" Iron looked to Chow, and then at Misty. "Sure, I can do that." He stepped closer to Chow. "I'll be right back." He said, teleporting away to follow Astral ==================================== "I've never really thought anything was wrong." General wing said as he followed "Maybe only nitpick stuff but that's about it." ==================================== Chariot gave her a deadpan look as she talked, smiling a bit. "Reforming officer does sound better than prison guard doesn't it?" He glanced away and thought a bit. "and yeah I'd like water." He said, looking back to her ==================================== Opal arrived first, entering the room, looking around to see Astral not there. "Excuse me madam?" She walked up to Null and Void. "Where is the element of Greed?" She whispered ===================================== @Dji Zealous looked at her, not saying much as she ordered her items, paying little attention to the tools for his horn. "Anywhere else you plan to go?"
  18. @Blitz Boom She looked to Chow, smirking a bit as she chuckled to herself "So there wasn't a point in letting her blackmail me then. Though if I know where she's going I can figure out what she's doing" "Still feels foolish, not all the guards would know after all." Iron looked to Chow, looking a bit distraught at his question "Before Sapphire met me, she'd do anything to get what she wants, now in the situation she's in, she might very well return to those habits to get her body. But I also know what they need to do it." "you suggesting we find it for them?" "Possibly, but with this weird guard thing happening just now... Not sure if we should." Astral rolled her eyes and looked to Chow and Misty. "I'm probably good for now with magic, I could handle this other situation. Iron, I trust you, for now." She glanced at him, then at the ground nervously. "Seeing how you didn't run away when you had a chance. Now to find out where Null and Void are, unfortunately we don't know their current location." He smirked and walked back inside, looking to Astral. "You seem to forget I could find out." His eyes turned white for a moment, before they turning back to normal. "The hospital apparently." "Oh, well I'll go find them then" she said, teleporting away. Opal laughed to herself, looking down from the roof of Astrals house. "That mare isn't as smart as I thought, only protecting her door." She chuckled again, teleporting to the hospital. ======================================= "Magic probably." He chuckled as he looked to the map, rubbing the back of his head. "How is it there?" He looked to Tidal Wave. "Oh wait, we'll find out when we get there I suppose" ======================================= "Why are you sorry for me?" Chariot chuckled to himself. "Far as I'm concerned I deserve this." He lowered his head, but kept a weird smile, as if he was ensured by something, but it didn't appear he was planning anything "But I can handle it here." ======================================= @Dji Zealous looked around, taking all the stuff in, a neutral expression to all the items, seemingly uninterested. "Keep in mind I know less about all of this than you do." He said, looking to Watts
  19. @Blitz Boom So, a certain pony might know where null and void are, so I ask where that is, so that character can say it.
  20. @Blitz Boom Misty sat down on a couch. "Yeah doesn't look good, honestly even I'm not sure why they'd team up. Maybe sapphire convinced him." Upstairs, Astral was pacing from one side of the room to the other. "She's lying!" "If she was I'd not had been there as long as I was." Astral got up close to him, looking away and grumbling. "Why would you help them?" She stuttered in her anger, holding back just punching him "They desired their own bodies back, I'd figure if they accomplished that with my help, they'd stop hurting others." Astral stepped back, grumbling, her eyes glowed as her ears perked up. "Did they follow you?" "No- why should that matter?" "The barrier triggered again." Iron looked at Astral surprised. "Well I suppose you didn't know then." ============================ "Well seeing as we don't have much to do for now, as far as I know- I can tag along." General Wing stood up, walking over to the door. "Might need help finding it though." ============================= Opal nodded and smiled "I have my own errand to do anyway." She smirked at chariot, who gave a weak smile to her. "hopefully this one can be dealt with soon." She went back up, instead of returning to the generals, she went outside and teleported somewhere- ================================= When Astral went back down to see the door, she instead saw Opal standing there when she opened it. "Hello mam' I have a few questions about this thing, called the Element of Greed." Astral glared at Opal, sensing something powerful from her. "I don't know what you're talking about..." Opal narrowed her eyes. "Well if you don't I suppose I can just tell the guards here there's an earth pony using magic." She smirked at Astral. She stepped through the barrier as Opal walked back down the steps "I gave it away to two ponies, called Null and Void." Opal smiled and turned around. "That was so easy wasn't it?" She said, before teleporting away. This conversation wouldn't go unheard by Chow, seeing how close it was to the door. ================================== @Dji Zealous turned around to her. "To be fair I might've not been that door in particular. Would've been too easy." He chuckled to himself as he entered first into the place.
