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Everything posted by TheOneGuy0000

  1. But you only learned what my country is very recently It's a pretty big country, y'know Thank you for the compliment, really, but... What I meant is that it's sad you're the smartest guy I know by far. N-not because you're not very smart! But rather because my fellow people are incredibly dumb. GUD NOW BACK TO IT HOW DAER YOOOOUUUUUUU OTHER THAN THAT . . . Do you have a predatory mustache? THEN HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO WATCH SEASON FINALES AND PREMIERES? HHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? I NO MONSTER STICKERS NOT STICKY ENOUGH Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Tell a bad joke that they still found funny...? WHOOPS, LOOKS LIKE WE RAN OUTTA TIME CYA NEXT TIME! . . . Oh, how BOLD! Whelp, here's your TuxPoint™, as promised. But before you go, just remember... I have the high ground. WAIT YOU DIDN'T ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME DUALITY WHY
  2. Then just mail it to them, this isn't some gangster movie taking place in the 30's. Moving this whole debate to our PM chat. We made a big 'nuff mess here already. Besides, we're running out of things to talk about over there. Sorry to anyone who was potentially enjoying it. I was referring to the fact that you said he denied being interested in the show, but it's always nice to be reminded that everyone is against you. NO IT'S NOT I'D RATHER SUFFER NEXT TO SOMEONE STINKY THAN HAVE EVERYONE LOOK AT ME IN A MEAN WAY DIDN'T I ALREADY MENTION I'M SOCIALLY AWKWARD IT'S MEANT TO CONTRADICT ITSELF IT'S A CHEAP WAY TO MAKE IT SEEM SMARTER THAN IS THE MESSAGE IT TRIES TO CONVEY IS TRUE THO NOTHING IS SET IN STONE DON'T FULLY TRUST ANYTHING OR ANYONE, NOT EVEN YOURSELF AND MANY OTHER WAYS YOU COULD INTERPRET IT YOU'RE A PHYSICIST DUALITY YOU'VE GOT A GOOD SHOT AT SUCCEEDING IN THIS CRUEL WORLD GO BACK TO ASSURING YOURSELF A BRIGHT AND SUCCESSFUL FUTURE AND LEAVE THIS POINTLESS STUFF TO US STARVING PHILOSOPHERS IT'S ALL WE HAVE LEFT AT LEAST YOU'RE TRYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING NOW I FEEL EVEN WORSE PIZZA NOT GUD PIZZA BEST SELL YOUR STUFF DUALITY SELL YOUR STUFF even your brother if you have to Impressive nonetheless ...And here I thought you were gonna be original and witty again. HERETIC -Can you rub your belly and pat your head at the same time? -How would you describe the alicorn amulet to someone who doesn't know anything about the show? -Victorian style or Gothic style? -Do you have a part-time job? What is it?
  3. You're not bad, you were just given (by who I don't know) erroneous data. Now quit moping around, you're the smartest, wittiest guy I know. (which is kinda sad for me...) "If you could have a single pocket-sized pony in real life, which one would you choose, if any?" "What a silly question. I'm sure you already know the answer to this one." "Oh, yeah, you do come across as a Diamond Tiara kinda guy." " I'll be taking one TuxPoint™ back now, thank you." "I thought you handed out TuxPoints when I made witty jokes. Such ambiguity, mein Anzug." "Witty jokes that amuse and/or intrigue me, not witty jokes at my expense. Saying my favorite character is one of the most hated (before redemption) characters in the show is not witty nor a joke." "Pfeh, you exaggerate. I know plenty of people who like DT (now that she's been redeemed) and there's no call to take it as an insult if I mess with your words to imply I think you like her. It was mostly a joke centred on subverting your expectations of me knowing who your favourite pony is and going off on a tangent about a completely different and somewhat incongruous smolhorse, anyway. Was a joke, was witty, and wasn't 'at your expense'. Silli tux." "You're still not getting that TuxPoint™ back." "[citation needed]" I asked you for your tux point, and I removed it from your 'account', but at the same time I replaced it with another for another witty response. But if you hadn't made that joke, you would have had both. And I said I wasn't giving it back, despite you explaining the joke wasn't meant to make fun of me. THERE, HAPPY NOW? OTHER THAN THAT ...Oh. Well ain't that a thing. I'll do it as soon as you watch the episode where Ember is introduced Oh, don't act like you don't stalk people who you find mildly interesting. That's how we became friends, after all. I DON'T KNOW, A DAY MAYBE USUALLY THEY PEEL OFF QUICKLY boomboomboomboomboom THERE. With all of your questions recently, I don't know if I can choose. Again, I can't choose just one. I do silly stuff all the time to amuse those around me. . . . They're easily amused. (nothing too crazy though) I don't like pizza too hot, just pleasantly warm, so I guess croissant it is. before you call me a heretic, pizza is my favourite I don't like stickers. They're coarse and rough and irritating, and the stickiness gets everywhere. +1 tuxpoint if you get the reference
  4. THEN JUST GIVE THEM SOME OF THE STUFF YOU MADE TO MAKE UP FOR THE MONEY YOU OWE THEM THEN SELL THE STUFF YOU SECRETLY KEPT FOR YOURSELF BACK IN THE DAY, A LOT OF IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS WERE TRANSPORTED VIA (private, more secure) MAIL WE DO SEE SCROLL TELEPORTATION VIA DRAGON A LOT IN THE SHOW, BUT FOR ALL WE KNOW SPIKE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO IT ALSO, WHAT IS THIS: "POLITICS/ECONOMICS IN GENERAL IS FAR LESS LIKELY TO BE INFLUENCED BY CULTURAL DIFFERENCES THAN A SINGLE POSTAL SERVICE SO THE COMPARISON BETWEEN EQUESTRIA AND EARTH HERE IS VASTLY MORE VALID" DUALITY, THEY DEFEAT THEIR OPPONENTS WITH FRIENDSHIP THEIR ARMY IS BASICALLY USELESS, WHICH IS ACCEPTABLE FOR US IN THE MODERN, sort of PEACEFUL WORLD, BUT NOT IN THEIRS AND I DON'T CARE THAT THE VILLAINS HAVE SUPER STRONG MAGIC THE GUARDS SHOULD BE PREPARED TO DEAL WITH IT USING THEIR NUMERICAL SUPERIORITY DO THEY EVEN HAVE A CHURCH? A RELIGION? IT'S NEVER MENTIONED