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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. I'll do what I'll do best, and that means... I am the hero
  2. I am not sure if I am afraid of dying. It would be more accurate to say that I am afraid to disappear into nothingness. At the same time my body would be dead, so I guess at that point I am not going to be afraid of anything because there is not going to be me anymore.
  3. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    She has wings now
  4. I  guess the new episode parody came out today, lets call it tomorrow. So yeah, a lot of jokes, misunderstandings,and i guess we now know what the whopper pony name was. I guess the episode doesn't really makes sense when you think about it.


  5. It's from two best sisters play fallout 4, when dog meat show up they made this joke: It's a Call of Duty Fallout 4 Dog Both games use German Shepherds as a base model for the dogs
  6. well ,I guess I have no other choice
  7. I guess, Hasbro flooded once again with new season 9 leakage + old gen villain + 200 episode special

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The_Gobo


      Starting to think it is

      Sadly, I feel like it's doing WAAAAAAAAAAAY more to hurt the show and the fandom as a whole than maintain interest :(
      Gotta sell them toys somehow though I guess


    3. RDDash


      Ah, I found the appropriate image to illustrate what's happening at Hasbro HQ


    4. The_Gobo


      Yeah. That's stock footage at this point :(


  8. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I sort of heard about the game,the guy goes on rampage kills everyone for reverege. It's an okay game I guess
  9. Teen Titans Go directed by Zack Snider, I guess
  10. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Yeah, sometimes I stay awake for 40 or so hours, it's just happens
  11. Sunshine Sunshine Lady bugs awake Clap your hooves and do a little shake
  12. Flight 100%, the complete freedom to move everywhere in three dimensions. What if everytime you teleport the new you is born, and the old you is desintagraded.
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