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Everything posted by FanOfManyShows

  1. @Dji He smirked to himself. "Why'd you hiss at him if you're going to mention something like that? If you know we're accepting them, scaring him off like that won't help." He then shrugged at her. "But sure, let's go after him." He walked in the direction the changeling had gone, not heading at a fast pace. "I do expect he might fall back down." ===================== @Blitz Boom She looked around, Sapphire thought to herself as she glanced about. "Then there's not many options. We have to find a way to learn these types of magic." She looked to the door, walking to look closer at the runes. "Like a ancient archive may hold some books for it, but which ones still have any are beyond me." ===================== @Blitz Boom Astral kept heading forward, sighing to herself as she thought, glad that at least taking the train again would still save on time. "I've never really taken a proper break actually, my life has always been busy."
  2. @Blitz Boom @Dji I apologize for the delay in posting, I would've done it sooner, but I had gotten sick and wanted to try and recover first. Should've said something sooner, but at least I am now.
  3. @Dji Obviously this reaction was expected, the unexpected would've been Watts not reacting at all. But then Zealous jutted in. "You're an idiot, Francis, let's just go. He's harmless seeing as he's dumb enough to reveal himself like that." But, that did surprise him, as much as it shouldn't have, it was angering him that someone was calling him dumb. But he never was *that* smart as a changeling. "W-Well." He stuttered, unsure what to do with this unfamiliar feeling, since he never encountered many anger inducing moments. He leaned down and flew off without much thought. "Figures, even if I did that for no other reason, It gives me a reason to leave." He said to himself as he flew off. =========================== @Blitz Boom "Warping time?" Astral looked to him, tilting her head at him. "When did I ever mention that?" She asked, chuckling a little. "I can't warp time, at the least, I don't know the spell for it. We could teleport, but I also need to recharge my magic. So not using any spells would be better. Even if it takes longer." =========================== @Blitz Boom Sapphire gave an odd grin as she listened to her sister. "You've encountered him surely, yet you act as if you've only just met him. But anyway..." She started to pace around the room to think. "The best way to find something for varied magic, would be the Element, of Dark Magic." She looked to Emerald. "Now, it's not a location to learn varied magic, it's not a book. But what I've read on it, it can use multiple types of magic at once."
  4. @Blitz Boom So I did realize I had forgotten about this, but I can probably figure out a way to save the fact that she thought that's what the element was. Like the obvious thing is Sapphire disguised the gem as that exact element and Emerald just didn't know what the element looked like. Something like that
  5. @Dji Okay so she was a little smarter than he thought. "Ponyville is small, but there's no way everypony walks by you." Zealous started rolling his eyes, walking closer. "You're clearly lying at this point, Where are you from?" Stepping back a bit, he glanced around nervously, unsure what to come up with. "Uhm..." "It really couldn't be such an issue to share it, could it?" He asked, smirking a little. "Perhaps?" He rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. "Ponies don't exactly like my kind." He whispered as his eyes changed visibly into changeling eyes. ======= @Blitz Boom "Of course, but there's not many ways to do so." Iron, glanced around. "And that'd involve removing Emerald from her body, I doubt she'd want to do that." Astral kept on walking. "I imagine walking there isn't prefered for you is it?" She looked back to Chow, heading about the same way they had when they first went to Canterlot. ========= Meanwhile, Sapphire looked up, reaching her hoof into the astral plane and removing the pony she left there, dropping their body on the floor, looking to Emerald. "We need something you can't be removed from, something more permanent until we can make our vessels." She sighed to herself. "But aside from that, who would've sent them after you?" She looked to where the rift was curiously, stepping to it, her gem glowing. "No signature, or residue from their origin point, strange, that shouldn't be possible." She looked back, her sword dissipating. "Should we chase them or continue with getting our bodies back?"
  6. @Blitz Boom Didn't realize it was that hard to tell what I meant, but I fixed it anyway.
  7. @Blitz Boom Iron didn't like this, not at all. He lost complete connection to Sapphire and Emerald, though for some reason, he regained it the moment after. "You do need rest, but something is wrong." "What is it?" "Lost my vision on Emerald." Astral looked to Chow. "Let's go to Canterlot then, Emerald's clearly up to something." She said, before resuming walking. "Canterlot should be plenty safe for us if she heads our way." =============================== @Blitz Boom Sapphire could tell pretty fast that something was off, being able to see outside the astral plane helped there, since she saw the pony enter and soon noticed Emerald's smoke outside of the plane, exiting the plane, forming a sword in her hoof, but instead of using it, she kicked the stallion across the room away from Emeralds cloud, pointing the sword to them. "You better leave, now."