THEY MOST LIKELY ONLY PRAISE THE ALICORNS LIKE THE GODS THEY ARE AS I SAID, "EQUESTRIAN MONARCHY IS A VERY UNIQUE AND PECULIAR EXAMPLE OF MONARCHY" AND WHAT DO YOU DO? YOU GO AHEAD AND COMPARE IT TO BRITISH MONARCHY, THE MOST QUEEN-OBSESSED MONARCHY OUT THERE THERE ARE NO INBETWEENS, DUALITY YOU CAN'T OBJECTIVELY PICK AND CHOOSE WHAT'S SIMILAR TO HOW THINGS WORK IN OUR WORLD AND WHAT'S NOT, CONSIDERING HOW NONSENSICAL from our perspective MOST OF THEIR SOCIETY, ARMY/WEAPONS AND POLITICS ARE Inappropriate comparison, Luna ruled for a good couple millenias alongside Celestia and fought with her to defeat many villains that threatened the country before being banished. Ninety-five percent of the population doesn't even know her and NMM are one and the same, probably thanks to Celestia, who most likely had everything set for her return, with Twilight and the other mane six and Ponyville and the elements and all, judging by her monologue at the end of the second episode. Luna is anything but "recently-voted-into-Parlament". You just disbanded your own argument. The queen isn't the only member of the royal family still alive. Although she is infinitely more important that any of the others, obviously, but the situation wouldn't be nearly as catastrophic as every last member of the royal family instantly vanishing. That's even less the case for Equestria, where for the longest time there wasn't ONE monarch, ONE 'queen', but TWO. Sure, Luna didn't get as much appreciation as Celestia due to her duties taking place during the night and ponies sleeping and blah blah you know the story, but again, if we are to look at their political system realistically and judging by Celestia's love and respect for her sister, it's safe to assume that they both held the same amount of political power, consulting each other before making important decisions, probably as well as a 'council' with Starswirl as the head of it. Once again, that's especially the case now, with two more princesses 'added into the mix'. Luna also helped defeat Discord and Sombra, using the elements alongside Celestia, their brave, now legendary deeds portrayed on the throne room windows, for ponies and themselves to always remember. It would be nonsensical and unlike Celestia to not have done everything in her power to go back to this system as soon as possible after Luna's return (pretty sure the elements are a foolproof-redeemer, and even if they weren't, she trusted Discord to deal with the whole Tirek situation, for Luna's sake). Although we don't see these serious matters being dealt with, the show being for kids and all. Now, you may say that some older nobles and other important political figures who remember the whole story would have a problem with Luna, and you would most likely be right, but the show sort of deals with this in the episode "Luna Eclipsed" (again, it's a show for kids, political debates wouldn't have cut it, it's probably the best we'll get). Going even further, if we are to assume that each season takes up one year (which is pretty much the minimal estimation), Luna's been "back" for at least five years, plenty of time to deal with most of Equestria's nightmares for each pony at least once (Equestria's population isn't nearly as big as ours, seeing as they only have one huge city - their version of New York, Manehattan; Las Pegasus was depicted as having very few buildings in comparison to its irl equivelent). Proving her wisdom and goodwill and perhaps even establishing a more personal connection than Celestia ever could with most ponies would win her a few points, wouldn't you say? Yes, in retrospect it does sound somewhat invasive, but it's also very similar to being upset at someone for pushing you out of the way of a train, even if it was just a nightmare. Lastly, I'm going to tackle the inevitable "only one throne" argument. There are multiple possible explanations for this: -They switch. It's been established in "A Royal Problem" that Luna mostly sleeps during the day, due to her tiring nightly duties. Why would they need two thrones if they only use one at a time? The only reason would be symbolism, and it seems they finally got around to it with the movie, I certainly hope they also change it for season eight. (wouldn't make much sense if they don't) -They didn't want to remake the intro and reference sheets for the Canterlot throne room. You can notice Celestia's animation when opening the scroll is nearly if not completely identical to season one, Luna just being added in front of her. The only other thing that changes in that part of the intro is the picture sent with the scroll, which is still (just zoomed in) and therefore cheap. You can notice this in other parts of the intro as well, where they don't completely redo it, but rather add details, like Discord waving at Fluttershy from behind the window during the "Sharing kindness" part. Terrible, terrible words coming from someone I look up to. Now you see why I must prove you wrong. Indeed they are. Kinda glad I'm hooking him in to discuss about the show. He can deny it all he wants, soon he'll be one of us. PLEASE REFER TO THE FIFTH ISSUE I LISTED, AND NOTICE HOW THAT WOULD MAKE IT A MILLION TIMES WORSE IT'S SUPPOSED TO MAKE SENSE IN A FIGURATIVE WAY, NOT LITERALLY. YOU COULD EASILY SAY "DON'T EVER SAY NEVER", BUT THE SELF-CONTRADICTION GIVES IT MORE WIT I'M TRYING MY BEST HERE, BUT IT'S A TEAM EFFORT Oh. Well, now I feel bad. THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'RE MISSING GO WATCH IT RIGHT NAOW NAOW Seriously? -Can you wiggle your ears? -How would you describe the elements to someone who doesn't know anything about the show? -McDonald's or KFC? -What's our sun most likely to turn into after it implodes? (you could just google this one, but that would ruin the fun)
