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Everything posted by FanOfManyShows

  1. @Blitz Boom @Dji The turns of events were unlikely, Sapphire smiled to herself, as she closed her eye. "I sensed that it was a fake, to me though, that was just an advantage." The smile transformed into a smirk, a sly one. "He lead me right to you." She stepped forward. "You could've at least informed us about that." "Couldn't risk the general turning out to be Emerald, so I hid it. Just like most things." Her eye sparked out as she spoke. Astral tilted her head. "Well." She looked to Emerald. "From what I can sense, nopony here has it. So why are we here?" Sapphire put her hoof down, looking down at Astral. "To talk." She looked back to Emerald. "Since we've not taken the time to do so." From her position, Astral noticed nothing different, but Sapphire's aura feeling, off, as if it only originated from the gem that was her eye. "Best you can do, then." =================================================== @Blitz Boom He turned a glare at her, with a bit of a smirk, but his glare that of anger, doubting her words, only thinking she just wanted to reform him for no reason, he needed to keep his goal in mind, and Hogweed was proving herself to be somepony who also held onto her own goal, Warlock smirked as he decided to feed this desire of hers. "I have never heard a pony so sure that I could turn from evil, even the pony who turned me to stone showed little regret to the fact they did so. Others only shown anger towards me, except you." He tilted his head, true interest in her motivation starting to spark. "Your so sure of my ability to be good, I admire that." =================================================== @Blitz Boom A shiver went down Irons spine, he had been mainly observing how Sapphire was doing, his senses disturbed by how it felt like she wasn't, there. "I get that Chow, with everything we've put you through, it must be hard to trust our little group of magic users." He looked down, closing his eyes as he sighed. "I feel that things are escalating over where Sapphire and Astral are. We might need to jump in and help at some point, but hey, maybe Misty can keep an eye on you." Iron chuckled to himself, the image of a filly looking after a pony of Chow's age, was hilarious to him.
  2. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad She shook her head. "No! I am the least prepared for this kind of thing, I've only spent my time writing books for pete's sake! There is no skill used there, that applies here!" She cried out, remaining behind Dynamo. "I'd rather stay safe somewhere until I am more useful." Crystal groaned to herself, rubbing her face. "And I doubt I can even protect anypony."
  3. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad Suddenly she was reminded why she was so nervous earlier, as she ducked to avoid the stick hitting her, and reverted to hiding behind Dynamo. "Okay, I might be too weak for this it seems." The stick, having missed her, had handed on the ground, Crystal picking it up, and tossing it back, along with more rocks, and other sticks. "Since all I can do is throw stuff at them."
  4. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad Rolling her eyes, Crystal only sat behind the rock. "Everything here is too big for me to lift up!" She stood up, and ran towards the shield. "Drop the shield!" She picked up a stick, and swung it at the bad guys behind the shield. Planning to knock them out with it, along with that she also levitated up some small rocks to chuck at them as well.
  5. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad Looking over the side of the rock, Crystal looked panicked to Ursa. "I was pretty sure I mentioned I can only do one spell, levitation, and I can't even do it that well!" She said, her panicked emotions coming out in how she spoke.
  6. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad She jerked awake, sitting up, she wasn't that deep in sleep to begin with, but she was exhausted and not prepared for a fight. So Crystal just looked on in some fear, if these were the thieves, this was quite sudden. Standing up, Crystal just ran behind the closest object for protection. "Why does it have to occur right before we can get a rest?"
  7. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad Crystal placed the bag of apples back in the saddle, taking it off and setting it down, laying down as it the saddle laid beside her. "Well, I hope we can get this whole thing done by morning." With that she was now closing her eyes, hopefully the stress of the day and how prepared she'd be for this would settle itself so she wouldn't be kept up by it, as it usually would.
  8. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad Crystal sat down, she didn't exactly pack much to begin with, other than some snacks. so she brought those out of her saddle bag, setting it infront of herself. "Well, if we're unpacking, anypony want the food I brought?" She asked, taking out a apple, one of the many she brought, and offering it to the others.