  8. @Blitz Boom She looked to him, confused as to why he didn't bring this up earlier, but he was correct about them needing a rest after all of this. Iron looked to Chow as well, with a similar look to Astral. "Alright Chow, where should we go to rest?" She asked, approaching him. "And feel free to say stuff like this to us, I don't exactly notice when I need rest, especially without that gem to indicate how much magic I have." =============== @Blitz Boom Sapphire's gem glowed with magic as she grabbed onto Emerald, the world seemingly shattering like glass around them as they entered the astral plane, both of them entering it. Emerald would centeraly notice this before Sapphire did as it turned out that moment, that only those she touched would be taken, causing Emeralds form to be ripped from her host, as the host was taken to the astral plane instead. "Alright, there we go." She said, to the now empty vessel, not realizing she left Emerald back in the physical realm. "We can still use spells from here I believe." She looked around the plane, floating around. ========= @Dji With a weird grin, he could now make something up since it was only the canterlot archives. "Well I am just a visitor from Ponyville." He lied of course, but being a changeling made that easy, but there was *still* a chance the others had a way of seeing if that was true. He just had to hope there wasn't another way they could. "Really?" For a first, Zealous sounded genuinely surprised by that. Which did crack his previous emotionless sounding tone. "I've not met many travelers from there to here, nor any who stayed." "Just, passing through is all."
  9. @Blitz Boom Astral sighed looking back to Chow. "Not what I meant, you are still able to voice concern over our plans." "That's a good idea Chow, let's discuss something else before we enter town." Iron pointed ahead, they still had a bit of distance, but it was going to be pretty soon that they'd start seeing other ponies and get over heard. "Oh right, I should've gotten used to not discussing this stuff." It turned pretty silent after that, really not knowing what to discuss that wasn't related to magic or what happened recently. ===================== @Blitz Boom "My husband isn't easy to hide from, I do know that he goes blind in order to see, and deaf in order to hear. His power weakens his body. Distracting him and the others would make it harder for him to focus on us." She rose a hoof. "There is also this spell I created, that detects if he is watching the one who casts it." In her hoof formed flowing smoke, turning red. "Red, he's not watching or listening, if it's green, he is." The smoke dissipated as she put her hoof down. "There is no other way to ensure he's not watching with you in a vessel like the one you're in now, the fact you have a body is an issue, since he can only observe those with bodies." Suddenly, an idea popped in her head, as she put her hoof back up. "Unless..." She looked to her sister, now she'd not know if Emerald would think the same idea, but they did both know of Sapphire's ability, entering the astral plane. "If we entered the Astral plane, he couldn't see us there either. How bound are you to that body? If it's not strong enough it would detach you if we tried that." ==================== @Dji So he had to make an excuse, clearly. But if the mare had this type of stuff on her it'd be hard to gauge what she'd do next to check if his lie could be true, as much as it wouldn't. "I'm not exactly from here." Which was the first thing that came to mind, 'darn it that'd just attract her to ask me where I am from' was the second thought to come to mind, but it'd be easy to change the subject, which was only a hope for him. "How does that thing work, anyway?" Zealous looked to Watts and the goggles, then to the pegasus, and then back to Watts. "I'm a bit intrigued myself."
