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About AmethystDawn

  • Birthday December 14

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  • Personal Motto
    Everyone is special in their own way.
  • Interests
    Mlp, school, learning, books, digital art, books, roleplaying, and did I mention books?

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    Non-Pony Artwork

My Little Pony

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  1. @@MistaShifta, The gray mare continued down the hallway, back towards he kitchen, unaware of Bill's presence. Having a sudden feeling that she was being watched, however, she turned and looked around for a moment. However, seeing nobody, she shrugged and continued back to the kitchen.
  2. @@Choros Isorropai, Okay, thanks for understanding. Also, I'm really glad you've been able to round out your character some more! I will definitely check out your blog if I'm able to.
  3. This is a drawing of my oc, Amethyst Pages, in one of the rooms of Twilight's castle. Basically, she was a human that was turned into a pony and became one of Twilight's student's, but she can't remember anything about her life as a human or her transformation.
  4. @@Choros Isorropai, @@MistaShifta,@@Shadow Dancer,@@silvermoon15000, Hi, sorry about my inactivity lately. Things have been very busy, and I've been having major internet issues... I also had a question to ask: Would any of you be interested in playing characters from 'The Uprising'? If not, that's fine. I was just offering.
  5. @Choros Isorropai,@silvermoon15000, @MistaShifta, Amethyst looked at Choros with a slightly confused look when she noticed him talking to himself, but shrugged and turned back to Silver. I wonder what he was talking about... He sure seems different than any other pony here... She thought to herself. Maybe he was just thinking aloud about the book he was reading. Still, she had a nagging feeling that he was talking about something else besides his book. Amethyst smiled shyly and held out the book to show Silver. "I-Its about the p-principles of advanced a-a-alternate dimension t-travel. Its r-really quite interesting, y-y-you can take a l-look if you'd like." She passed over the book to him, and waited a moment before asking, "S-So, is th-there any particular b-books you were l-looking for?" Soon enough, a gray colored mare with a purple mane and tail opened the door. She was pulling a cart with a very large pile of apple danishes. "Hello? Delivery for Bill?" She looked around the room, expecting there to be somepony there. She didn't realize that Bill was standing right there, and thought that he was simply a new statue or something. Deciding to leave the danishes there for when the pony returned, she parked the cart full of pastries and left the room.
  6. @@Choros Isorropai,@@silvermoon15000, @@MistaShifta, Soon enough, a gray colored mare with a purple mane and tail opened the door. She was pulling a cart with a very large pile of apple danishes. "Hello? Delivery for Bill?" She looked around the room, expecting there to be somepony there. She didn't realize that Bill was standing right there, and thought that he was simply a new statue or something. Deciding to leave the danishes there for when the pony returned, she parked the cart full of pastries and left the room. Amethyst smiled shyly and held out the book to show Silver. "I-Its about the p-principles of advanced a-a-alternate dimension t-travel. Its r-really quite interesting, y-y-you can take a l-look if you'd like." She passed over the book to him, and waited a moment before asking, "S-So, is th-there any particular b-books you were l-looking for?" Choros had started singing right after Amethyst asked Silver the question. Turning to Choros after a moment, she shyly said, "H-Hi again Ch-Choros. It s-s-seems like y-you had gone o-out to the b-b-balcony or somewhere for a m-moment. S-Silver just came h-h-here too."
  7. @@silvermoon15000,@@MistaShifta, "Th-Thanks," Amethyst said as Silver helped her pick up the books. "I'm d-doing alright t-t-too, th-thanks for a-asking." As she put the last of the books back up on the table, she said apologetically, "S-Sorry, I d-didn't mean to st-startle you wh-when th-the books fell..." After another moment, she asked in a friendly manner, "Wh-What are y-you doing here? H-H-Have you c-come to e-e-enjoy the l-library as w-well?" The guard smiled a little bit. Though he did not recognize the language, nor the song, he could tell that Bill was having a good time singing it. Soon enough, they reached Bill's room. It was another room themed after Luna, identical to Indicus's quarters. A room in the west wing, it was quite large, and painted mostly a gradient of dark to lighter blue. Paintings of Luna's stars and moonrise were overhead. The window would let the skeletal pony view the night sky outside, and had silver curtains that matched the sheets on his bed. The guard nodded respectfully and said in a friendly tone, "Unless you need anything else, I will now put on the blindfold and guard your room. I will only take it off if requested, required, or if I hear suspicious noises in the hall."
  8. @@Shadow Dancer, Both guards dipped their heads to Indicus respectfully, before walking towards the exit and leaving his room. Of course, they left him the key to his room on a small table next to the large doors. The moon was staring to rise, and the stars were already aligned for the night by Luna.