  21. @Blitz Boom While I am usually not able to post often, this time I just wanted to let you know I will be gone for three days so I won't be able to reply immediately, but again, I know I don't do that anyway
  22. @Blitz Boom Iron looked up at Chow and smiled a bit. "At least you're not asleep, Astral must've-" He walked forward, and hit something, sparking his mane and causing a barrier in the air to glow Mister walked over, pausing as she saw this happen. "Iron, did you beat them?" "Not exactly, it didn't go that way, I'd like to discuss it inside, since I suspect that Astral-" "Step away from him!" Misty looked back to Astral, whose eyes glowed, brows currled down as she stared Iron with a death glare. "Well this is fantastic, your rejuvenated." She walked forward until she was face to face with Iron "I know that you're working for them now, you did trigger that barrier that I literally set up to keep allies of her out of here." Iron smirked and looked away. "Glad you're smart to recognize when not to trust me, but surely I'd have a good reason?" "We need to talk about it then, and you need to have a good reason for it." "I do" He glanced to Chow. "Do you have anything to sa-" "Don't get him involved Iron, this is you and me now." "Then let me inside, so we can discuss this away from him." The barrier dropped, Iron sighing and walking straight upstairs. "Come on." Misty looked at them as they headed upstairs, looking to Chow. "So uuhhhh, weather's nice right?" ============================================ Sapphire looked to Emerald, then looking away, sighing deeply "I should retreat into the element then. It'd let me avoid wasting magic, but it'll mean I can't help you, you can figure things out though I'm sure." Her form retreated, and her gem gently floated down, plenty of time for Emerald to catch it. ============================================= "I'd still be nervous doing anything in a court, my word would have a lot of power there, even if I was only a witness, even more so actually, being a general now." He sat down on a chair across from her. "But I'm sure I can figure things out." ============================================= Chariot sat near the bars of the cell, looking to Opal "Why not go get it now?" "I need to be here to make sure they send you, or at least I'm sure I do need to be here." "So you could leave without reason." He grinned at her "Coercing me to leave so soon?" She cooed at him, Chariot looking the other way, grumbling. "Oh come on, you know you like me." "I'd rather not stay in here any longer talking to you." He looked back to her. "Go talk to Astral about this." "Will do, after they return." She chuckled as Chariot grumbled more, looking forward to the opposite wall, waiting a few minutes for the guards to return. ================================================ @Dji "That does not make you any more trustworthy, if anything it makes you less trustworthy." He walked down ahead of her before turning around. "Now where is this place?"
  23. @Blitz Boom "You do realize what happened before I met her right?" She picked up the diary and put it back on the table."I mean, it took her a while to adjust since she figured somepony would come for me." She paused, looking to Chow. "But nopony did. So she ended having to be who she was waiting for." It was easy to hear the somber tone she was speaking with, she opened the book and read the passage. "Of course this is when she hadn't come to that realization by this point in the diary, But honestly, we're in more of a sister relationship." ================================ Iron nodded, and without much thought, he teleported away, arriving at the door of Astral's house. "Well at least she's protective of it." He knocked on the door, sighing to himself. "Could've let my teleportation enter though." Sapphire looked to Emerald. "So are we to do the rest on our own?" ================================ He chuckled as she spoke, while he didn't mind the gossip, it wasn't in his mind to do it himself. "I'm thinking I won't be that involved with the trial myself, outside of being a witness unless you think I should set it up, then I'd be lacking in that territory." ================================ Opal stepped closely to the cell, narrowing her eyes as she whispered "Before they come back-" "I do not know where it is." Chariot said quietly "Okay jeez, you going to read my mind every time I talk?" Chariot chuckled, rolling his eyes "Listen, I've deceived ponies plenty, It's not hard to see your intentions." Opal smirked and chuckled. "Great, then you can at least tell me where it last was." "Some two mares have it as I know. Unfortunately I can't recall their names. Unless you want to ask the last holder of it, Astral Star, she's here in Canterlot." Opal chuckled and leaned against the wall next to the cell. "Good to know." ================================ @Dji Enigma smirked to himself, following her. "Good, you aren't going to rob me." He said, wearing an expression that made it clear he was joking.