  10. @Blitz Boom She looked to him, walking towards Chow. "You agree too easily." She kept on, walking past him. "Yeah, she is right." Iron looked to chow as he took the book, with a questioning look at Chow after. "I'm surprised you managed to keep this on you, wherever it was." He opened it up to look inside. "It's a spell book by the looks of it, but I've never seen these spells before." He searched through the pages further, stumbling across a page, describing in great detail the elements of disharmony, with artistic renderings of their origins, it seemed. Iron closed the book suddenly as his eyes expressed sternness. "I can tell why they had this, best to keep it out of their possession." Astral looked to the book as Iron let her take it out of his grasp. "So documentation on the elements of disharmony?" "Yes, that's what it is. I imagine the other spells are just to help using them." He looked to her as she walked past him, as she headed away from the house. "Let's get going, I'd like to visit ponyville until they reappear." She kept on going, not exactly checking if the others followed, but Misty and Iron did, though it was up to Chow to follow. ========================== @Blitz Boom Sapphire looked away, sighing. "Hundreds of years makes it hard to remember things like that" She looked back to Emerald. "They didn't exactly struggle much, I expected more. Though I suppose without my gems power boost, they were harmless." She chuckled to herself, though a slight amount of worry crossed her, if they were to encounter a problem again, they wouldn't handle themselves as well. "If we have our bodies, what next?" ========================== @Dji Zealous shrugged. "I'm just wandering." "Dang it" said a pegasis nearby, who was laying face first on the ground nearby the two, Zealous only glanced at them, as they got up and dusted themselves off. looking to the pair from where he was, which was the result of him crash landing, again, he did that a lot around here. Something radiated off Zealous. "Odd, no love between the two." He glanced to Watts. "Are you two together or something?" He said to himself, but failed to consider the idea of talking quietly. Zealous paused his step, looking to the bystander. "I am just attracting all the strangers to notice me, aren't I?" He gasped a bit, looking flustered. "No, I'm just- Curious I guess?" He nodded. "Uh-huh, what do you think of this, weirdo?" he looked to Watts. "I'm, Francis by the way." He said, knowing full well that the two would not know of his changeling form. But there was some chance they'd heard his name before. "Odd name, I know."
  11. @Blitz Boom "Listen you two, she's not even corporeal, all hits would just dissipate her form, and with her, I'd not take her threat lightly." Astral said, her anger boiling out with some magic sparks. This encounter was frustrating her, she just had to be continuously presented with this issue's end, and have it ripped away. "If they have bodies, they'd be easier to stop." She opened her house door and stepped inside, glancing around. "She would've been serious, we should wait their plan out. Just interfering if you can sense them doing wrong." She looked to Iron as she stepped back out of the house. "I'm only able to check on them so often, But through this whole thing." He looked to Chow. "Did you get any other books?" ========================== @Blitz Boom "You're going to have more luck at getting our bodies back, with an element of disharmony with you." She turned around to walk next to Emerald. "Actually, as much as I am responsible for it, I'd prefer my soul to be extracted from this gem." She pointed to it as she spoke, before putting her hoof back down. "Would it be, difficult to add that to getting our bodies back?" She placed the speaking book back on the shelf. ========================== @Dji He paused his walking, looking back to her. "I figured you'd follow me." He said, chuckling a bit. "Maybe I should be more clear with things like that."
  12. @Blitz Boom Sapphire just held the book to her side. "No good comes out of you either." She said with a chuckle. "Hey!" Astral cried out. "He's done good this whole time!" She turns around. "The one time he helped you was when he bled out. I've witnessed every event from within this gem so far. Has he done anything more than get injured?" Her form phased for a moment as Astral tried to hit her, passing through her body. "Thought so." Misty threw a rock to Sapphire, which also passed through her. "Why must you insult Chow like that? He's our friend!" As she turned around, Astral grasped the book as Sapphire looked back with an unimpressed expression. "My sister needs this book, and whatever else you may have stolen." "Hang on! How can I tell you are the real deal?" The moment of the book speaking did startle Sapphire, who hadn't really considered that it was the one that spoke Which made her lose grip as Astral managed to take hold of it, She sighed. "I destroyed my sister with you." She said, looking to the ground, Astral dropping the book suddenly after hearing that. Sapphire smirked a little and teleported the book over to herself. "My sister will get her body back, so am I. If you want to end this, don't interfere." She said, before teleporting away with the book. ========================== @Dji "Remind me what you'd be helping with exactly? Since I have said I have nothing to do today." He chuckled a bit, looking around. "Your interest in what I do is going to be limited." He looked back to her. "I can't really make something up right now either." He started walking off, gesturing for her to follow, because why not? He really had nothing better to do, and no reason to do his plans soon.
