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Haven Celestii

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Everything posted by Haven Celestii

  1. Aye, I know even less on those brands lmao. I can say that you do need more ram, especially for how you love to have multiple things going on at once, so there's my teeny tiny advice lmao. (Man, I wish I was actually tech savvy though. ;A;)
  2. Aye. I only really pushed to get mine because I actually needed it. My first SSD was actually in the red for the longest of times and I figured I might as well splurge on both of my upgrades instead of just getting one. Well, I say that, but I actually did need another SSD for other games, so hey.
  3. Go get you some! I don't really know much about most of that, tbh. I got info from friends and whatnot. What do you currently have and what is your budget?
  4. SSD came in and I can finally finish up my Storage set up, wheeee! 2tb hdd and ~750gb in ssd space~ Just need to get a better monitor plus a few other peripherals and I will be set on my PC~ x)
  5. Between the usual FFXIV and possibly League or DooM. Although, fixing up my daw properly on here would also be a good thing to get done as well as installing a few other games and whatnot, especially with my new SSD coming in today.
  6. Seemed like an apropiate response for such an action. o3o Sobering up a bit from last night. Prolly about to start gaming or something as well.
  7. I had around that when I played Fo3 without mods, so. If ive said it once, then I'l lsay it again. If you have to mod a game to make it better or actually enjoyable than its base game, its not worth a second of your attention. Skyrim fits that bill exactly as that's literally what it is. Never could get into it. >1tb >whatever taht core is Idk, but it sounds like you upgraded into just a slightly better build, tbh.
  8. Idk, it could be. Don't ruin my excitement. D< Because you're body isn't actually used to it and it's aching from all the new experiences and feelings its getting from it. It only hurts less once you're used to it, so it never really doesn't ever hurt even a bit. *pushes head back out* Not normally. I either don't ever try do to that or I don't just give up that easily. Rip your save. Don't do it. Play a game that's actually fun without HAVING to have mods make it entertaining. Which, now that I can think of it, my new pc should be able to run it like that. I may need to do a punch build and have some actual fun in Skyrim and play it for once since I never did. Well, you're not as big of a mess as some people ive seen, so there's that at least. You can return there regardless of anything, hun. Nothing stops you but your own fears and worries, really. Not saying you HAVE to, but like, yeah. If you feel like you're ready to do so then you can whenever. See, most things like that are just a bit of information that's only noticed when its brought up or spoke about. Nothing about it just makes it stand out 100% of the time unless you take the time to make it do that. You owe me like, three cookies now. Yeah, that's pretty much what made me think you had something or another. it's that little bit of peculiarness that set it off, but like, again, that's not a bad thing by any means.
  9. Aye, do it if it'll help you chill out a bit over it, hun. x) Then just go back. Idk what kind of disagreement would cause someone to feel that bad that they can't return somewhere unless it was like, a violent one. If it wasn't that then there's no reason you can't just go back. Or, if you really want, you can easily just find another place to join up and do the same thing there. It'd let you fill the hole and keep you from having to be around whoever was on the old team/site. Since you already seem to have a game in mind with stuff you can do to help/build it up, you can just stick with that if you want. Yay, Punic is back! Hello!
  10. Yes and yes at times (moreso the first one, really, but that kinda just furthers the second one as well), which, isn't exactly a bad thing, mind you. Even with you being like that I still manage to stick around and whatnot cause your company isn't bad at all. Might be a bit harder for others especially any that just meet you, but hey. You continue where you were already going, hun. Ive said it once before I'll say it again: This shouldn't really be changing much of anything for you as its just giving a name to a trait of yours (if it's even true, at that).You don't have to change anything up or start going about things differently just because of it.
  11. Yes, there very much is a reason I do that. x) But, you really are blowing this out of proportion. Like, massively, hun. It literally does not matter anything past what a figurative (and maybe not so figuratively for doctors) piece of paper will say and tell people. Not at this point, at least. The fandom has been slowly dying since a long while back.
  12. Wait, the newest season i already bout to come out? Fug. I guess I better slow down on my gaming and actually binge watch me some ponies this weekend. With plenty of alcohol to go with it. >w>
  13. Unless that was already a perk of subbing, they shouldn't just give yall anything. If anything, they just need to make it back to the proper size that it used to be beforehand. :V
  14. I also wish this stupid notification noise would damn go away. It's annoying as hell to hear that bloop.
  15. The suffering is technically over. ;A; Well, its over, but Idk if I'll ever stop actually poking around. At least now I don't have to sit here and worry about losing my title and 14k+ posts. It's hilarious that you're actually really right about that. That's silly. Actually, you very much can go wrong with that and it has actually happened here a multitude of times, so. :V There's a reason why the supposed mods changed the tags of this place to "Don't be so random here". No worries, Punic. I can't forget about you and all the Minecraft shenanigans me, you, and Giggle had.~
  16. The one that needs to gtfo from all of those games cause all they do is ruin them for me.
  17. Well, that much is good, though, im more confused on why im getting notifs for that to begin with. I didn't get them beforehand, just ones for every post in here.
  18. Also, apparently you can't check who is top poster in a thread anymore it seems... Which, means that I'm now forever stuck top poster unless its actually fixed back and someone can check it again. Holy shit. I think I can actually forget about this place now lmao.
  19. Holy shit, the notifs just stack into one notif and doesnt actually tell you when a post is made like it used to. that's great to know how much activity is being missed. And this quoting is a mess. Good lord, I didn't think it was possible to drop down any further. I should really stop being surprised by this point, honestly. Don't question it.
  20. Oh boy, they're trying to polish this scat pile. This will be fun to see where it goes.
  21. The only real time I accept random friend requests like that is just to clear stuff off and whatnot and I'm too lazy/don't care enough to hit the "decline" button. It's rather pointless otherwise cause, I mean, Its not like I've actually talked to that person ever before, why would I show that we're some kind of friends?
  22. Lots of people with aspergers and its other variations/related syndromes make it fine in life, so you should not worry so much about it, really. Like, you've done well this far in from what i can tell, just because it gets a proper label now doesn't change that at all. As for being scared, that's not uncommon, so hey. It shouldn't cause a breakdown due to what I said above. Nothing's really different other than having a name for something now. So, why breakdown over the same old same old?
  23. If you want me to be honest, I don't think it's very far-fetched at all and don't think he's far off. You do have a peculiar way about you. That being said, there's nothing wrong with that at all, so don't think of it like that just in case you do! Holy shit, I have like, 16 friend requests sitting in my thing waiting approval. All of them from people I don't even remotely know. I never actually know where they come from either, since like, I don't get notifs and I barely even go out of this thread... Also, added.
  24. Subjective, maybe, however, it isn't exactly uncommon for a lot of people to dislike licorice so. and I do mean a LOT.
  25. How would I go about doing that? And I did not notice anything different in your avatar.
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