  5. THE DRAMA IS BECAUSE OF YOUR GRAMMAR NAZI-ISM NO MORE PLEASE I DON'T WANNA GO BACK I never kicked a puppy. Kicked dogs, yes, but never puppies. Your math is based on incorrect data, my bro . . . NOW TELL ME ABOUT THE PROGRAMME WAIT I REMEMBER NOW YOU SAID MY FAVE PONE WAS DIAMOND TIARA HOW DARETH THEE ...I have a feeling you do other things at night aside from building nukes in your basement... With a name like that, I wouldn't have risked checking it out. Ya never know nowadays. I CAAAAAAAAAAAN'T I'M BUUUUSYYYYYYYYY Indeed. Why, Sunset Rose, of course. I don't stalk just anyone, you know. I cited Aristotle and Heraclitus a couple times while having a casual conversation with my history teacher about our education system. I have no idea how I managed to back then, as now I wouldn't be able to do it for a thousand dollars. 'After Eight' . . . ...What? Stickers aren't for wearing, silly water puddle. They're for sticking. THAT'S NOT A QUESTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON
  6. . . . THEN JUST SELL THEM ON THE BLACK MARKET YOU GOOFHEAD *COUGH* mister flawless *COUGH* Argh, that blasted cough is back again. YOU HYPOCRITICAL PIECE OF HYDROXIDE HOW CAN YOU SA- UNBELIE- *inhale* Alright I'm better now. As you may recall, we had a bit of a debate about Derpy and the equestrian postal system way back when on our PM chat. I chose to look at it the practical, rational way, or the "Earth" way. You appropriately chose to look at it the feelings > anything else way, or the "Equestria" way (y'know, the land where feelings reign supreme, literal dark overlords being born out of them, and friendship being able to overpower skyscraper-sized centaur demons who just so happen to posses all the magic in said land). Because of this, you won the argument. In this 'debate', however, the roles seem to have switched. I'm the one talking about feelings and such and looking at it "the Equestria way", and you're the one talking about economy and monarchy based on our history and just generally looking at it "the Earth way", simply because it benefits you in the given scenario. I will NOT tolerate this double standard-ish bias, no siree. Despite all of this, I shall still do my best to tackle your points and arguments. Obviously, when a country's political system is monarchy, the monarch has all the power (unless it's constitutional monarchy, but Equestria is a very peculiar and unique example of monarchy). Because of this, it's needless to say that if the monarch is out of the picture, and there are no relatives to inherit the throne, 'all hell breaks loose'. However, THAT IS CLEARLY NOT THE CASE FOR EQUESTRIA. Back when the three tribes were still separated, Starswirl and other wise ponies representing them found it best to unite under the rule of alicorns, seeing as they represented all the tribes at the same time. The two alicorns being sisters and Equestria being the way it is, instead of attempting to kill each other, the decided to share the throne. At the time there were only two alicorns, and both of them were monarchs, so alicorns quickly became a symbol of monarchy. Going back to 'Modern Equestria', it seems to be implied by Twilight's wings that if you're an alicorn, you're automatically royalty and will be assigned a land/domain (whether physical and/or hypothetical - friendship) to rule over and take care of. This is most likely done to maintain the authority of alicorns and prevent coup d'états from happening. (There's a whole debate to be had about this questionably dictatorship-ish regime to be had, but it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand.) Therefore it's safe to say that if Celestia somehow vanished/perished, the monarchical political system of Equestria wouldn't collapse. Instead, another alicorn would take her place. The obvious answer is Luna. If not her, then Twilight. If not Twilight, then Cadance and/or Shining Armor, until Flurry grows up and gets to rule the Crystal Empire while the other two rule Equestria or vice-versa. (Note that according to official maps of Equestria, the Crystal Empire is a part of it, at least after the return and defeat of Sombra.) Now, you may say that Luna wouldn't know how to deal with all the paperwork-ish stuff, this being implied by the episode "A Royal Problem". But we're looking at this the "Earth" way, and there's no way the other alicorns don't partake in taking crucial decisions. (Judging by the episode, it's also possible that Celestia is "the face" of alicorns and therefore royalty, partaking in charity events and dealing with paranoid citizens using her imposing but also motherly and reassuring nature, these two being the exact two situations demonstrated in said episode.) Although, as you said, ponies are used to Celestia's rule and her disappearance would cause a considerable political mess (at least for Equestria), it would still be completely mendable, especially now that there are three other princesses. Your brother is the real MVP. I have to say, though, I'm surprised (but also amused) that this little debate of ours managed to create a discussion between the two of you. IT'S AS FULL RESOLUTION AS IT GETS CROWDEDNESS ANNOYING THUGS OBNOXIOUS CHILDREN SMELLY PEOPLE WHO DON'T RESPECT PERSONAL SPACE GRANDMAS WHO LOOK AT YOU IN A MEAN WAY BECAUSE YOU'RE IN THEIR FAVORITE SEAT EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE PLENTY OF OTHER AVAILABLE SEATS DO I GO ON IT'S JUST A SAYING LIKE "NEVER SAY NEVER" IT'S MAINLY PHILOSOPHICAL, IT'S NOT MEANT TO MAKE SENSE NOW QUIT STALLING AND ANSWER MY QUESTION PROPERLY I know man I'm just jokin' around why so serious Oh, don't even try to use that card on me, mister. We both know very well that you also charge DualPoints for hugs. You are very welcome, and thank you for the compliment. Oh, come on, now you're not even trying. >builds nukes during spare time >when not building nukes, comes up with plans to destroy humanity >"I have no idea" -Can you touch your nose with your tongue? -What are your opinions on Embe- I MEAN THE ALMIGHTY DRAGON LORD -Broccoli or spinach? -What do you think about FLAMETHROWERS?