  13. @Blitz Boom Astral's house was now visible as she stopped walking. Stepping closer and looking in through the window. "Of course you returned here." A cloud of cyan colored smoke formed together, Sapphire's form appearing out of it, her mane flowing as if in water as her eye glowed. She jumped back at the sudden appearance, Astral almost falling backwards. "How-" "Doesn't matter to you, what's more important is my sister needs that book of yours." Sapphire turned to look to Iron, who drew a sword. "And your the only one giving off it's magic." She walked over as an aura surrounded the book, pulling it from his grasp. His magic held on, the book being caught in between them. "This doesn't have to be done, you know that right?" Sapphire tugged her head back, ripping the book from his grasp. "I can achieve my goal of helping my sister without harming any of you, all I need is this book." ================================ @Dji He chuckled to himself at her just listing things off that everypony did, seeing as he was asking for what he could help with, outside of her being able to read stuff from the Canterlot archives which not many were able to do. "Everypony does those things, it's not something I'd need to help with, seeing as that's all I need to do as well. I suppose I can see why you'd find more entertainment with what I might be up to with so little to do."
  14. @Blitz Boom "It's only assumptions, I've heard little about this book, just legends and myths about it." He held the book back up again. "Some may be true, some not, so I'd rather not share anything if it turns out to not be true. Or I hide what you'd not understand." He said, giving a sly smile at him, Chow did have much to learn if he intended to use magic, but this book was indeed beyond him, especially it's contents. Misty followed next to Astral as they kept walking, looking back to Iron and Chow. "You think that there's a chance Emerald could recall being at your home from his time there?" Astral chuckled to herself as she looked to Misty. "She'd not expect us to be going there just to find her. Chances are she'd find it empty, and leave to another place to find us." "You don't know her though." She shrugged, looking ahead again. "It's the best case scenario, besides, we've been to a lot of places, which one is she going to pick and wait for us to arrive?" By now they already entered the forest, Astral looking around, sighing a bit. "Alright. Shouldn't be to far now." She continued on as she looked to her neck, it was surprising what she had this entire time was the element of deceit, thinking about it. She was able to harness its power even though she wasn't deceitful, was she? A moment passed before she cast a spell, without lifting a hoof. It was the same spell she used to see if Iron was reading her mind Being more focused on Chow now., he wasn't, as soon as she found this out she discarded the spell, hoping none of the rest noticed it. "Only thing I know for certain is the books requirements; trust in the user. We haven't earned that yet, Emerald has, so breaking it's trust in her is necessary, as she's made it distrust us already, and all we have is words, so yes, some form of evidence like what she looked like, or is doing with his spells, may work."
  15. @Blitz Boom "I am doubtful Sapphire would be the one to reveal my place's location, So her homes are more likely." He said, pointing to Astral. "Even if she's been there while trapped in the gem. In which case Emerald only knows the location of your new home as well as my place." He said, still looking at Astral."On the other hoof, it's possible she convinced Emerald to not deal with us, and Sapphire is going to go after us herself." "So let's head to my tree house then." Astral said, turning around to the forest. "Don't think Sapphire would hurt us anyway." Misty stood up. "Makes sense she'd check there anyway. Not like we're familiar with where our new home is." Already she was walking towards the forest, Astral shrugging and following her. Iron held the book close as he looked to Chow. "I don't think we give stuff to this book, if Emerald convinced it we're bad news... Then showing her true intentions with it will be more efficient." "Surprising! She said you'd do something like that!" With a bit of a groan, Iron kept carrying the book into the forest. "Let's just go, this place is closer. Whichever of them was sent to deal with us, we can end this soon."
  16. @Blitz Boom Iron looked to Chow, narrowing his eyes. "This is a book that requires trust to use it. You can't threaten it to be readable. Besides, if this is the one I think it is, It could just regenerate itself" While they spoke, Astral was pacing about, thinking about what to do next. This book thing did change things up, and also made things complicated at the same time. "Look at where we are." She said, sitting down next to a tree. "Far from home, dealing with a problem we caused. What could this book even do for us at this point?" "Well, I'd assume Emerald uses spells from it. But seeing as you can't read it unless it lets you, we can't know what they are." He opened up the book, showing the inside. "See?" Looking inside would reveal the interior pages to be blank, no text at all, or even images. ======================= Sure, magical residue was a thing, but Iron was efficient with his teleports, never using more magic than necessary. So Sapphire found no real clues to their destination. "Nothing, best guess is they went back home... but which one?" She said to herself, before shrugging it off and teleporting off. ======================= @Dji Zealous chuckled, smirking a little. "Suppose I did." He said, sighing a bit as he turns to Watts. "What do you do, besides building stuff? Because with me having to not do anything. interest in you is preferable" As much as he hated to distract himself from it, leaning into this may just make her leave him in the long run, it may also prove that his plans for the day weren't as beneficial to him.. Crystal smiled a bit, glancing at the two of them. Being in a similar situation of not doing much that day, outside of getting her manuscript back,though it'd be smart to consider getting the guards on it. "I'll be off, since you two aren't having a problem. Nice talking to you though." She waved and walked off, looking around for some guards.