  24. @Blitz Boom Not even reading the first entry, she skipped to the end, and grumbling a bit. "Okay so there's no gossip on you." She chuckled and read over it. "Because she hasn't written since even before our whole adventure began, but that makes sense since she's not really good at keeping track of time." She closed it, throwing it onto the table. "Guess it won't be as-" She was cut off as the book had slid across the table and fell on the floor. "Whoops." She leant back, looking to Chow. "Ahem, it won't be that entertaining to read." ======================== Iron rolled his eyes as he thought over it. "Fine fine." He sighed which turned into a yawn. He'd been expending a lot of magic today, and it was getting to him. "Time for the extraction I suppose." Sapphire looked to Emerald, asking for a proceeding with her expression, seeing how they'd misunderstood a lot of the magic involved. The element sparked, Sapphire straining soon after. "Agh, this is sudden." She held it with a hoof, gritting her teeth. Iron looked at her curiously, before shrugging it off. "Might be strained from using magic repeatedly. Just a thought." ======================== "Warlock!?" She was excited, intrigued and also, questioning all with one word. "I'd not really be the best choice for such a thing, that guy- All the things I heard about him-" she turned away and chuckled under her breath, it'd be barely audible even if it was heard. "I wouldn't be the best choice." The General narrowed his brows, sighing. "Well at least you know the danger here. So you can be careful." She looked to them and grinned. "My talent is luck, there is no way I'd be in danger-" "Then is this really a problem?" She paused, glancing a bout. "I suppose not." She shrugged and turned around. "I'll go out and let them know then!" General Wing watched as she went off to tell them, looking to Tidal Wave. "She is an odd one." ====================== Opal made her way down there, weirdly cheerful about meeting Warlock, pausing in front of his cell as she wore a expression of fear, a false one. Chariot sat there, looking up to her. "Deceit." Opal looked confused at him, glancing about but dropping her false fear. "Sorry what?" He chuckled and moved closer to the bars. "What are you here for?" "You need to be prepped for transport." He frowned as she said that, he was able to read her lying appearance, but the words expressed truth. "Disappointing, I was getting accustomed to this cell." Opal smirked "Well good, chances are you'll be put back in here after." ======================= @Dji "Both. I care and I don't care that I do. It's going to sound complicated that way but that is how it is." Engima looked to the alley, walking ahead of her, seeing what she intended. "So why are we here?
  25. @Blitz Boom She looked at him, curious yet also surprised that such a word was a swear. She'd figure something like that would be, safer. "It's not like I need to know that though." She picked up a book she saw on the table and looked to the cover. "Oh interesting, Astral wrote a diary." She turned slowly to Chow, her look without words asking the question she pondered. 'Wanna read it?'' =========================== Sapphire chuckled as she watched Iron pull out the book. "This sounds weirdly easy." Iron glanced at her. "What sounds easy can be hard to perform." He said this will pulling out the specified book, pulling together everything he could gather. "Even if the soul escapes we could just find something else." He scanned the words of the book, every letter and in between that might risk failure if missed, you could see the calculations in his eyes.While reading it he got things together, Sapphire finding a stick and lighting it with a simple spell.The interior of the crystal glowed as he spent whatever magic was left inside while casting the spell, and then a soul ripped it's way out of the rat. With a eerily similar appearance to Emerald's own form currently. Eventually they got it inside the crystal with some time and a lot of trying to catch it ===================================== The general let out a breath of relief, as if he'd been holding his breath the entire time. "Really?" "Because I can't handle this persona of a general, I'm not used to doing more than pointing a stick at somepony while giving orders, let alone an entire army. Yet somehow, despite all odds I handled a powerful wizard." He said with a weirdly crazy chuckle before abruptly stopping. "But anyway, Shark Bay sounds nice." The spotting of a unicorn guard caught his eye, whom appeared to have been there for a while. "Wait, who are you?" He looked to the unicorn, who would've arrived when Screecher left if Tidal had noticed her earlier, she glanced at both of them. "So sorry, I got lost a bit. Not used to this area of Canterlot." She rubbed the back of her head, smiling awkwardly. "What was that about?" "Ahem, your name?" "Oh! I'm Opal Luck." She said, chuckling again as her composure continued to fall apart.
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