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Posts posted by TBD

  1. Public school elementary-6th. Those were fun times for me. Then private catholic starts from 7th-12th. Recently, it took me long enough to realize what a private catholic school have molded me into. I suppose the final mystery would be is it for the best or not? Because I feel I have been living in charade for 10+ years.:crackle:

  2. The new episode takes over after S1 episode one. Wish there’s more to that episode but… I understand what direction is trying to get from. Blitzo is obviously serious depressed after that happens and I love seeing Loona being more open at the party. I really really hope she and Queen Bee would become besties despite of her dating her crush. Seeing gloomy  Loona socializing and giving the party  another chance  despite of being heartbroken is so comforting to see. It’s like she chooses not to isolate herself any longer and give in being more open around others. The ending is a good closure between Loona and Blitzo, I just love their father/daughter relationship.

    I love Queen Bee design so much though!!! Like what Loona said, “she’s hot”. :ButtercupLaugh:





    But of course not as hot as Loona. Loona will always be #1 Helluva boss furry for me.:toldya: She is rocking this dress



    look how adorable she is!!


    • Brohoof 3
  3. 🎶Pretend to be good, but born to be bad
    Try and find it, once I was dead
    Baddest guy in the bad, bad world
    I've got no limits, not yet
    How did it end? What's the baddest?
    Out of my way, one at a time
    Gonna be the maddest
    I don't really care
    I'ma go my way
    Di-bi-di, di-bi-di, da-bi-di, du

    Freakin' bad, bad
    Freakin' good, good
    Freakin' mad
    Freakin', freakin' bad but good
    Push away, run far away, but stuck with you (Yeah)
    Freakin' bad, bad
    Freakin' good, good
    Freakin' mad
    Freakin', freakin' bad but good
    Cut off, shut out, but stuck with me

    I used to hate it, hate it, hate it (Hey)
    But I love it, love it, now, I love it (Hey)
    Hidden inside me, freakish devil (Hey)
    I love it 'cause you do🎶

  4. 18 hours ago, Princess Silky said:

    I am sorry to hear about this struggle... I've had it, too. I understand what you're speaking of...

    I can only ask that you try to open up a little bit. You don't have to trust. You don't have to place yourself in a vulnerable position where you might get hurt... however... it's so refreshing to open up slightly, be comfortable with connecting with another individual. Online, it tends to be easier, cause you're sort've ... having no choice but to talk about things rather than awkwardly stare at each other in person.

    You're a VERY sweet person online. You have A LOT of talent running and managing both Events and RP. I've witnessed personal betrayal upon you despite your attempting to do the right thing and it shattered my heart... that was only a glimpse... I can only imagine what you've gone through in real life. The only thing I can advise... is that... you please consider not closing off fully. Otherwise it becomes an identity too deeply ingrained like it was with me. 

    I apologize for the unsolicited advice. I just want you to know that I do see you. And it's just me. Many others see you too and may be too shy to approach. 

    Today, I've had an experience with someone that brought me into a near existential crisis. I spoke to him as he poured his fears and struggles out... and it ... it was like speaking to myself some years back. I was speaking to a male version of myself from some time ago. I offered comfort and guidance. This is the kind of thing most people in person are too busy hiding away in their homes and struggle with... and here he was.. opening up and confiding in me. And I wanted to cry because it was like I went on a time machine and was speaking to myself. I just wanted to gently shake her, as me from the future, and say "wake up! you've got this! Don't get lost in your mind. Keep reaching out to people, even if just online! Connect. Bond. Feel your humanity. If not, feel you're a being worthy of love, support, friendship and compassion... 

    It hurts because if I had not been struggling with these things many years ago, lost in my own head, I may have been able to have met this individual sooner and we could have been there for each other as well. He values friendships in the exact same way that I do, too. And I always thought I was weird for being like that. We have a lot more in common than we realize.

    Anyway, just another way in which I can appreciate my online friends a little differently than my in person friends who tend to get too lost in their work, family life, personal lives or even online lives lol Perhaps we have moved into a hybrid digital era.

    I had some part in the past where I do actually felt something but I begin to realize whether or not it’s real. I think my shown of values towards friends and family connections was more of “wanting” rather than “loving.” Like having it as a procession.

    But I do appreciate your advice by sharing me this. I do think and believe opening more would somehow help me feel more connected. I know people appreciate my exterior personality and I do so out genuine because if you respect me than I will respect you sorta thing. Otherwise no. But it’s my interiors personality that is a huge struggle to show and be accepted. One day I hope.