  17. @Blitz Boom "Perfect, I'll get right on it." Sapphire said, before she teleported away as silently as she could. "Oi!" Astral's ears perked up as the voice sounded, looking to the book in Iron's grasp "Put me down!" Iron looked to the book, no facial features on it to speak, just a voice originating from it. As it spoke the decorative carvings etched the book glowed as it spoke. But before he could react, he sensed Sapphire's impending arrival, and they'd be teleported away. Iron taking them to the outskirts of ponyville instead of the location he mentioned earlier. still holding the book in front of himself. "How long has Emerald had you?" "Long enough to know you are trouble!" He rolled his eyes, putting the book in his satchel as Astral looked around herself. "Uh, why did we exit?" "Sapphire just arrived. So I took us out. Though it does seem she's gained this guy's trust." He said, holding up the book. "And I do not like your husky friend's comments." =========================================== Sapphire arrived there, grumbling to herself as she saw only the aftermath, the torn open door, and activated traps. "Darn it." She walks around the place, dragging her hoof over the wrecked place. Sighing to herself. "At least I don't need to hurt them now." She looked to the shelf, seeing a missing book from the shelves, but only one spot caught her eye. "Great, he's gone now too, Emerald will not like that." She let her hoof land back on the floor, glancing around, trying to see anything that'd hint to where they ended up. =========================================== @Dji "I got nothing to do that she could help me with, she's just following me for no reason." Enigma said, rather blatantly. Crystal chuckled a bit, looking over to Watts. "Well, I have a feeling he's right. If you want to help somepony. I need to find out who took the draft for my book." She said, Enigma glancing around a bit. "Do you know who it is?" She asked, noticing his glancing. He turns his head away. "No I don't, how could I even know that happened?"
  18. @Blitz Boom Sapphire looked down and sighed to herself. "You shouldn't worry. You remember the way to this plant better than I do, right?" She asked, knowing she could easily prevent them from taking anything from them. "I could go there, and stop them. without hurting them." The way she spoke was sinister, but she knew that they'd listen to her, or even trust her too easily, it was fixing her sister that was more concerning than whether or not her daughter was- 'Wait what am I thinking- No... I should've helped her from the start in this same way, rather than abandon her for a new family.' She thought to herself, already prepared to teleport there, but she awaited Emerald's response. ================================== @Blitz Boom Iron glanced to Chow as he pulled out books. "Wait!" He jumped over, getting Chow out of the way with a push, careful not to knock Chow over as a trap was set off. Sending a blast of magic to further ensure the books protection, but iron easily shielded it off after he got Chow out of the way. "Remember? You said watch out for traps. we need to do that before we grab anything." he said, looking to the bookshelf, casting a spell in front of himself to detect magic. "Most of their books are protected it seems, only they can read it." he sighed, disappointed. "Except you." He pulled out one book, hard leather back, covered in runes on the spine, the front decorated with etchings. "What is so special about that one?" "Magic book, literally. Has a mind of its own." He opened it up and read through the pages. Astral rolled her eyes, hoping this book couldn't talk. "Just keep looking, as long as we get out of here before anypony shows up." ================================== @Dji Zealous turned around swiftly to her, almost startling how quickly he did so. "What company?" He said, raising his head to look behind her. "I don't need any, haven't needed it for ages." He chuckled a bit as he looked back down at her, with his eyes closed. "Well, you have already gotten what you need already, right?" He said, raising his head again as he gave her a somewhat, frustrated expression. "No need to give me company, a stranger essentially." Crystal sighed to herself, not wanting anything to see something heat up in front of her, getting up from her seat, having left bits for the bill as she made her way over to the two. "Is everything alright here?"
