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Stone Cold Steve Jobs

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Status Updates posted by Stone Cold Steve Jobs

  1. Lol.


    1. Widdershins


      Well, we all now Mario does love his 'shrooms!

         ...sliced & pan-fried onto his'a spagetti! He sure does love his pasta, if the Mario Show taught us anything.

  2. I would like to thank Kathy Griffin and Hillary Clinton personally for their work this week in furthering the Trump 2020 campaign.

  3. Okay, am I getting old? What the hell is a waifu? I'm sure it's dirty, but... but in what way?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tropical Melody

      Tropical Melody

      waifu. Noun. (fandom slang) A fictional character from non-live-action visual media (typically an anime, manga, or video game) that one is attracted to and considers a significant other.


    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Oh God, what happens if someone combines that with rule 34? 

      Actually, never mind. I don't want to know.

    4. Widdershins


        From what I've heard, it basically just means a character that represents what you deem as positive qualities in a mate. The male version being Husbando... or as we call it in the MLP fandom... Horsebando!

        One could assume it extends to, say, literary methods, just so long as there isn't an actor or a real face to it. Like, Lara Croft from the video games, sure, Lara Croft from specifically that one movie where Angelina Jolie attempted it, eh... likely not.

        I dunno what Rule 34 is. That the "There's something perverted about it somewhere on the Internet, regardless of what it is" one?

  4. If you ever feel dumb, just know that I met a person who does not know who John Lennon is. She's 24.

    1. Widdershins



         Was he some sorta pressy-dent ah somethin'? He that feller that dun invented lemons?

    2. Randimaxis


      Imagine that.

  5. *Someone drops the f bomb multiple times in a post*

    Mods: *cricket noise*

    *I make a joke about liberals*

    Mods: OMG if you do that again you get banned!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Widdershins


        I don't even know what a Liberal is. How is it something to get offended by or even make a joke about?

        ...is it something you can eat?...

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Depends. A true liberal is someone who believes that we as people can coexist and get along, and that there are exceptions to every people. For example, not all muslims are evil terrorists. I completely agree with these liberals. 

      The ones I hate are the ones who take it to such an extreme that they become fearful of everything and everyone else to such an extent, that they capitulate their very souls and become part of the everyday person hating menace. These are the ones who won't dare criticize islam, but have blind hatred for other religions; the ones who ignore any crimes committed by the ones they support while screaming over crimes committed by what they view as the enemy. These are the ones I make fun of.

    4. Widdershins


         ...so, its the hypocrisy then you don't like?

        Because if one is crackin' wise about a subset of a way of thinking that is signified enough to be given a readily discernible level of interpretation as a certain group of people, then I can see how that can easily come across as hating others for their ideals.

        Then again, pretty much all political talk sounds like that to me.

        Sometimes even hateful humor can be funny, but I can understand if the devs thought your joke was a little too hateful to have you doing it too much.

  6. I keep getting phone calls, and I'm thinking I am actually popular. All but one of them were wrong numbers. They were all asking for the same guy. I don't know who this Jose guy is, but I have words for him.

  7. So, Gregg Allman just died.

  8. One last ride, then it's night-night forever.

    1. Widdershins


       I took the HIIIIWAY TO NITE-NITE!!

  9. Impatient people, you ready to be let down?

    Red Dead Redemption 2 has been delayed until spring 2018.

    You've just been let down.

  10. Hey. What's goin' on?

    A. The Mesozoic Era

    B. The Cenozoic Era

    C. The Protozoic Era

    D. The Paleolithic Era

    1. Widdershins


      What? No Pre-Cambrian Era?



        Haw! Gad that was terrible!

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      How dare you assume my era!!!

  11. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Manchester. The more disgusting thing is there are those who are celebrating it. 


    1. Widdershins


      Celebrating what? That there's a city called Manchester?

         ...I don't get no news.

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      At least 19 are dead and 50 are wounded after an apparent suicide bombing in Manchester.

  12. What is the best name for an arsonist who also murders?

    I vote arsassin.

  13. You ready to be let down?

    The Voyager probes are both expected to go quiet by 2020-2025. They are destined, perhaps eternally, to wander the milky way, never to transmit information again.

    You've just been let down.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      The middle of the galaxy tastes like cherries. 

    3. Widdershins


       I hear that Voyager will just keep traveling unhindered for several more thousand years, picking up debris and stuff until it reaches the end of the universe... where it then gains sentience to come back to threaten mankind & all of existence!

        That'll be cool!

    4. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Or it will get bored over time and rage quit the universe, i.e vanish

  14. Hey, you. Yeah, you. You ready to be let down?

    Current scientists have been saying that Proxima b, the exoplanet orbiting the nearest red dwarf to our Sun Proxima Centauri, may actually be able to maintain life and a comfortable climate after all. Why is that a let down? Proxima Centauri is about 4.37 light years away from Earth, which equates to over 36 trillion miles. 

    It would take us about 81,000 years to reach Proxima Centauri as of now, and current models suggest we will never be able to reach the speed of light.

    You've just been let down.

  15. Apparently the dinosaurs may have been on the way out even before the impact event. Like if the asteroid missed the dinosaurs would have still gone extinct within a few million years. So what I'm saying is I don't feel as bad about the whole thing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      I heard somewhere that a group of scientists found a perfectly preserved mammoth. It looked like if you thawed it out it would walk off. No sign of decomposition.

      they tested the body, and when it turned out to be safe, they cooked part of it and ate it. There is a group of scientists somewhere on earth that can say with all honesty they've eaten mammoth before.

      Also I know what you're thinking, and yes, it did apparently taste like chicken.

    3. Widdershins


      Nuh-uh, I was thinking if it was possible to eat the scientists!

        What, circle of life!

    4. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Scientists are good eating.

  16. Leave it to my mother to find a way to get out of going to the service of a man we knew since I was 5.

  17. My best friends father passed away. His service is today. Jesus Joseph and Mary, he fought.

  18. Look, you ever eat three dinners in a row? You know, like breakfast, lunch, dinner dinner dinner?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Hey, the food table can look lonely and in need of company too!

    3. Widdershins


      Well, hey... If you mean "Keep eating until you no longer have any food in the house" theeeen... Sure!

        I'm sure going back for thirds doesn't count. I know I have eaten Breakfast & Lunch at the same time before!

        In fact, a few times I've taken so long to eat my breakfast that I decided to just cut corners and go into lunch immediately after finishing!

    4. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      One of my friends ordered a pie from dominos, ate seven slices, proclaimed he was full, and then finished eating anyway. He was sick for two days.

  19. in case you need to know this for some reason.

    1. Widdershins


      I have a sudden intense desire to legally change my name to Aneutron Star.

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Jimmy Neutron beat you to the last name.

  20. It occurs to me that if a zombie apocalypse were to occur, within days there would be zombie rights activists.

    1. Widdershins


      Well, they are... were human after all. Gotta respect da dead ya know!

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      In my opinion the government would steal a penny off a dead man's eye.

    3. Widdershins


        Nah, that ain' true! Last time that practice was followed it was solid gold coins that were used for that, and honestly, you gonna let a deadman lay claim to gold he ain't gonna use?

         ...I would much rather suggest we bury our dead in the same manner... but with whole chariot wheels.

                 That will keep the buggers down there.

  21. Which one of the horses looks most like a pokemon? I was going to use rainbow dash but even i know what he looks like off the bat. 

  22. I'm just going to leave this here.


    1. MaryxMelody


      Oml! Thats great!

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