  9. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad "Taking camp? is it that late already?" Crystal looked up, she wasn't paying attention so far, so she might have missed the fact the day was passing by.
  10. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad Crystal followed them all mostly silent as she did so. Observing the surroundings as they ventured into the forest. But then her silence was broken as soon as Mike spoke. "Seriously?" She looked to him, with narrowed eyes. "These trees would be hard to tell apart, and that pun wasn't, good." Crystal wasn't one for jokes, especially if they had very little effort put into them. "We could use something other than a tree, you know the exact thing that currently surrounds us, as a landmark."
  11. Changed the name! It's been a year since I've last done it, but the last one felt like it could've been my real name, and it also wasn't, So I decided to change it to that of my youtube channel. :P

    It's original, and also not additionally my OC name, hopefully it fits. :D

  12. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad As they arrived at the forest, Crystal suddenly was hit by the fact she was unprepared. Standing there for a while as she looked at the forest, and then the others. "Well, no turning back now, right? Although I hope for the sake of convenience they aren't that far inside it."
  13. @Dji He chuckled, looking to her. "I had just come off the train, so no worries about that." He had been waiting there, hoping for Crystal to just, deciding to go there. But as it turns out, waiting wasn't going to cut it. Zealous would need to find her. "My days aren't busy either so you haven't exactly interrupted anything." ================================ @Blitz Boom "Nothing troubles me, although being able to live 300 years, must be incredibly boring." She put a hoof to her chin. "That would mean like, today spans a time period equivalent to blinking compared to how long you've lived." What'd be most surprising right now, would be how calm she was around this. Crystal felt the need to not upset this thing, but as she talked, the nervousness of talking to a sphinx vanished entirely. "But hey, riddles could be fun. Challenging your mental strength is good for the brain."
  14. @Emerald<3 Crystal placed her hoof on Ursa's shoulder. "I feel the same way, actually." She chuckled to herself. "I am a writer, I have no place here, but Celestia called us. So clearly there's something we can do. Like if your clever, then that's useful."
  15. @Dji Well it's more like a reference to a show, not mlp. but something called Steven Universe. Wouldn't exactly call that experience.
  16. @Blitz Boom It's great practice if you want to go into developing a story. Although go to far and you spend 50 pages describing a cake.
  17. @Blitz Boom @Dji Everything snapped for her, Sapphire realized the one problem with that question. Groaning to herself as she rubbed a hoof into her face. "Hold onto me, there's no time." She turned to Astral, who grabbed onto her, and if the general had as well, a swirl of fire would surround them, while inside they wouldn't see anything, and the General would still be dragged along even if she let go. But the three would find themselves land in the castle of the two sisters as the fire cleared out. Sapphire threw her hoof out, a spear forming from the rocks of the earth, rising into her grasp. From this move the ponies in the room would know; Sapphire was at full power again. "Emerald!" She glanced to the element Zhu was handing over, smiling to herself as she recognized the illusion that hide the true crystal that he held from the world. "Poetic, the gem he holds is the very same you're named after." She said, gesturing to it. Astral looked to Sapphire confused. "How would you know that?" "I recognize the magic of the element of deceit, and that gem's color is only an illusion created by whoever wields it." Sapphire chuckled to herself. "Seems Zhu might be using it this time." Of course, Zhu would know he couldn't be using it, so something was off about Sapphire's confidence here. Sapphire was about to throw herself forward into a fight, when Astral stopped her by placing a hoof on her chest With a sigh, Astral's eyes changed color, to that of the element itself."Wait..." She looked to Sapphire, backing off, as she created a sword construct. Whispering to Sapphire and the General. "From what I can sense, nopony here has the element, the crystal's appearance may be an illusion, but he couldn't be hiding it." ============================================================ @Blitz Boom "I think they just show how I feel, Hogweed." Warlock stared at her with anger, the fury fueled by the words of the twins. "Hopeless, in a world where reformation is promoted now, I wouldn't fit in as a citizen., or anypony. Think how they'd react to seeing me wander this place free?" The chuckle he had after would be unsuitable, and probably unnerving. "A pony like me, deserves to be locked up. Even they agreed. Mam." ============================================================ @Blitz Boom Iron Star chuckled a little "Y-you think I'd do that?" He said, making it clear with his words that he read Chow's mind. "Clearly you think little of me." His expression was that of pouting, then he chuckled a bit. "Honestly, the books harmless Chow. Why wouldn't it be safe?" "He just had a book hit his face two times now." "That wasn't the book. Even the living book just, laid there and talked a lot."
