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Haven Celestii

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Everything posted by Haven Celestii

  1. I would rather not, but like, it takes too long to really get going for my liking. ;~; Holy shit that sounds dadgum amazing! xD Ive never had that many people in total run but good lord it sounds crazily epic. x) and good lord. The only time I used item cdr was like, for shenanigans with the imp portal every ten minutes. I'd freeze it at least 5 times and unleash a massive horde. That, or my pc would crash from us overdoing it. xD <3
  2. Damn, nice! I honestly just need to drop a few bucks into it whenever I can if I ever try to get back into. Oo, RoR is soooooooooo good! I honestly need to play it more, though, ive kinda worn it out a bit. ^ ^;; At least now I could run it on my PC and not damn freeze when someone gets a bunch of aoe and screen filling defensive items. xD Aye, thankies, yo! Shit. I'm on my way to you, lesgo, fam.
  3. Good lord lmfao. I should have done that, shit. xD Oooh, ok. Just making sure, x) Oooyouch. Terribly sorry to hear that, yo. :z Hopefully shit starts looking up for you, brah. :/ I've yet to try college again at all, actually still looking for work as the last one I tried only lasted about a week, and now i'm having even more family troubles than already. So, wheee. Surprising I'm not an alcoholic by this point, tbh.
  4. I need to replay it again, tbh. I never really got far enough in to pick a type of deck to run. It kinda irritated me that fast, what with the whole "having to farm up cards first" stuff. ^^;; You added me on Steam? Did the link in my profile actually work cause iirc, blue told me it was broken and I never fixed it. :x I have been, eh. Ok. I'm survivng but with a lot of ups and downs. Mostly downs, it seems. But, alive, so hey. How have you been, yo?
  5. This is me exactly. FO3 kept my attention for DAYS on end. Skyrim...barely got me to play more than 30 minutes to an hour. :z Eww, hearthstone. RNG makes me cry. ;~; I played the Overwatch version and I honestly had a lot of fun doing it. I think I could get into playing it a little bit if I had the peeps for it.
  6. I can only think that it could be an off chance of like, a short circuiting or something if it was indeed the monitor being plugged into it. It being super far away does not help at all either, but yeah. And your mobile hot spot works just fine with it in there and running? If so, then again, I could only assume it was indeed a short circuiting that blew the card or something. Does it work without the monitor plugged in and off?
  7. what the fuck. That makes no sense as the monitor shouldn't even be remotely related to the internet it picks up at all. And if that is the case, it should cause problems as long as its on and near your laptop, but not directly plugged in. You didn't by any chance hit any buttons while plugging it in, did you? Like, there is an airplane mode key on laptops (at least mine, that is) and im pretty sure one that just straight up disconnects its wireless features.
  8. that's really bad on their part, tbh. I still need to try and play it again though. But, it wont be modded unless its something absolutely hilarious. And prolly will be a melee only run.
  9. And this makes it overkill. You have plenty to do there as is. And since immersion is your focus, if you can't get immersed in such a world as that with what they give you then something isn't right on your end. Same goes for MC with how people overdo it with mods.
  10. To be fair, if a game needs mods that badly then, uh, well. Not really worth the time, tbh. WHich, says enough to me cause I couldn't even play the base game and get through it.
  11. It's ok, he has a way of doing that to people, but I still love him anyway.
  12. Im not really sure how you're trying to connect these, but ok.
  13. Not even close. I'm also not sure which is worse, being called Skrillex or having that old person's term used on you.
  14. Well, when I say tired I mean tired as in tired of life being bullshit. Not the same tired as sleepy. But, chances are you'll get to that point as well, what with how life tends to work and all. :^)
  15. Boy, am I sleepy. And tired. And a little hungry. And quite honestly a lot of other things.
  16. Good, don't get into this shit lmfao. I might have fucked up my phone because of it. >.>
  17. Oooo, thankies so much! It looks quite nice! If you don't mind, I'll probably take a shot at coloring it as well later on. x) But, again, thankies!
  18. Aye, you got it, yo! Only this time, special blue raspberry jolly rancher vodka i'm making and a special halloween event (hopefully)! So it should be hella special and fun. x)
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