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Gamer Pizza

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Status Updates posted by Gamer Pizza

  1. I came because of the show.

    I stayed because of the fans.

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      I left because I had to go...


  2. Hello, everypony! I'm back! (again)

  3. Thank you for the follow, dude!

    Also, Welcome to the forums!:pinkiecutehat:

    1. Merry Dashie

      Merry Dashie

      Your welcome and thanks

      Do you wanna follow me back.

  4. I've been gone for several months. Can anyone catch me up on what's been going on?

  5. Just a heads up.

    I am still alive.

  6. According to @Sparklefan1234, I would be shipped with princess Luna.

    Anyone have a second opinion on that?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aqua shine

      Aqua shine

      i mean that fine if you do that

    3. Sparklefan1234


      @Gamer Pizza

      I'm sorry but Princess Luna doesn't answer questions in my "Ask a Pony" thread. :blush:


    4. Gamer Pizza
  7. Can someone PLEASE tell me what happened to @TempestShadow?

    1. Aqua shine

      Aqua shine

      that what i want to know they said she probuly died


  8. Hi there! Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy being here!:D

  9. Can someone please help me with a script i'm making? It's about the episode idea I made here.

    1. Black Sabbath

      Black Sabbath

      What do you need help with?

    2. Gamer Pizza

      Gamer Pizza

      I'm trying to write the script, but I need to add some more filler content (Jokes, songs, etc.)

  10. Anyone want to help me with a script I'm making for a MLP fan series?

  11. Will someone PLEASE reassure me that shipping with Pinkie Pie with the son of the grim reaper is TOTALLY acceptable?!?!?!?!

  12. Though it will take a short while to get used to, I like the new brohoof change to the website.

    Now teacup enthusiasts can finally express their opinions.

    Teacup if you agree.

    1. CypherHoof


      *boops for encouraging use of the False Teacup when the True Teacup is not an option...

      (Also, in two minds about the fact that, as far as I know, only brohooves add to brohoof count, so you can either be expressive or add to that...)

  13. I just made a MLP crossover with My Singing Monsters. Would anyone like to proof read it?

  14. Hope you guys had a fantastic Christmas*.

    *If you are jewish, please replace "Christmas" with "Hanukkah".

  15. OMG just saw this video by Studio C! Totally hilarious!


  16. I'm trying to draw my OC, but I'm having a bit of trouble doing so.

    Any ideas on where to start?


    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      One of the best usernames returns! :D

    2. CheeryFox
  18. I'm thinking about changing my icon to something different.

    Any ideas on what I should do?

  19. http://cheezburger.com/9032455424

    The story of how I found the Forums.

  20. Always be yourself.

    Unless you can be Fluttershy.

  21. Update on my social life;

    I am still single...:(

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Counter Update from me, I haven't had Friend that is a girl in 10 years. 



      sam here bud been single for 3 years now xD lol

  22. I JUST realized something;


    You can't spell "Discord" without "D-I-S-C-O".

  23. I don't care what your username says; I think you are a very likeable pony.

  24. I don't know why, but I feel like making waffles.

  25. This is AWESOME!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Oh, yeah, it is. There is a reason why I'm always online when I can.

    3. Kiri


      Glad you're enjoying the forums! There's definitely quite a bit to do here. :)

    4. Violet_S


      It's great to hear your having a good time ^.^

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