    I don’t think it’s weird to feel that way, I think it just another way how some people as yourself show their connection to people. It might not be the norm but if it works for you than it’s not broken.

  5. I have grown a bit hardened when it comes to making friends both online and irl. I suppose it either because I have trust issues or maybe my character traits may be considered rather unpleasant to most people once they get to dig deeper to know me more behind all this alluring composure.

    The last time I have real life friends was college. After that, I keep acquaintances since all I do was working and go home without too much thought on it. But even so, with irl friends, I don’t feel much connection with them since I can’t express myself truly irl. Online is different since as much as I tried to keep people in acquaintances zone I just happened to grow attached to people I met. I suppose it tells me I long for people connection. I had experienced online friends who ghosted me once they get to know the “real me” that no one irl knows. So with that I grew more shallow about it. 

    I don’t have the ability to have emotional connection towards anyone; like love and such. My coincidence mind would say “if you can’t love your own family then you don’t deserve friends”.  That’s just one of the reason as I have many other reasons not to grow attached to people online and irl that i cannot list or say in words. 

    I do wish that I can be more open comfortable around people and trust people.. starting with my family. I wish I can feel this emotional connection with people. I think my anger or whatever it is I’m dealing with are just too curved in the deep  to make myself not open and trust with people and my family. I could say I blamed the society for this but over time, I run out of things to blame. 

    That being said, I’m not blind or ungrateful that there are people around me who treats me with respect and kindness. But I can’t help it but still keeping myself distance away from them. And idk why I keep doing that.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. I don’t mind clowns really. I remember my elementary principal is obsessed with clowns and she would decorate her office and the nurse room with it. Seeing something fun and colorful around a principal office could make a child feel less timid when it come to seeing the principal whenever I was send off there. I guess that’s probably why I’m fond with clowns. Something vintage and comforting about them. The horror clowns doesn’t ruin me from liking them though since I’m into horror in general anyway. :ButtercupLaugh:. The only thing I don’t like about so called  “ clowns” is I don’t like it how there are weirdos out there ruining the concept of clowns. 

  7. That concludes our 2023 World Cup!!! Thank you all for participating and for making this fun RP and OOC experiences for everyone and hope to see you all again for our next World Cup 2027!!

    credit: to @Rikifive for making this wonderful World Cup chart!

    This thread will be open still for those who wish to continue to RP!

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Thinking about how it is now my pet peeve when either a worker or the manager  say “I’m just in a bad mood today” as an excuse to treat other people like shit. Look, do you really think that we all wanted to be here and work? No. Yet here we are. So suck it up because bitch, we’re all this same shithole together. I’m “grumpy” or in a bad mood every single day 24/7- yet I still managed to wear this facade smile for you just so you can have a nice fucking day. 

    like seriously, I do not want to hear “sorry about my rude behavior because I’m just in a bad mood”. I rather have you not say anything at all. It’s just comes out bs to me really.:okiedokieloki:

  9. Power up!! 

    Members are now allowed to roll TWO 20 dices instead of one!! To double the damage.


    Grogar HP: 71

    Carneilan HP: -7 defeated

    Queen Chrysalis HP: ponynapped

    King Sombra HP: Dead

     Cosmos HP: Dead

    Tirek HP: dead

    Daybreaker HP: dead

    white light: super dead


    Heroes HP: 579

    new enemy: one winged alicorn, Silkywrath./ Khali

    HP: 10


  10. Grogar HP: 100

    Carneilan HP: 59

    Queen Chrysalis HP: 59

    King Sombra HP: Dead

     Cosmos HP: Dead

    Tirek HP: dead

    Daybreaker HP: dead

    white light: super dead


    Heroes HP: 630

    new enemy: one winged alicorn, Silkywrath.

    HP: 129

    • Brohoof 2
  11. 4 hours ago, Tacodidra said:


    Yay, we got third place!
    Thank you for all your support
    Kettle Corn signs off

    There's no way I could have ended this World Cup journey without one last Kettle Corn haiku. :D Thanks to @TheRockARooster for being my fellow Manehattanite, @TBD for helping with many fun ideas and @Rikifive for all the great material posted throughout the tournament. :eager: And of course everyone else too for making this tournament such an entertaining one!

