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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by TBD

  1. @Sir Hugsalotl

    Since you’re a new Admin, Does that mean you are going to have us give hugs for everyone, you know what hugs can do to me :umad: right??

    haha but anyway omg! Congratulation on a huge promotion!!! The forum will definitely be in a better hands now that a person who is sensible and fair as you is now running it!  You will go far and will continue to make this forum a fun, safe, and better place for people old and new to gather and mingle! You are such a good and dependable friend that everyone can definitely get behind on to support. The the funny thing is I had a de ja vu about this. So I guess that’s fate for you! :ButtercupLaugh: Let’s create this forum a better place together Sir Hugs!!!

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Honestly as a kid before I hit age 13 or 14 have no fears; in other words have no clear mind between right or wrong. My actions and intentions was only to have fun in breaking some rules like getting into fights and shoplifting. You know? These petty things.  Never think about of hurting anyone. Mostly at school of course. I do remember getting this “thrill pleasure” whenever my teacher gives me detention. Except when I was falsely accused. But then again, it was my own doing creating a rep for myself to be easily made a scapegoat.

    Or that one time when the shop security caught me and my siblings clothes shoplifting when I was 8- I remember my thought was “eh, could’ve done better getting away with it”. But excited at the same. I’m sharing this by going through good memories lane here. The time when I thought things were simple and that  breaking rules was meant to be fun and express some kind rebellious freedom, and not to harm.

    At age 13 or 14 was like a blast of reality for me. My vice principal called the police on me during school. The thought of the police coming for me didn’t scare me though.

    It was the the reaction my mom gave me. She was crying on her knees begging the police not to take me away. The police tried to calm her telling her they only want to clears thing out through questioning me. I remember the class eyeing me as I got taken away. Of course my parent was deeply disappointed in me at the same time. Luckily things clears out not for the worst since that police officer was lenient on kids. I remember the police guy telling me this, If I do it again I could be put behind bars. That got me scare shitless. It was not that serious honestly but I think the police wanted to put that “fear” in my head.

    The part where both my parent were disappointment, classmates eyeballing me like I’m some sort of criminal, and what the police said to me definitely twisted my thoughts and how I set myself. It created fears of breaking rules and disappointing people. I set myself to be a perfectionist since that day. I always tell myself I want to avoid troubles at all cost. Fear of getting in trouble Because I know what I’m capable of doing to people if they’re being rude or knowing I could get away with shoplifting. That fear of temptation. Fear of losing my composure in general.

    I remember on 11th grade my school have a working program where we have to go for a day once a week to work. I decided to take my 30 mins to go to downtown shopping and come back on time. Unfortunately I got lost and I have no phone nor maps. So I have to go by memories. I got back late and my work fired me and called the school. The school suspended me of course and wanted to contact my parents. I tried to explain I was lost but they won’t believe and think I was playing hooky. I remember almost begging them not to tell my parent and was frozen in fear what they would do or say.  That kind fear I hate to experience. 

    That ‘perfect’ self of mine keeping me in line and avoiding attention on myself. Now every time I have someone coming up to me to talk business or mentioning to me with the word “investigation” or “we need to talk about this regarding you” at work- I always assume the worst about myself when in reality it’s not. I become very self conscious about myself. Even though i should learn not to be hard on myself. Or getting very toxic defensive when someone point out a small mistake I did. Sometime I’m not so sure if I’m doing this to become a best version myself or just suppressing myself.  

  3. @Props Valroa

    Prooops!!! You finally made it and truly deserved it!! Your traits of being super creative, mindfulness and honesty got you there! It was a huge huge pleasure and fun working alongside with you and all the work we have accomplished together. You have shown me over and over again your talents in working with the RP! You continue to adapt, grow, and improve over time and I would say it’s not because of me but it’s you. You really proven yourself to take over the RP section and I know they’re in a good hand. I want to thank you for everything you did and the corporation you have giving to the team. I’m truly grateful. Through tough times you have shown great resilience and respects. You know how to take positive action and not afraid to be honest. Through seriousness you able to show your fun side and that’s RP. This role really speaks out to you and you know you will do well. You have done RP all your  time here and I believed the RP do deserve someone who has the passion and love as you do to take care of it! I’m happy to continue to work with you Props. And green looks so much better on you than blue. :toldya:

    You work so hard and deserve this 10x and I’m so proud of you. 