  7. IT'S NOT MEANT TO BE FUNNY, IT'S MEANT TO BE A LITTLE LESS DRAMATIC THAN THREE STAPH 100% out of zero minus 17% out of zero is still zero. Also, I'd like to have a talk with you about the "subliminal manipulation programme" part... I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT ALL OF THIS WAS ABOUT Alright, but I pretty much already told ya all of this. Out of all the ponies in the show, I can relate to Luna the most. Like I said way back, "I can relate to her a lot: being forced by the circumstances to re-adapt to a world you're unfamiliar with while also being a socially awkward introvert and having serious insecurities." She's also a very interesting character, she most likely knows a lot of intriguing information being millenia old and all, and of course there's the whole NMM deal. And lastly, she tries to look imposing and be respected and appreciated while also being, as I already said, socially awkward and insecure, which to me is rather unique in happy jolly pone land. And also cute. Very cute. No, but my wallet will feel it big time. ...What kind of poems do you read? Oh, these. I run into a picture like the ones you sent me every once in a while, they often get a chuckle out of me. I figured by the look and format that they were from a comic book series, but I never knew the name. I'VE BEEN WAITING MY WHOLE LIFE FOR PEACE AND PROSPERITY. THE WAIT CONTINUES. When I was young, I had a piggy bank filled with coins. I counted them all before spending them on a neat remote-controlled robot, it still wasn't enough, so my parents had to contribute. It's safe to say I made up for any change anyone ever owed that store. I sat on a pile of still-scorching-hot ash thinking it was a misshapen boulder. Coincidentally, it was also the most painful thing I've ever accidentally done.
  8. Well, I mean, you can never be too sure... IT'S NOT MEANT TO BEEEEEEEEEE Duality you're triggering my PTSD pleas staph You sure about that? 'Cause I still feel pretty self-deprecating... Well then, I suppose this one shall be a fine addition to your collection... Alrighty, I posted it on your ask thread. Oh, alright, I gotcha now. . . . Do I still have to answer? Not necessarily. I just don't believe in destiny. I make my own. ...So far it's pretty underwhelming. I'd say the latter. Han always shoots first. Unless he gets impaled by a lightsaber... Yes, but it's also considerably more expensive than silver or even gold. I dunno man, just look at my banner. Well, since in this hypothetical scenario my bones will end up broken no matter what, I'll go for stones, since they'll do the job faster and therefore will be a tad less painful. ...Unsettled. Also somewhat intrigued and amused, but mostly unsettled. An old dead guy from my country. Pretty overrated around here. You probably don't know him. Although I generally prefer novels to poems when it comes to literature. Nope, never even heard of it. What's it about?
  9. is fine, no worries yes i said 'is fine' on purpose But it you're capable of making nuke-like things and they look believable enough for them to be afraid, wouldn't they check if they're actual nukes, and either arrest you or hire you as a scientist for the government? Such a killjoy. Not swear-caption, ye silly puddle, swear-ception. An "inception" joke play on words thing. Don't get too cocky, now. I'm not letting you win this one. I'm biased? Last time I checked, you were the one saying Luna isn't as important as Celestia, and I was the one saying they're both just as important. AND NOW BECAUSE OF YOU I'M FORCED TO VERBALLY BASH CELESTIA AND CALL HER OUT ON STUFF WHICH IS SOMETHING I HATE DOING BECAUSE OBJECTIVELY I LOVE THEM EQUALLY IT'S JUST THAT I CAN RELATE MORE TO LUNA Ah, yes, because NOBODY could ever replace Celestia. Nope, she's the only one in the whole country capable of bureaucracy, diplomacy and smiling+waving. I mean, it's not like she ever does anything useful when a big baddie shows up... Aside from making irrational decisions that end up ruining their chances even further. And before you mention the episode where that dream monster Luna created escapes, that was an accident, not a decision. But, once again, you may say that the accident happened because she chose to create it in the first place, and perhaps you'd be right. They both make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. The big problem with Luna's importance in the show, one you surprisingly haven't mentioned yet, is the fact that we know Celestia can move the moon, but we don't know if Luna can move the sun. They try to make up for it with the whole dreamwalker thing, however, implying that Luna is the only one who can do that (and the only one who can cast a dreamwalking spell for other ponies). Thine wish is my command (as long as you have enough TuxPoints™). Here, have a cute short-haired Rarity: (Do try to keep in mind that it's just a sketch) YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE HERE GO BACK TO YOUR HAPPY FUN LAND AND LEAVE ME TO SUFFER PEACEFULLY Silly hydroxide puddle The only truth is that there is no truth. NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION PROPERLY I was SO sure you'd make that joke at some point. Be careful, Duality... You're becoming predictable. Alright, that'll be one TuxPoint™, please. DON'T BE GREEDY, I JUST MADE YOU A DRAWING -What are your opinions regarding pizza? -How would you describe Chrysalis to someone who doesn't know anything about the show? -If you had to choose between living in a really warm or really cold place, which one would you choose? -What's the craziest, most outlandish thing you've ever done?
