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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by KTAG

  1. I've been in the fandom about as long as you have but I have been watching the episodes all over again with my older sister. It is funny to look back at these episodes and see all of the background characters and pointing out everything else about the show that I know. Can't wait till the season 3 finale so my sister can start going into the fandom safe from spoilers.
  2. I have decided to bring other Non MLP related content to my Brony channel for a couple reasons. Reason 1 cause it's hard to find a lot of MLP related videos out there that are good for reacting. #2 If you're a youtuber then you know you need a cellphone to unlock lots of other content for your videos such ans longer vids, and custom thumbnails, and you can only use the cellphone number 2x.

    1. KTAG


      Everything will work out. I'll still be wearing my hat in all of my videos. Also I will have to stop putting videos up on here, so I'll put up a link that leads to my channel for anypony who wants to see my videos, can go there and enjoy.

  3. Welp here's my new shirt. I love it. I will be wearing it to bed tonight. I'm super happy.

    1. Vlazamal
    2. KTAG


      New Vinyl Scratch Shirt I forgot to put the link. oops


  4. YAY my shirt just got here. I'll take a picture of it after school and show yall. Super happy. :D

  5. Morning everypony. How are yall today? I'm fine. I am expecting a Vinyl Scratch shirt in the mail in a few days. Should be here on Wednesday or Thursday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KTAG


      Yeah. I'm really excited. It'll have to be used as a pajama shirt, but it still looks really nice.

    3. KTAG


      Wait why can't you get one?

    4. Johnny1226


      Good morning KTAG

  6. Night everypony. See yall tomorrow. I still need to edit my birthday vlog.

    1. DJ Rainbow

      DJ Rainbow

      Alright. Have a good nights sleep KTAG


    2. Johnny1226


      Good night KTAG

  7. Morning everypony. How are yall so far today? I'm doing pretty good. Later today I gotta go up to Circle K and work with the manager about a gift card issue. YAY

    1. KTAG


      That was a sarcastic yay by the way.

    2. Johnny1226


      Good morning KTAG

    3. Barpy
  8. Well I went to see a movie with my gma and sister. It was called Lion. It was about a boy who get lost from his home and he goes through many different places. It was pretty good. Would I pay to see it again? No. If someone wanted to see it and they offered to pay? Yes. I would see it then.

    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      lol, good review; 10/10 would read again :3

  9. GRRRRRRRRRR. There is some idiot out here at 12:04 AM on his motorcycle. It scares the hell out of me 1 becuase I'm watching creepy stuff, and 2 because it's SO loud. It sounds like your outside, standing next to a normal sounding motorcycle.

  10. Well it looks like I'll be up till 8 am. So if you wanna chat, we can chat. What about? Whatever you want cause frankly I'm too lazy to think of a topic to talk about.

  11. Well I just got back from a bunch of places. Nothing special happened. I bought a few doughnuts and a couple muffins, so that's about it. I NEED to sit down, my feet are so sore.

    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      MMmm... Muffins...


      Hope your feet feel better soon! The power of muffins compels them! :3

    2. KTAG


      Hahaha thanks man. I just need a couple hours for my feet to feel better. Muffins will definately help

  12. Morning everypony. Today I am helping my g-ma trim bushes. She went o drop my mom off at work so I get a few minutes to chill. Looks like I'll be going back to Circle K today. I had my soda yesterday, but after hard work like this I get one anyways to help relax. What do you do to relax after hard work.

    1. Barpy


      Good morning! Busy day I see :D

    2. KTAG


      After that the rest of my day will be on my laptop, so if that's what you mean by busy then yes.

  13. I have a website named after me...YAY https://www.myktag.com/

  14. Well...I opened my gifts and ate my cake. I am not a cake person. There are a few cakes I like, but still not much of a cake person. It was good though. Now for the presents they were...AWESOME. I got so much high quality stuff. I'll be making a video about it, and I'll probably post it tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KTAG


      Yep. I just so happened to get a Kodak camera. It's not the professional photo capture I would love to get, but it's a step up from my other camera. It actually takes pictures close to the quality I am looking for.