  19. @Blitz Boom Glancing above, curiosity struck her at what these things were, since they were a new addition to the surveillance this place had before. "Should the flower be much farther from here?" She whispered, still observing above them for more of the guards, or at least what she assumed were guards. ============================ @Blitz Boom The runes that Benny could see, were small, surrounded by what was clearly decorative carvings while the runes themselves didn't take up much, and could easily fit on most objects. "I'd think it'd work, it does work on my feathers, after all." ============================ @Blitz Boom Smirking, Iron teleporting the moment Chow finished talking, with a swift and quick teleportation, almost instantaneous. Astral flailing a bit when they landed in the location. "You could've warned us at least you know!" She cried out, Iron immediately shushing her. Astral sighing and collecting herself. "Well since we're here now... is this it?" She turned around, looking to the door. "That is it, yes, there isn't much time till they get back, which is why I did it when you finished talking." He said, looking to Chow. "So no warnings, I'll take us out as quick as we came in if something goes wrong. Likely to your new home in Canterlot, haven't seen it myself yet." Astral breathed in deeply, drawing her hoof back before punching the door frame. "That might not wor-" The runes sparked frantically as the punch cracked some, and knocked others out of place, the door rattling a bit, whatever she damaged messed up the enchantment on the door, causing it to explode outwards, the door being torn apart and the frame around it, but not damaging much else. "Jeez. They didn't even put a protection spell on that." She shook off the dust from her hoof as she winced a bit. ============================ @Dji He sighed, glancing down as he attempted to hold back the frustration that boiled up from that one comment. "Well you wanted to know my plans." He stood up, and turned around. "But your interests are elsewhere, clearly." He said, walking off, though still leaving the potential for Watts to follow anyway Meanwhile, Crystal was watching this unfold, trying to make it look like she wasn't listening in to them. "Likely suspect right there, I do recognize him, too." She said, under her breath and barely audible.
  20. @Widdershins Might have to blame me there for being the one to kick this off to the way it is. I may have not brung up elements first off, but it was part of one of my characters backstories, and now a key part of their story so far, that and the magic fights aren't even that big as they were to begin with, so it'd be less likely to force an rper to join my characters journey, though that may change in the future @Blitz Boom Would like to notify you that I'm less motivated to post, also as a result, won't post as often, mainly because of the lack of things to make my characters do, unless I am expected to be the one to kick things off for the action part, If that's the case I'd like to know if you meant that at any point.
  21. @Blitz Boom Sneaking through this place would dig up some memories of doing this before, staying under the mushroom. She knew her sister had done this longer than her, even before her entrapment mostly before she tagged along. Staying quiet as she waited for the figure to clear before walking ahead to new cover. =================== @Blitz Boom His eyes lit up, a strange, devious part of him was exceptionally excited about that prospect. "Yes that is possible." He said turning around. "Here." One of his feathers slid out of place, hovering in front of him, before dropping to the ground. The runes that previously glowed when it was manipulated, eventually stopped glowing. "You could use this one to replicate the runes. I would suggest carving them on the handle, not the head, makes leverage easier." He said, very obviously excited as his expression was a bit gleeful at the idea. =================== @Blitz Boom "I can think of one thing, they have a one way door that leads them to wherever they desire, we could destroy that. It'd take too long to repair, giving us time to get ahead of them." He said, as his tone got more focused. If they did do this, it'd give away that they were onto them, even if they were already sure of it. "Yeah, best thing we can do." He nodded. "We could also take their magic books. Some of which Emerald wrote herself, which could give us an idea of her power set." =================== @Dji He smirked, and in a mischievous tone, yet serious he said "I want to get her attention." he said, gesturing to Crystal, who was behind Watts. "I asked long ago... But now I want to try something other than just that, it is strange, I'm aware of that. But if you want to help, that'd be the most effective way."
  22. @Blitz Boom "I am made of illusion magic sister, we can go wherever we need to, seeing as I can make it so they never see us." the smile on her face was mischievous, She watched her sister change the runes, sighing as she looked to the door. "We'd be risking getting caught for any of the things we need." Lifting her hoof, she pressed it against the door, wanting to be sure of her sisters opinion this time. "So we should just be quick. They may not notice any things missing if it goes well." ==================== @Blitz Boom There was a bulb that light up inside him, his expression more curious than the excitement of the concept of wielding an axe, through the immediate question arose. "Most weapons have to be held in the mouth, so as nice as that'd be, it may not work for me unless there's a work around for that, then I would like an axe." ==================== @Blitz Boom "Their home, a place they may suspect us going when they leave." He looked to Misty and Astral. "Going there would put us at risk too, if they return there's plenty of items in there to use against us that even I wouldn't know how to use."