  10. I CAN BARELY KEEP MY EYELIDS UP QUIT BEING SO MEAN THEN PROVE THEM WRONG Don't take it too seriously. Maybe it's because you never swear. Swear-ception Eh, don't really fancy those all that much. I always lose IN A WORLD WHERE THE STRONGEST FORCE IS FRIENDSHIP, FEELINGS AND THOUGHTS MATTER MORE THAN THE LAND (CLOUD) OWNERSHIP DOCUMENTS FOR THE NEW CASINO THAT'S TO BE OPENED IN LAS PEGASUS IF EQUESTRIA HAD BEEN SAVED EVEN ONCE BY A MILITARY FORCE IN THE ENTIRE SHOW, I WOULD HAVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREED WITH YOU BUT NO FRIENDSHIP IS ALL THERE IS AND YOU KNOW WHAT OFTEN GETS IN THE WAY OF FRIENDSHIP IN THE SHOW UNJUSTIFIED FEARS AND PERSONAL INSECURITIES (which can ultimately turn into other misplaced feelings, such as jealousy or spitefulness, but these are the roots and causes), AND I'M TALKING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE HERE AND YOU KNOW WHO DEALS WITH THOSE THINGS, NOT JUST FOR FILLIES, BUT FOR GUARDS, WONDERBOLTS, NOBLES AND EVEN ROYALTY THAT'S RIGHT THE MOON WHAT DID 'SMILING AND WAVING' DO FOR YA THERE, HUH? REAL HEROES SPEAK TROUGH THEIR ACTIONS That being said I love Celestia and I think that much like the sun and the moon, they are both needed for there to be harmony, which by extension means they're both just as important. In pretty much every stereotypical fairy tale, the main fight is the one between the good and the bad, the light and the dark. However, Celestia and Luna don't quite exactly represent the day and the night, but rather the sun and the moon, the two celestial bodies preventing the darkness from establishing itself over their land at any time. Still, we don't know almost anything about how celestial bodies and gravity and all that stuff works in Equestria, so we should take everything in with a grain of salt. Not really, I'm actually quite eager to draw something for you, hence why I set up this whole system in the first place. If only you could MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY . . . *sniff* Nobody knows my pain... I just wanted to 'trigger' you, I'm more or less on the same page. (Read the first four Harry Potter books, starts strong but it gets meh; never watched/read anything Hobbit-related) 'What are you trying to say about me eh' Very well, let's make things a bit more... chaotic. I WANT TO COME OVER THERE AND SHAKE YOUR HAND -What kind of bed do you sleep in? -How would you describe Discord to someone who doesn't know anything about the show? -Belts or suspenders? -What is, in your opinion, the greatest thing you've ever done?
  11. Both of those statements are up for debate... Sheesh, I know it's not grammatically correct, it's just a silly thing I do on occasion, like saying "hoers" instead of "horse", or "naow" instead of "now". Take it easy, ye silly water puddle. Last time I checked I wasn't here for the Cambridge Exam. Back at it again with the plentiful overconfidence, I see. How do you know that? Argh, just scroll up a little like all of us middle-class-ers, your highness. Besides, we both know you're well aware of what I was talking about, but you had no other witty response. It's obviously debatable. The third 'item' doesn't have as much 'physical' use as a digital sketch, but most of the time it's more intriguing. I'd personally advise you to get a few sketches first. The thing is, I'm not sure what information you want from me. You just asked "Why best pony?", then mentioned Luna, and now I'm just confused. There is no reason whatsoever. It just is. I am sure about naught but one thing, my friend. I'd personally settle for good ol' silver, for the obvious reasons. Also not flashy enough to immediately catch the eye of a thief, in comparison to something with similar properties, like gold. Judging by what? Power? That would be the Alicorn Amulet, seeing as the elements are useless separated. Beauty? There are many impressive gems in Equestria. I'm also very intrigued by that gem attached to the Storm King's scepter.
  12. That's reassuring and disconcerting at the same time. How you always manage to do this, I'll never know. Oh, you didn't notice? Sometimes I use two instead of three. Because in certain circumstances, three is just... too dramatic. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO MAKE ME A BETTER PERSON WITHOUT TELLING ME YOU LYING TRAITOR NOBODY MAKES ME A BETTER PERSON WITHOUT TELLING ME NOBODEEEEEEEEEH . . . You're still not getting that TuxPoint™ back. WELL, WILL YOU TELL ME WHAT IT IS THAT YOU DESIRE ALREADY ...But didn't I already tell you that when you asked me if I have a waifu? Breathe oxygen. Would be pretty tragic if I didn't. I can't give you the exact quotes, but I'll pull together a few titles for ya. "Les Miserables" was definitely one of the best, most engaging books I read as a kid. "Captain at 15 Years" was another very interesting one, though I didn't understand it very well at the time. Aside from that, some of our own literature that you've likely never heard of. Turquoise is a neat one. My grand-grandpa. He was the best. Whenever we would go out on our regular stroll trough the town, he'd always buy me a trinket or something to munch on, despite my grandma's warnings. When I was young, they used to tell me there was a monster in the attic that would come out and eat me if I misbehaved (the oldest trick in the book), and every time he got a bruise or a cut while chopping the woods in the garage (we only had fireplaces) and I asked him about it, he'd tell me that he got it when he was fighting off the monster. As he got older, he got diabetes, and we stopped going out on our strolls. About one or two years later, he died. I was around seven years old at the time. I don't remember much, but I do vividly remember being very confused and crying a lot. Eesh, sorry for the touchy-feely paragraph. Got a little emotional there.