  9. @@silvermoon15000,@@Choros Isorropai, Amethyst arrived in the library just a little bit before Silver, and after having greeted Choros, was deeply absorbed in a book about advanced alternate dimension travel. She hardly heard Silver's footsteps, and only realized he was there when she accidentally pushed a small pile of more books off the desk and got up to pick them up. Realizing Silver had entered the library, she smiled a little and said, "H-H-Hi S-Silver. H-How are you d-doing?"
  10. @@Shadow Dancer,@@MistaShifta, @@silvermoon15000, @@Choros Isorropai, The first guard that Choros had spoken to nodded and walked off to get him some food and drink, while the other one immediately walked over to a bookcase filled completely with books about ancient languages. "Which languages would you like, sir?" the guard asked in a very polite manner. "Hopefully, one night will be all that's required." Twilight nodded once more to Silver before she flew off. The guards then showed him to his quarters, a large room in the west wing themed after Princess Twilight Sparkle. The walls were painted a gradient of dark blue to very light purple, with the ceiling being covered in an elaborate mural of Twilight's cutie mark. Next to the bed, a large window with purple and silver curtains showed a view of all of Canterlot. "Is there anything else you will need, sir?" one of the guards asked him. The guards that Bill had spoken to looked at each other, but shrugged a moment later. One guard walked off to resume his former duties, while the other stayed with Bill. However, when Bill asked that he wear a blindfold, the one guard that was left bit his lip and replied politely, "I am sorry sir, but I will not be able to show you to your quarters if I am wearing a blindfold. I am willing to wear one when we get there and I am guarding your room though unless I hear any suspicious noises from the hall, if that would please you." Both of the guards assigned to Indicus nodded respectfully. He had been assigned to a room in the castle of the west wing that was themed after Luna. It was quite large, mostly a gradient of dark to lighter blue, and had paintings of her starts and moonrise overhead. A window let him view the night sky outside, and had silver curtains that matched the sheets on his bed. The guards said, "Normally at least one of us would be required to stay with you, but knowing you are highly trained and work for Princess Luna, we trust that you will be able to take care of yourself if you wish us to leave." Amethyst followed her guards to another room in the west wing, before stepping inside. The room was themed after Celestia, and the walls were painted to look like a giant golden sunrise. The curtains on the window were a light purple gradient, and the bed covers were a soft orange. Amethyst had never seen a room like this, and was broken out of her trance only by the guard asking her, "Is there anything else we can get you, miss?" After a moment, Amethyst responded hesitantly, "W-W-Would it b-be too m-m-much trouble f-for you t-t-to show m-me to the c-c-castle library, and h-have some f-food and drink d-d-delivered?" She was not used to asking for things, and did not want to be rude. "Yes, please follow me to the library," one of them answered as the other one went to get some food.
  11. @@Shadow Dancer,@@MistaShifta, @@silvermoon15000, @@Choros Isorropai, The first guard that Choros had spoken to nodded and walked off to get him some food and drink, while the other one immediately walked over to a bookcase filled completely with books about ancient languages. "Which languages would you like, sir?" the guard asked in a very polite manner. "Hopefully, one night will be all that's required." Twilight nodded once more to Silver before she flew off. The guards then showed him to his quarters, a large room in the west wing themed after Princess Twilight Sparkle. The walls were painted a gradient of dark blue to very light purple, with the ceiling being covered in an elaborate mural of Twilight's cutie mark. Next to the bed, a large window with purple curtains showed a view of all of Canterlot. "Is there anything else you will need, sir?" one of the guards asked him. The guards that Bill had spoken to looked at each other, but shrugged a moment later. One guard walked off to resume his former duties, while the other stayed with Bill. However, when Bill asked that he wear a blindfold, the one guard that was left bit his lip and replied, "I am sorry sir, but I will not be able to show you to your quarters if I am wearing a blindfold. I am willing to wear one when we get there and I am guarding your room unless I hear any suspicious noises from the hall, if that would please you." Both of the guards assigned to Indicus nodded respectfully. He had been assigned to a room in the castle of the west wing that was themed after Luna. It was quite large, mostly a gradient of dark to lighter blue, and had paintings of her starts and moonrise overhead. A window let him view the night sky outside, and had silver curtains that matched the sheets on his bed. The guards said, "Normally at least one of us would be required to stay with you, but knowing you are highly trained and work for