  23. @Blitz Boom Sapphire's hoof retracted as the runes glowed a red color, looking to Emerald. "Well if we need to we could head elsewhere for the other the other requirements first, if that concerns you." She offered, the option had to be given, with their spell on the door it wouldn't be hard to change it's destination either. Though it was one way unfortunately, putting this decision forward as a difficult one. ======================================================== @Blitz Boom The General chuckled to himself as the dragon mentioned the twins. "Oh I know them, only from reading up on them though. for some reason they never clarified how they act." he chuckled to himself. "My wings are affectively a weapon, but considering recently, I may need a back up on hoof, earlier I would've thought my wings were enough." He said, recalling when his wings were unable to reform, trying to grab and use his feathers individually would result in only further injury. ======================================================== @Blitz Boom "Yeah, she's formidable with weapons. If we're to stop her in an environment where she can use such a resource to her advantage we'd be unable to stop her." She said, looking away from him. "But if she is going to get, then what could it be for?" She asked herself. "Sapphire has no mind to read, and Emerald has enough experience with minds to resist it my mind reading. I can only know where they are going or what they do through sight." Misty giggled. "Well that's a long way of saying you don't know." "Well when one knows I can read minds, an explanation for how I can't know something is often needed." ======================================================== @Dji Enigma shrugged a bit at her question. "Nothing in particular, I saw a pony in need, and decided to help them. Though the fact I have nothing else to do helped my reasoning." He made up his reason, but at least she got the advantage of being helped a long. Though now he was not sure if she would be useful in his, plan.
  24. @Dji "Right, that's why you wear it too then?" Enigma said, chuckling a bit, figuring she was using it herself and it wasn't just for other ponies. "Though I could understand somepony not learning to fly early enough, and developing balance sickness as a result." Crystal looked over, seeing Zealous in the distance, she rose her brow at the sight. A bit strange to see the that pony close by like he was earlier. She shrugged it off though, only time to assume he was following her would be if he was like this more than just these two times so far. She sipped her coffee as she thought, nopony was close to her that'd want revenge, except Velvet but they were friends, and she was likely off somewhere in Canterlot and seeing as Crystal had no immediate contact with her, it was unlike it was her. Only a fan would be responsible, she pulled out a book, her journal she carried in her saddle bag, and wrote this down. ================================ @Blitz Boom Sapphire smirked a bit as she floated off the ground while she walked to the door. "I know some locations to find blood for this, I can take us there" She said, placing her hoof against the door frame, runes around the sides of the door glowing; they had a long history of using these as a portal, turning their front door into a exit anywhere they desired, Sapphire making it lead directly into the blood bank rooms of a canterlot hospital, though a one way journey, it'd be helpful to save their magic reserves by not spending it on the way there. ================================ @Blitz Boom He chuckled a bit and rolled his eyes a little as Benny spoke, his eyes lit up as the armor was carried in, stealing his attention and now the only thing he focused on then. "Impressive." Was the only word he found suitable for the work as he looked over it, almost unaware that it required a helmet. "I assume it has the enchantments that my wings do, or are those not etched in?" ================================ @Blitz Boom She looked down at the ground. "I'd rather not follow their steps now, Emerald only deserves imprisonment, not to be turned to dust and seeing as she's a soul now," She looked to Chow, a rather serious expression on her face. "We'd have to do more than just remove her from the body, we'd need to remove her from this entire plane of existence." "I don't think he meant kill her." Misty added, giggling a bit. "Just know I won't do it if you did mean that Chow. that captain made it clear what the punishment would be." She looked ahead, sighing again. "What do we even do until she gets here?" "Nothing." Star blurted in pretty suddenly, Astral turning her head to look at him pretty quickly, his eyes glowing, making it pretty clear he was looking elsewhere with his vision. "Sapphire's going to be in one of the Canterlot blood banks any moment now. If you want to do something, we catch them there." after saying this his eyes returned to normal. "If you want to catch them once they get there, we teleport."
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