  13. . . . In the context of the movies, better it works. Just checked, "a smidgen" is also correct. A potential answer, although not advised for legal reasons. AND HOW MUCH DIDJA MAKE DID YOU SET UP REWARDS FOR PATRONS MAYBE AN EXCLUSIVE VIDEO WHERE YOU TEACH THEM HOW TO MAKE NEUTRINO BOMBS OR SOME BLUEPRINTS IT ALWAYS CATCHES PEOPLE'S ATTENTION Am I? If I am, it's a great conspiracy, as it seems even I was unaware of that. No no, you just have to amuse me and/or intrigue me. And while you in particular may be very good at that, it is considerably more difficult to do it while having an argument/debate. OH, SO IN EQUESTRIA, IT'S MORE IMPORTANT FOR THE POSTAL SERVICES TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY THAN TO DELIVER MAIL SAFELY AND SWIFTLY, BUT ROYAL PAPERWORK AND ECONOMY('economy'=dealing with annoying nobles who never do anything remotely significant, like, I don't know, SAVE EQUESTRIA SEVEN TIMES) IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SHAPING THE MINDS OF YOUNG FILLIES AND PREVENTING THEM FROM GOING CRAZY BECAUSE OF THEIR IRRATIONAL FEARS? Double standard much? Are you sure you don't wanna wait for ten? Word's been going around it's pretty nifty... Alas, if your mind is set, please do instruct me on what it is that you desire. Alright then, whatever the nerdy physician says... this will do... Oh, I believe you'll be somewhat forced to switch it up a little very soon... . . . *sniff* You feel my pain. And you call yourself a 'nerd'... -Any opinions regarding the Alicorn Amulet? -How would you describe Tirek to someone who doesn't know anything about the show? -Slippers, flip-flops or crocs shoes? -Favorite Disney princess? Why? (don't give me the manly excuse everybody knows Disney)
  14. ...Oh. Um.. ok then..? Wait, shouldn't you guys be defending me from assassins or something? What a quaint comparison.. Eh, I got the stitches removed today, so I s'pose it wouldn't have mattered either way English ain't my first language, remember? Besides, it's usually late when I'm replying to you. You gotta cut me some slack every now and again. God, I hate using that card. Witty jokes that amuse and/or intrigue me, not witty jokes at my expense. Saying my favorite character is one of the most hated (before redemption) characters in the show is not witty nor a joke. It's quite simple, really; I won't give you a point for that clever statement to make up for you not returning the point I demanded. Yup, works for me. Little late for that, ain't it? Oh. I don't know, the wall..? About six hundred, I'd say. Nevertheless, a complete waste of time. Ten hours, usually on holidays. Well, I imagine who the 'best pony' is depends on the individual's experiences and perspective. Some people really like their personality, some people relate to them, some people admire them, and more often than not all of the above. Therefore, it's safe to say there is no universally 'best pony'.
  15. Don't fear this old Jedi master, young one. For fear leads to anger.. Anger leads to hate.. And hate.. leads to suffering... "Worser", huh? Is that a smidgen of self-deprecation I sense? JUST SELL SOMETHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING GAWRSH DAWRNEET GOFUNDME NEVER WORKS USE PATREON INSTEAD Alright, enough of this. I'm hungry, gonna go eat some grapes. I was most genuine. I don't see how that specific statement could be used sarcastically and actually make sense Oh, Duality, I'm afraid arguing with me is the opposite of what you'd want to do in order to get a TuxPoint™. You're gonna have to try a little harder than that. ...What? Well ain't that awfully specific. Interesting. Wait, so Celestia is a queen, but Luna is a demiqueen? I would be careful going around saying stuff like that if I were you Equestria's constitutional monarchy is unstable enough as it is how dareth thee You see, that's more like it. Here, have a TuxPoint™. -What kind of degrees do you measure your temperature in? -How would you describe NMM to someone who doesn't know anything about the show? -Do you own any human-ride-able vehicles (car, motorcycle etc.)? If yes, what is it / are they? -'Harry Potter' or 'The Hobbit'?
  16. FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS I THOUGHT HE WAS A FIGMENT OF MY HUMAN-INTERACTION-DEPRIVED MIND HE NEVER TOLD ME THE TRUTH WHY ON EARTH WOULD I TRUST HIM Don't count on it. I have a feeling I'll be taking one back soon... Did that on purpose, actually. The ol' "MLG" meme lingo. Keep that for the irish/australian PM chat, pal Besides, you wouldn't fight someone with a fractured chin, would you? Fine, jeez. One second you throw grammar in a puddle of mud and spit on it The next you're the greatest grammar nazi of history Wow, this is the most complex pointless work I've ever witnessed. Respect. The planet, ya goof although this would be pretty cool as well I'll be taking one TuxPoint™ back now, thank you. "Oh well, guess I'll die." *dramatically falls on the floor* Oh, it's half past my cousin's dog's bedtime. As often as I can. I work better at night. Dense as in, stupid? I guess this one kinder-surprise tube thing. I don't even know how to describe it. It's utterly pointless.