    Congratulations to the School of Friendship for a narrow but impressive victory! Pinkie being on the winning team more than makes up for her fate in the last tournament, and I'm especially glad to see Smolder (such an underrated character) in the winning crew! :rarity: Team Moon impressed too, being so close to repeating their feat from last time. The top three teams and Kirin Village all had excellent line-ups, so it was no surprise the battles were so close and the lead kept changing hooves. And all the other teams deserve credit for their efforts too!

    Here's to another great World Cup in 2027 (which will be here much sooner than it sounds)!


    These battles was definitely the most intense  than the last one! Each teams was definitely tails to tails! It was fun chatting about the team full of sweets Tacodidra! 

    I also want to thank @Rikifive for setting up the charts and arranging at front for us! And @Props Valroa and @Denim&Venöm for setting up these matches and polls!!! You guys are the best!!

    As for the rest of the members I have chatted with through PM, It was definitely a fun experiences and arranging your guys team and getting to know you all personally was something I will never forget!!!

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Grogar HP: 158

    Carneilan HP: 117

    Queen Chrysalis HP: 117

    King Sombra HP: Dead

     Cosmos HP: Dead

    Tirek HP: dead

    Daybreaker HP: dead

    white light: super dead


    Heroes HP: 669

    new enemy: one winged alicorn, Silkywrath.

    HP: 187

    • Brohoof 2
  13. 39 minutes ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:

    @Props Valroa @Daybreaker @Kujamih After Daybreaker felt on the ground, defeated by @Ghostie boi, Shiny Silvermoon said to her "I've always been mad at you for giving a smaller throne to your sister than yours... That will teach a lesson to you."

    She then turned her head to witness White Light being used as a shield by Cosmos. She decided to slowly approach the chaotic beast and to give her a powerful slap. She didn't have time to react since the mare was too close from her. The slap was so powerful that it made Cosmos drop her hostage. "I knew the betrayal was coming but I didn't think you'd be the first to make a move, Cosmos. You are weaker than I expected."

    (I rolled a 12 but as I said earlier, I can't make screenshots of it. Which forces you to trust me. I'm not lying.)

    (Our apologies!! We will take that dmg as a count towards cosmos!)

    Grogar HP: 196

    Carneilan HP: 155

    Queen Chrysalis HP: 155

    King Sombra HP:  17

    Cosmos HP: Dead @Kujamih@ChrysalisM

    Tirek HP: dead

    Daybreaker HP: dead

    white light: super dead


    Heroes HP: 772

    • Brohoof 1
  14. 50 minutes ago, Ghostbit/Angel said:

    Ghost soon appeared grabbing onto The Queen's horn and using his momentum from his speed, Flipped her and slammed the Queen into Grogar! "WHO ARE YA CALLING LITTLE!?"

    [Don't really know where our little Hp chart is ??? ;^;]

    here you go!!

    19 point taken off for Queen Chrysalis. 

    Grogar HP: 253 pt

    Carneilan HP: 173 pt

    Queen Chrysalis HP: 109 pt

    King Sombra HP: 73 pt

    Cosmos HP: 73 pt

    Triek HP: 73 pt

    Daybreaker HP:73 pt


    Heroes HP: 989

    • Brohoof 2
  15. The event of the final bosses battle has begun!!!!


    Goal is to defeat Grogar,  Carneilan and team Tartarus.


    Grogar HP: 300 pt

    Carneilan HP: 200 pt

    Queen Chrysalis HP: 100 pt

    King Sombra HP: 100 pt

    Cosmos HP: 100 pt

    Triek HP: 100 pt

    Daybreaker HP:100 pt

    Total HP: 1000 pt


    Members are to be asked to take down the enemy or enemies  of their choice. It could be however they wanted, be creative! 


    The amount of damage points will be determined by a roll of 20 side dice here



    Members are to roll the dice and whatever the number they have received that will  be the amount of damage they will inflict onto the enemy. 

    members will have 5 attempts to roll and cause damage points per post.


    Have fun and good luck!!



    • Brohoof 1
  16. I have many songs to represent me but I think this one speaks the loudest 

    every time I listen to this whenever I’m in a very bad mood with the people around me or with everything around that happened, I think to myself. Damn, you should thank Jesus that I didn’t go all St. Jimmy on you. I like to think “St Jimmy” is my other persona; fun, rebellious, and free. and listening to this, allow this part of me to be acknowledged.

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