  18. @Blitz Boom Well I have caught on because it's hard to notice those thousand word explanations , Maybe find a work around if the save system is broken for you. (Since it does work for me) Such as using another program to write the post, then copy and paste it over, and then just stylize the characters speech after in the sites text editing area. Might sound a bit complicated, but if browser crashing becomes an issue, I'd do it.
  19. @Blitz Boom That's unfortunate The worse I've had though is closing the tab and realizing that it was the same tab that I was writing my post in. Although shorter replies might be easier to do for you to do anyway, so that could be a plus.
  20. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad Crystal stood up, walking off to another seat, further away from the others. There wasn't much of a reason stated by her. Figuring that she couldn't talk sense into anypony, if she herself had some, odd ways of coping too. So she just sat there until the train arrived at the station, when it stopped she stood up, walking out with the others. "I am just glad I don't have anything that could be considered a weapon." She looked to the others, chuckling a little. "Actually, Maybe the fact we're not the elements of harmony is how we beat the thieves?" She wondered aloud, since it crossed her mind that the reason they were picked is because of the fact they are just strangers to the thieves.
  21. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad She sighed, Crystal would take back what she said. But solving a fight with a video game? It just sounded ridiculous to her. Probably why it seemed like he was just doing it for no reason. "So you plan to run in there with a game boy, and beat the villains in mortal kombat?" Her tone was overly sarcastic as she spoke, chuckling to herself. "As much as you use it as a alternate way to solve an argument, it's not a universal way, especially not with ponies who are strangers."
  22. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad the situation just got her confused, so she got a ticket as the others did their thing. Things were going to be a mess with this team, unless they got into harmony as they went on. "Let's hurry up on this at least, we shouldn't waste time playing games either, Dynamo." She said, looking to him. "Or you'll just prove the guard right about us being a worthless bunch. Especially if you prefer the games over the mission at hoof." As much as she was nervous about it, she spoke honestly. They all needed to not get distracted with their own interests if Celestia really wasn't mistaken by picking them.
  23. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Lucid_Nightlight This suddenly became easier, yet unnerving. She had no weapons so she needed not give any over, but she also suddenly became worried about the guards preventing them from taking the train all together. And the situation was becoming a little stressful as banter began to get a little, well, it was getting tense, she decided to speak, hoping she could provide a solution. "Should we just put our weapons somewhere else on the train, if we can't bring it into the passenger areas?"
  24. @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Lucid_Nightlight "I know no spells other than levitation, even then I can't lift something bigger than a book." Crystal was yet again nervous, seemed the team expected more of her than she figured. "It's not like being able to teleport or blast magic beams is common." She wouldn't be surprised if it was a staple to think unicorns were just innately skilled. "But I would like to point out." She turned to Arrow, narrowing her eyes a little, her nervous demeanor disappearing as she turned a bit serious. "They won't just be thieves, these guys must've known what they were doing when stealing whatever this thing is. Considering how important Celestia made it sound."
  25. @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 Crystal looked even more nervous now. "W-well, being taught mid battle wouldn't exactly be ideal. And we need to finish this mission as quickly as we can so we can't train prior either." She said, increasingly realizing she may just have to hide behind a rock if they encountered the villains. "But I'd be fine with you just protecting the team, since you're qualified." She added, sighing after, realizing if she kept singling herself out for being defenseless, she'd be less likable.
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