  17. ALWAYS ONE, THERE IS NO MORE, NO LESS ...Well ain't that a thing... if anyone asks me what your real name is I'll tell them it's Sheldon DISASSEMBLE IT AND SELL THE PIECES JUST SELL SOMETHING Your choice, pal. Y̡̛̰̼͇̞̠̟̼͊̃̉̄̏̓͋̉Ò̰̗͖̳̙͌͐̈́͌ͯ̐̓̄Uͦ̏ͤͨ̅ͭͩ̒ͭ͏̱̜̭̺͍͈̹̟ͅ ̡̥͚̒̅M̨̛̳̣̩͎̜̝̎̈͆̂̈́ͣ̿U̗̞̹͙͛͂ͣ͒̕͡S͊͂̇̾̿͏̦̹T̡͎̻̥͍̫̐͊̔̃͝ ̶̞͖̝̥̮̝͕ͫͣ̔͋ͯ͜͢C̴͚̯̫͎͍̞̖͊ͩͮ̄H̶̺̘̻̼̯̿̏̂ͬͤ̉O̸̧̥̟̦̩̳̣̣̎͌̀ͫͅỌ̥̤̤͂ͥ͑S̸̴̪̠͕̤̍̑͒͗͒͊̔̚͞Ē̢͓̜̱ͯͪ̐̒̉̔̄ ̄ͨ̎ͧ̾͋͑͏҉͓̥̝̯̩̳͔T̶̈́͆̎̇ͯͭͨ̑҉̩͙̤̼Ḣ̂̐̊̀ͨ̿͘͜͏̺͎͈E̽̆̚͏̷̩͍ ̥̼̬̂͐̌ͭͪ͛̔͛̔͠͝E̡̧̤̯̤̬̪̓̅͛ͨ̎͟L̸͍̺̟͓̺̻͑͑ͥͣ̀̕U̬̥̮̱̲̳̇ͤ͡͞S̸͇͍̲̈́̉I̟̔ͯ̈́̅̅̉ͮ̍̓́Vͯ͗̿͗͒̇̏ͨ̇͏̢̙̣̳̳̜͎̭̹E̟̐̇ͦ̉ͬͣ̀̆͌ ̵̺̗̙̳̠̥͔͌ͩT̯̣̀̑̿́͞Ḩ̴̦̻͍͋̆ͮ̏ͫ̕Ǐ̛̼̞̻̜̺͓̌͆͂̚Ŗ̥̮̙̬̣̅ͤ́̍͌̋̒͂͟D̝̃ͬͮ̈́̈́͊̓͡ ̭͖͚̠͍͎̋͂͜Ò̭̤͉͓̺̘͖͖̒̑̅ͭͭͧ̈̕͟P͍͙ͪͪ́T̖͈̻͖̺̔͐ͣͪ̂̕I̹̝͙͇͚͔̲͗͗́Ó̡̹̭̟̹ͤ͗ͫͨ̈́ͧͅN̡̘̼͎̘̥̎͂̒̎̾̐̓̀̚ Pretty much, although I'm very bad at male humans, so I don't suggest you pick that. Fictional stuff's my expertise Y'know, mythical creatures and the like I bet your parents taught you.. That you mean something... That you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson... They taught me that this movie is a waste of potential and that the animated one was infinitely better. Great, now stop stalling for time and finish inventing teleportation already. probably your brother conspiracy theorist I was just goofin' around, ye silly puddle Obviously depriving your brain of oxygen isn't a good thing I would have given you another TuxPoint™ if it wasn't for that one teeny-weenie mistake. Celestia's coat isn't actually white, but rather a very, very pale pink. It's canon. Very few people know this, for the longest time I thought it was white myself. . . . Google betrayed me. (I checked, and although I used plural it still told me it was fine) -What's your favorite ice cream flavor? -How would you describe Luna to someone who doesn't know anything about the show? -How many storeys does your house have? (Including the basement) -Favorite Disney movie?
  18. W-Why should I trust you? You could be one of them! EVERYTHING I'VE EVER KNOWN IS A LIE Quite a witty response. Here, have another Tux Point. Fite me, math man You're exaggerating, it could be much worse. Besides, you could have just said "two one meter long swords". She made it herself in her youth around the 40's, before they were 'exiled' (don't ask) Sure. Man, it's a great picture, let me tell you. It's really nice. The best you've ever seen. Doesn't get much better than that. Sure am glad I got to see it. Saturn. What a silly question. I'm sure you already know the answer to this one. Fell on still-scorching-hot ash when I was young. I still have the scar on my right leg... the pain was excruciating. My skeleton was trying to crawl out of my skin to escape it. There's no other way to describe it. Those neat ice patterns that form on the windows during winter.
  19. ONLY ONE More like The Big Bang Theory. YOU GOT SCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMED SELL IT TO A GOVERNMENT DUH SILLY WATER PUDDLE Oh, just tell me, hand them in, and I'll get you your desired prize. Here are the prices: One (1) Hug - One (1) TuxPoint™ One (1) Sketch (1 character of choice) - Three (3) TuxPoints™ ??? - Ten (10) TuxPoints™ YOU HAVE: ONE (1) TUXPOINT™ MARTHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Leaked picture of Duality click at own risk: DO MORE THAN CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES GO OUTSIDE GET IN SHAPE GET ALL THE HIGHLY INTELLIGENT AND CHARISMATIC LADIES ??? PROFIT How dareth thee! Thou shall be exposed to pone semantics as soon as possible! Yeah, I went trough something similar myself... heretic Silly water puddle, you shouldn't believe everything you read. -What's your favorite season premiere/finale? -How would you describe Celestia to someone who doesn't know anything about the show? -How many stories does your house have? -Can you detonate atoms with your telekinetic powers?
  20. NU ONLY FASHON HOERS IS UR WAIFU I KNOW THEY'RE ALL GREAT BUT YOU CAN ONLY PICK ONE THAT'S THE DIFFICULT PART I swear your whole life is a soap opera DO YOU NOT USE A ROUTER? BECAUSE A ROUTER THAT PROVIDES GREAT INTERNET CAN PROVIDE GOOD INTERNET FOR MULTIPLE DEVICES AT THE SAME TIME I don't fear the plastic. I fear what it represents. BECAUSE IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE MAKE A SMALLER LESS DESTRUCTIVE ONE AND SELL IT CHEAPER I am wounded. Wounded, I tell you! What @TigerGeekGuy said. This has to be the most neutral yet hilarious description of it I've ever heard; have a Tux Point. It's not as useful as a Dual Point, but hey, you can get a hug or a free sketch just for you! And no; we don't have death rays. Quite the opposite, my friend, that is a most adequate answer. For the greatest struggle in one's life, is the struggle against themselves... ..Are you sure you're not Einstein reincarnated? GO DO MORE SPORTZ IZ GUD FOR HEALTH I'm such a hypocrite -What's your favorite season one episode, and why? -How would you describe Discord to someone who doesn't know anything about the show? -What's your favorite planet from our solar system? -How long can you hold your breath?
