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Status Replies posted by Chrylestia600

  1. Merry Birthiversary! 

    1. Chrylestia600


      Thank you! Lol

  2. Just had the equivalent of a mental breakdown... I could really use some encouraging words. Anyone have any?

  3. Does anyone here still have any contact with @The_Gobo? I can’t message him on Discord and I’d really like to talk to him. If you do, please either tell me how I can get ahold of him, or please message him for me.

    1. Chrylestia600


      @Blizzard Wind Thanks for the link, that’ll probably help. At least I know there’s somewhere I can reach him.

      @Thankful Brony 2 I have his Discord ID, but I’m not on his friends list anymore. I’m not sure why. And since he apparently has Discord set to basically ignore friend requests, I can’t contact at all, because I can’t message him without being friends.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. So, from how I feel, everyone was right about “Venom” being a good movie. I actually liked it pretty well.

    On another note, I just got up from bed. Good morning, everypony! How’s the day been treating you? :P

  5. Don't tell Celestia and Luna I said this, but I genuinely believe that Chrysalis is as beautiful and amazing as the Royal Sisters 


  6. Didn’t you post a message on my profile a little while back? Just curious, but where did it go?

    1. Chrylestia600


      So you think it might have been deleted by a mod or something?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. After seeing that my friend @The_Gobo left the forums... I’m really considering going ahead and leaving it myself.

    Thats not the only reason though. With my decline in mental health and the fact that season 9 of FiM is probably going to be the last, I’m kind of losing any reason to stay.

    Not making any decisions just yet. We’ll see.

    1. Chrylestia600


      @Sparklefan1234 Don’t worry, after some consideration I’ll probably stick around a little while longer. I can use all the free hugs I can get though. ;)

      @Widdershins You and I both. I became a fan around the time I joined this forum. But, it’s almost a guarantee at this point that season nine will be the end.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)




    1. Chrylestia600


      @Sparklefan1234 Haha, I LOVE this. Now I want something like this my my next birthday! ;)

      @NightmareLuna800 Why didn’t you tell me somepony beat me to this? :twi:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Didn’t you post a message on my profile a little while back? Just curious, but where did it go?

    1. Chrylestia600


      No, I mean, it literally disappeared entirely from my profile. :P

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Between you and I becoming almost entirely inactive on here, @The_Gobo leaving, and season 9 of FiM probably being the last, I’m starting to get that same sad feeling I got when my time on Scified ended. It’s really depressing. Am I the only one who feels like I know where all this is heading?

    1. Chrylestia600


      I would brohoof that but I’m not sure what the Rarity boot means. Lol.

      Yeah, inactive and the fact that we might end up leaving it.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Eight months. It’s officially been eights months- going on nine- of depression, anxiety, and either OCD or whatever it is I’m going through. And I’m not even showing any signs of getting better.

    The last time I went through this, it ended at eight months.

    1. Chrylestia600


      I went through this same thing back in 2014, and it ended halfway into 2015, when I eventually became myself again. Yes, I remember that I DID get better, for at least two years until it came back, but I don’t remember what it felt like... no.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Despite all the memes, Doritos are still good.

  13. I think it’s safe to say I’m starting to fade out of existence here on the forum. :P Haven’t been very active and I haven’t gotten any profile visitors in a decent while now. Lol.

    1. Chrylestia600


      @The_Gobo “Thankfully, I don't have much to rant about. ^^;”

      Man, what I would give to be able to say those words truthfully.

      My mental health is really bad most of the time, and no matter what I do I don’t know how to fix it. :/

      I’ve always wanted to be the person who helped other people through their problems... so it really sucks.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. I think it’s safe to say I’m starting to fade out of existence here on the forum. :P Haven’t been very active and I haven’t gotten any profile visitors in a decent while now. Lol.

    1. Chrylestia600


      @The_Gobo Yeah, it’s pretty lame since I used to be pretty active here... but since all my issues started I’ve been around less and less. It’s not that I don’t WANT to be here, it’s more that I ended up making a lot of mistakes the last time I had these problems and tried to be on a forum. Plus, I don’t like to just be negative all the time, so I avoid being here if all I’m going to do is rant.

      @Widdershins Well... honestly can’t say I’m doing much when I’m fading out of existence nor when I’m not. :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. Me and my gals. XD


    As a side note, this is probably the closest anyone is gonna get to a picture of me. LOL.

  16. Anyone else a huge, massive Deadpool fan?


    1. Chrylestia600



      Surprising as this may be, I haven’t seen either of the movies thus far. :3 Though I do not a fair amount about them.

      I’ve read some of the comics, however, and love the character. I even just got the monopoly game! :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Happy Birthday!



  18. Happy Birthday, man! *Confetti flys* :P

    1. Chrylestia600


      Haha. Thank you! :P

  19. Happy Birthday mein friend

  20. Merry Birthiversary!

    1. Chrylestia600


      Lol. Thank you! :D

  21. Happy Birthday, My Friend! 


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