    3. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      I'm glad to hear it! Kodak is a pretty good brand, and even a cheapish old model like mine takes pretty good pictures, so I'm sure you'll be getting some great pics in no time! :D

    4. KTAG


      Yeah. I think so too. :D

  15. Well getting to my b-day party will be painful. I have SOOO much to do in school today. More than I normally do. I won't even get my hour lunch break, and I will probably be working on the weekend a little bit. At least I have my party to look forward to. :D

    1. Johnny1226


      Happy birthday KTAG

    2. KTAG


      Thanks. Appreciate it. :D

  16. Night everypony. See yall tomorrow. I guess were having my party at 4 pm so no doubt the school day will feel SOOO long and boring.

  17. Well if I was in a horror movie we know who the first to go would be...either that or the first to find the killer. I thought I heard my parents close my courtyard gate, and I didn't see them in my courtyard and they weren't in their casita (smaller house in our yard) do I went and investigated.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Well at least you're brave and you have two houses? wow impressive

    3. Johnny1226


      I personally would probably be the thing the killer would be scared of just last weekend I walked into the darkness of some large golf course in the middle of the night dressed completely in a black suit

    4. KTAG


      @Shineling I'm glad I'm still alive too


      @Johnny1226 Don't be too impressed, my g-parents house is normal sized and the other house is like 2x smaller than their house. It's like an apartment room.

  18. I think I may have a soda drinking problem...Pretty sure I do. All well at least a lot of the soda is diet.

    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      Same minus the diet part... Also a sugar problem... Well, I may not be losing weight, but I'm pretty sure I'm not gaining any; leaves me at average for my height. :3

    2. KTAG


      That goes for both of us. I go up to a circle k 2x a week and I get an XL Dr. Pepper. I don't eat a lot of candy anymore and I walk up to Circle K so that I guess takes off the weight I could be gaining.

  19. This is such a good song. I love it.

  20. This literally just happened, and it's super funny. At least to me anyways. So I'm sitting on my laptop wearing my Rainbow Dash hat (I can't wear it anywhere else so I wear it while using my laptop) and my grandma sees me. She's never seen me wear my hat before and she doesn't even know who it is and she gives me a weird look. Then she says what are you eating...Oh salami.

  21. Morning everypony. How are yall today? I'm doing pretty good so far. I had a dream last night where I was buying a lot of MLP stuff online. Probably foreshadowing my life as an adult.

    1. Barpy


      haha :D


      good mornin!

    2. Johnny1226


      Good morning KTAG

  22. Night everypony. See yall tomorrow. Boy I can not wait to get a job. My laptop is MESSED UP. 1/3 of the screen is doing the old tv thing. YOu know where the stuff on the TV is playing, but it's got these static lines. Hopefully soon.

  23. I found this new webcam on Amazon for $14.00 I need to go to the store, and get an amazon gift card. If I order this item within 8 hours I'll get it by tomorrow. Then I'll have a b-day present for myself on on Friday.

  24. Well I made a decision that will be affecting my life in a big way. I stopped posting videos on my main channel. That channel was an old man. I was dragging it all over trying to entertain people, but I wasn't doing that. The lack of activity on that channel started making me really sad, because I wasn't completing my goal of entertaining people. SO I will post one more video on that channel one day and I will be focusing on my brony channel. SO NOW I will be bumping my video output t...

    1. KTAG


      So now I'll be putting up 2 videos a week. YAY Hopefully soon I can start putting up 1 video a day Mon-Fri and have the weekend for recording and editing.

    2. Johnny1226


      I will be looking forward to seeing those videos

    3. KTAG


      Yeah. For my second video this week I might try putting up a video on why I decided to start watching MLP and how it developed from there.

  25. Hello everypony. I just got back from the dentist, and I am cavity free so I AM GLAD. Well I need to get back to school now

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