    • Brohoof 2
  4. Grogar…. I didn’t think I would meet an old enemy again. Luckily this time without your bell to cause havoc, we are going to have a fair and safe match away from any dreadful tricks up your sleeves. That is.. if we ever have to face each other again in the future match. 

  5. 1 hour ago, SharpWit said:

    Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone. Don't forget that on this night of festivities, there will be a Lunar Eclipse. Timing also sets this evening for the Flower Moon. Stay tuned, and watch our team bloom!


    happy cinco de mayo to you too! I can’t wait to see the moon



  6. I just wish my college years gives me a better opportunity to enhance my skills and allowing me to express what I’m good at more. The grade is not the problem it’s how structures and confined college was. They expect everything by the book. If it weren’t for that- maybe I would have a better motive to keep up a good grade. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Props Valroa said:

    @Shiny Silvermoon @Sunny Starscout @Kujamih

    The mysterious mare would simply give a nod towards Sunny, "Right I am. I am the one who will be hosting this game - in this fine, dimensional establishment." she spoke, her words rolling off her tongue as if she had complete confidence within her word. The mare would look towards Shiny Silvermoon. "The game wouldn't be worth playing if everyone knew who the announcer was, now would it? Mystery is what drives every game, after all!"

    Rubbing her chin with her hooves… 

    “hm. Do you mind explaining the rules of this game? Or maybe if you know how we can go back home?


    @Shiny Silvermoon

    *heard the dramatic tune played in the back*:umad:

    (breaking the 4th wall in the multi-universe)

    • Brohoof 1
  8.  I see there is another Izzy from another universe.. curious. I’m not too keen about this whole thing at the moment but if it’s a challenge we must face then so be it. I believe in keeping my fellow unicorns safe and that's what I'm intending to do, even that means winning! 


  9. @Props Valroa @Kujamih

    Sunny scanned the place around her. Ever since that odd incident that caused her  and her friends to be transported in this strange universe filled with ponies and creatures from their own universes, she can’t help it but to feel a bit overwhelmed. It’s looks they have to play their way out through this soccer game. The team way in the back she definitely recognized. They were banished in the Tartarus before by Twilight and her friends. She gulped.


    However, one thing that  was clear to her that this mysterious pony with a plague mask. She must be the key and answer to what’s going on here. 

    she walk towards the mysterious mare.

    ”You must be the host for this “World Cup are you?”


    • Brohoof 1
  10. Here Members can choose to RP and/or OOC support their teams! When RP make sure to @mention users you wish to interact with. 
    (this is a match for top 16: the losing team will be out of competition. But members are allowed to switch to a different active teams at the end of the match. )

    • Brohoof 3
  11. (OOC)Who hoo World Cup 2023!!!


    Hope everyone are having fun and engaging! 

    A little Reminder when RPing here, do not forget to @mention users who you wish to RP with or mention to! 

    Team Match for the World Cup for top 16 will take place in the clubs. Our first two match, Group A: Manehattan Vs Appleoosa and Group B: Canterlot High vs Las Pegasus will take place on Sunday April 30th! Stay tune! 

    • Brohoof 7
  12. 5 hours ago, Star heart 777 said:

    It's just  a small idea I had of just far rping as ones character could go exactly. Not to the point of total insanity of course.

    My thinking is that life that is our very lives basically amount to a type RP if you think about it. 

    So, yeah you could say it is a bit of an experiment for the mind. 

    Exploring between fiction and reality if you will to see what comes of it. 

    .in simple terms projecting yourself more directly into your character. 

    Hmm I see what you mean- something more advanced and somewhat gives the people the feeling of being deeply absorbed into the RP itself. And you’re saying it’s not just the general RP we have here but something much more in depth. 

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