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K.Rool Addict

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Blog Comments posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. E3 this year definitely did suck. Although, I have to admit, none of those games you mentioned would have made any difference to me, personally.

    There were some cool games shown off, some nice surprises too. But the actual conferences themselves left me utterly underwhelmed. The Japanese devs really brought the heat this year... where was all the awesome western developed stuff? Sure, Anthem looked pretty lit, but I honestly have trouble getting excited for a game with the same format as Destiny -.- If only Anthem was single player, I would be hyped as all hell >.<

    • Brohoof 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

    I wouldn't say I am a fanboy just because I am passionate. I find it a shame that the Sony conference was so disappointing, it sounds like they are in bed with Activision waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much.

    Well we did get motherfucking Shadow of the Colossus Hd! (And when I say "HD" I don't mean Ps3 remaster "HD" more like Ratchet&Clank(Ps4) or Crash Bandicoot(Ps4) "HD" xDDD I have seriously never been more excited for a game announced at E3 EVER!

    However, one game does not make an entire conference. Just cuz you got one allstar player on your team doesn't make up for the rest of the players slouching :P 

    The other game I was excited for was Monster Hunter World, which is #1 a multiplat (i think) and #2 a freaking Monster Hunter game -.- Gotta admit the trailer really impressed toward the end. But yeah those two games were literally it for me. Practically everything else was a slap in the face to a longtime Sony fan. Quick Time Events as far as the eye can see~~ Q.Q

  3. Kyoshi, you'll be glad to know (being the Xbox fanboy you are lol; inb4 denial) that Sony's E3 conference was a disappointment on all fronts.

    2 Exciting games, one of which a remake. Everything else? Garbage (or at least mediocre)


    With Microsoft, there was at least consistency with the games they showed off. Some were very lackluster, but many were at least "passable" in my eyes. For Sony, it was either Godlike or complete trash Dx

  4. If you really have 300-something Xbox One games, Kyoshi, I see no reason why you shouldn't pick up the X. You are clearly loyal to the brand, why restrict yourself from getting the best experience they have to offer.

    I just wish they showed off Sunset Overdrive 2 and Forza Horizon 4 lol. Even if they were late 2018 releases, it woulda been so freaking cool to see em. 

    I await Sony and Nintendo's conferences with bated breath~~

  5. I plan to get one too. While I had no need for a NES mini since I have had a huge collection of over 70 NES games since I was a kid, my SNES collection is absolutely pathetic xD I have like 8 games lol. So an SNES mini would be an insta-buy for me (especially since SNES games are Imo far superior to the NES library). 

    Just trying to figure out whether to bag s SNES mini or a Super Famicom mini...

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