Princess Luna, we trust that you will be able to take care of yourself if you wish us to leave." Amethyst followed her guards to another room in the west wing, before stepping inside. The room was themed after Celestia, and the walls were painted to look like a giant golden sunrise. The curtains were a light purple, and the bed covers were a soft orange. Amethyst had never seen a room like this, and was broken out of her trance only by the guard asking her, "Is there anything else we can get you, miss?" After a moment, Amethyst responded hesitantly, "W-W-Would it b-be too m-m-much trouble f-for you t-t-to show m-me to the c-c-castle library, and h-have some f-food and drink d-d-delivered?" She was not used to asking for things, and did not want to be rude. "Yes, please follow me to the library," one of them answered as the other one went to get some food.
  12. @@Choros Isorropai,@@MistaShifta, @@silvermoon15000, @@Shadow Dancer, Celestia nodded to Choros, and two guards stepped forwards. "These guards will show you to the library. When you are ready to head to your quarters, just let them know and they will lead you to them." With that, the two guards nodded and began to lead the way to the library. Celestia then turned to Bill. "Of course. A cart filled with apple danishes will be sent to your room within the next hour." When Bill warned her about poisoning them, a confused expression crossed her face. "You need not worry. We would never even think about trying to poison you." She nodded towards two guards, who stepped forwards. "These two guards will accompany you to your quarters. If you need something, just let them know." Celestia turned to the other three ponies - Indicus, Silver, and Amethyst - and paired them each with two guards. "Your guards will show you to your rooms now. If you need anything, just let them know." With that, Luna and Celestia headed back to the gala to calm the crowd. Twilight stayed a moment longer though. To Silver, she said with a gentle smile, "It is good to see you again, even in this unexpected way. I hope you rest well." She then turned to Amethyst and gently put a hoof on her shoulder. Amethyst gulped and looked up at her mentor with worried eyes. Twilight smiled sympathetically and said, "Everything is going to be okay. Please trust me on this and try to stay calm." Her smile broadening, she added, "This would be the perfect opportunity to visit the royal Canterlot library." Amethyst nodded nervously. "O-O-Okay..."
  13. @@MistaShifta, Celestia couldn't help but smile. "If that is what you wish if you are to stay here for the night, that is what you shall receive." The princess of the sun could not help but laugh inwardly. Luna smiled too, unable to stop herself from snickering a little from how serious the skeletal pony seemed about his request. "What is your pastries of choice?" Celestia asked Bill.
  14. @@silvermoon15000,@@Shadow Dancer, @@MistaShifta, @@Choros Isorropai, Celestia and Twilight smiled, both remembering the days of when Twilight was Celestia's student, so eager to learn. Turning back to Choros, she replied, "Why of course you may. However, I would not recommend staying up too late, as you will need your energy for tomorrow." Luckily for Choros, none of the princesses saw through his disguise. Celestia took a step backwards, startled again by Bill's hostility. Unsure of how else to handle the situation, she calmly said in a friendly voice, "The ponies of Equestria are well aware of the power of alicorns. We have used our power, along with that of the elements of harmony and the crystal heart, to defeat many threats to the ponies of our nation. While many of the battles we fought were thousands of years ago, ponies today have still witnessed the power of alicorns from Twilight helping to defeat Tirek and Cadence helping to defeat Sombra. The ponies of Equestria trust us, even after knowing what we are capable of." All three alicorns were grateful for Indicus speaking up, so as to help cool the sudden tension between Bill and Celestia. "Its nice to see you again too Indicus." With a smirk and a glance at Celestia, she said, "Yes, the Night Guard is in fact." However, a moment later the princess of the night gained a very serious, and even slightly panicked look, along with Celestia and Twilight. "Did you say that a crystal with markings in it was stolen?" Taking a deep breath, she said, "We cannot discuss this out in the open. We must ask all of you to please stay with us for the night so we can talk in the morning." Twilight stepped forwards and kindly put a hoof on Silver's shoulder. "I am sorry Silver. I know that you," she turned towards the rest of the ponies there as well, "all of you, must have other plans. But you do not realize how serious this situation may be. We do not know for sure, and we hope that this is not as bad of a situation as we fear, but you really must stay here for tonight." Amethyst stood silently in the back, doing her best to stay calm. She was a bit panicked by the whole situation, not to mention by the looks of fear on the princess's faces when the artifact was described. She never wanted to attend the gala in the first place, and now all she wanted was to go back home and read. However, she didn't say anything, simply doing her best to stay calm.
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