  21. W-wait, what!? What on earth would they want from me!? Oh god, is Mr. Snuffles a spy too? Or maybe plushie Luna? Or both!? I'M LOSING IT DUALITY And you called me out for using the 'doge' meme 2012 called, it wants its edgy slang back Very interesting and peculiar hobby... Not that I expected anything less. Oh, I see Well, last time it was relevant to me we were doing "complex advanced" stuff with 3d geometrical shapes and the like. ...Am I missing something here? Two meters? Now that's just unnecessary. must be compensating for something else At least half a century, I'd say. don't mix the coathanger thing with the robbery thing with the locating me thing trust me, it's better for all of us The ruins of the ancient capital of the country of my nation's ancestors Not much left there, obviously (it's been over 1800 years) but it felt as though I was walking trough ancient ruins in the middle of an enchanted forest. Too bad it was ruined by a group of annoying obnoxious stereotypical tourists soon after. Is that year potentially useful for you to find where I live? Perhaps... 45 hours What two-days those were A universal tool, duh. I CAN DO ANYTHIIING as long as I own the property where whatever I'm mining/chopping/cutting/etc. is located but mentioning that sort of ruins the fun so yeah... Oh come on, you should know better than to ask an 'artist' something like this. There's NO WAY I'd be able to choose just one artwork... And even if I did, I would very soon change my mind.
  22. ..So, what you're saying is, Coathanger Larry isn't just an imaginary friend of mine, and he just used me for cover all these years? I... I don't know what to think about this... Pal, you need to try out some of my self deprecation sometime. It'd do wanders for ya. Well, I suppose I've been hanging out with you too much... Yes, BUT, I have a wider variety of dictionaries. (Seriously, why do you need eight english dictionaries!?) Either way, it's all on him, he shoulda' known how many dictionaries we have here. NEIN. Indeed, I've grown acquainted with your shenanigans. Alright, no more potential clues to my location for you from now on. "Mathematical level"? Oh, you mean like the english levels, B1, B2, C3 and the sort. We don't generally use that for maths here, so I haven't the slightest clue. A mosaic frog figurine I got from Greece. It's peculiar, but it's neat. A literal 1.25 meters long wooden sword, painted blood red, a fang at the end of the hilt and the hilt itself wrapped in leather straps. It's really heavy, and it's safe to say you could knock out someone with it fairly easily. A sewed portrait my grand-grandma made in her youth. It's very special to us. Personally, I don't particularly hold on to items with "sentimental value" (the portrait doesn't count as personal, it's a family thing), like a toy from my childhood or something along those lines. As for most expensive, I have to say, you're not being very subtle about the impending robbery, are you now?
  23. YEAH BUT I SAID EMBRACE YOUR FASHION HOERS WAIFU AND YOU SAID YOU'LL HUG YOUR RARITY PLUSH THEREFORE RARITY UR WAIFU EXPOZ'D . . . Could you buy a jar of peanut butter on your way here? THAT'S THE BIGGEST RIPOFF IVE EVER HEARD OF WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR INTERNET FROM 'RICH PEOPLE INTERNET INC' It just doesn't have the same ring to it... But that could've been because you didn't have enough space to have a dog Sorry, I'm just paranoid Dog lovers Dog lovers everywhere ...So you have money for this sort of stuff, but not for decent internet? Quite the peculiar coincidence, indeed... >"never watched the show" >immediately connects the quantum destabilizer to the show You googled it didn't you. ALSO IT'S GREAT SHOW MUCH MYSTERY VERY GUD CHARACTERS CHAOS GOD DORITO WATCH EEET SELL YOUR SOUL, BUY INTERNET AND WATCH IT. WATCH ALL OF THEM. DO IT. DO IT NOW. -Opinions on Equestria Girls? -Best batman villain? -What's a question you ask yourself on a relatively regular basis? -Do you practice sports?
  24. Well, I, uh... please? Clever. Veeery clever. Oh, I thought you were saying that I was the one throwing stones at my glass house. My bad. COUGH more like overestimate COUGH Apologies, my neck is a bit dry. I'll go fetch myself some water. Saying "don't say that sort of thing" can be (and most likely will be) interpreted very differently than "don't say that sort of thing here". Therefore, not the same thing. When it comes to your questions, it's better to be a cheater than a quitter. I just went and counted them, I have precisely: -2 dictionaries for my language -3 english dictionaries -2 french dictionaries -1 german dictionary -2 english thesauruses -1 french thesaurus -1 german thesaurus -1 thesaurus for my language There's a good chance that there's more, but I most likely misplaced them and can't find them. Nor do I ever wish to. Well, to be honest, I think it's just you reusing that format to mess with me Um.. pfft, yeah, of course, duh. I think I'll settle for that last one I mentioned. I do recall being caught off-guard by a few strange and awfully particular coincidences, but I can't remember the context for them very well... I haven't the slightest clue. Do you want a philosophical answer or a scientific one? Either way, I have a mild headache and THIS IS NOT HELPING My mom, I guess... We rarely hug, but I don't regularly hug anyone else, so... A very interesting and necessary subject to study (until a certain point, at least in my case). Ironically enough, I was always somewhat of a "natural" at maths, easily able to quickly connect dots in my head and come up with a way to solve problems. Perhaps I would have been able to have a career in something math or science related if I wasn't so lazy and uninterested at the time and my teachers weren't so incompetent. Same story for physics and chemistry, pretty much. "Wasted potential."
  25. AHA! SO YOU ADMIT THAT RARITY IS YOUR FASHION HOERS WAIFU BUT I HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE HOOOUUUSE AND TAAALK TO PEOOOPLEEEE AND OTHER TEDIOUS STUFF I WOULDN'T HAVE TO DO IF I JUST SAT HERE AND HOW MUCH DOES DECENT INTERNET COST WHERE YOU LIVE JEEZ Clever boy... YES. ...And where exactly can I find that whatchamacallit converter thing? you made the right choice -Ideal vacation: mountain or sea? -Favorite book? -Daybreaker: thoughts? -What's a quantum destabilizer?
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