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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. Dog Wick, "Do you have any idea who was the guy you killed" "You killed Jon Wick's dog's human"
  2. Everymare dream come true, now she can use it with hooves
  3. Granted, but you start loosing your pencils. I wish they hire Novakin to do the Vinyl's voice
  4. ___ Tom Clancy makes cool action games
  5. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Kind of bad idea but I don't sleep at night
  6. Well, this is just random Equestrian military budget
  7. Let's return to the classics
  8. Not sure if cryptocurrency just a fad or not.
  9. Just your average MLP couple according to the fans
  10. received an April 2018 Windows update, for some reason Microsoft thinks its a good idea to break the sound on everyone computers, now I just had to go and fix that

    1. The_Gobo


      I haven't noticed any problems like that yet T3T

    2. RDDash


      yeah apparently I had to reset my speakers to default, otherwise they wouldn't work. Awhile back I had issues with webcamera microphone for almost exact same reason. Everything should be fine now.

    3. The_Gobo


      Well I'm glad you got it working proper :D


  11. I don't feel like doing the darkness Luna. Welcome to the Sith Empire.
  12. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Really cool game
  13. Say hello to my little friend, also would you please give me back my cash
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