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Everything posted by TheOneGuy0000

  1. Lauren probably thought just a moon would have been too simplistic and boring (the gen 4 cutie marks are more complex than in other gens, so it would've been inconsistent design). I personally really like Luna's cutie mark design, but I doubt there's anything special or plot relevant to it. Unless they decide to ad something to it in the future, that is. I love mlp and all, but shows like this always get to a point where you have to begin making new stuff up. In our case, it's been happening for a while now, so inconsistencies are bound to show up here and there. What I'm trying to say is, you shouldn't expect things to correlate and add up all the time, and you shouldn't try to squeeze milk out of a rock. All that being said, I would be interested in seeing whatever crazy theories people come up with in the comments. Just wanted to address the logic side of things so we can get to that faster.
  2. We use both ketchup and tomato sauce for addressing both ketchup and tomato sauce, actually. Either way, glad to hear someone has good taste in sauces. There's actually a discussion going on right now (what petty topics the world worries about), but yes, the "yay" version is not official yet. I still prefer it, as it looks more aesthetically pleasing. It's more of a "meme", anyway. I mean, you may as well just write "yes or no". ... I... can't argue with that. Why must you be so perfect, De Lancie, why!? Damn you, hydrogen equine! You will acknowledge the glory of the night! Alright, here's another batch of original questions, fresh out of the oven: -What's your least favorite school subject? -What's the square root of 1462345722584674736763982534.372? -Where do babies come from? -Who is best unreformed villain? -What's your opinion on good ol' Starry Glimmy? And at last, the time for my revenge hath cometh. A riddle, if you will:
  3. It's because my daily routine involves me traversing the city trough environments with drastically varying temperature. Then sitting at a desk for hours as the suit presses the cold wet shirt against my skin. Suffice to say, not very pleasant. Taking off the suit while traversing the hot environments isn't an option, either. Besides, I always feel like the sleeves of the suit are too long. Everyone else says they look fine, but I feel like a dwarf. ALSO THE DARN SHIRT SLEEVES NEVER ALIGN AND THERE'S ALWAYS ONE SPREADING OUT OF THE SUIT A TAD FURTHER THAN THE OTHER AND NO MATTER WHAT I DO IT DOESN'T WORK AND IT BOTHERS ME GREATLY It's actually from my welcoming plaza post, when I asked you a very similar question. What's wrong with reptiles? Always been a huge fan of dragons. A flying fire-breathing dinosaur? Sign me up! Alright, once again onto the questions: -The Black Widow. I have a pretty bad case of both insectophobia and arachnophobia, but that one takes the cake as the most no thank you. -Try to be more sociable. Go out and meet new people. Always remember to compromise. Be considerate, but assertive. That's my relationship advice for you in response to your trick question. -Grape Vines. They remind me of my childhood. -Technically yes, but not in the way you'd think.
  4. ... ... ... ANYWAY, HERE'S SOME MORE QUESTIONS. -Favorite fast food? -Ketchup or mustard? -Pineapple pizza. Yay or nay? And last, but definitely not least: This is your one chance at redemption. You better answer honestly, AND correctly!
  5. Locks and doors are pretty prehistoric around here, if that counts for something. I suppose not though, seeing as the paperclips always snap in half before I manage to make any progress on picking the lock. I wouldn't if I had the option not to, I'll tell ya that much. They're more uncomfortable than they look. The pockets are pretty much the only advantage and not all of them have as many as mine. "B sweg liek meh" At least sewers existed. Never been a fan of outhouses. That's an interesting methodology... ...did you just call me "girl" in Spanish? Alright, now onto your totally-original never-before-used questions. -Hot Red. rubies are rocks too -Piano. I'm lovin' it. -Plasma guns. Less messy, more refined, better aim. -Reptiles. No, equines. No, felines! Dammit, I can't even choose between categories, how am I going to pick one species!?
  6. @Balareth Thank you again for the interesting question! Hmm... well, I would probably show how inexplicably intelligent I am at school, then be acknowledged by the government as a "wonder-child" and probably eventually become a celebrity millionaire.
  7. It's safe to say that pretty much every villain in the show is redeemable. All of them have some redeeming qualities, even Chrysalis. I needn't say anything about Luna, OP explained it perfectly. Discord just wanted to make chocolate rain. If that's evil, I don't know what evil is. Albeit the reindeer-bunnies were a bit freaky. I don't think loneliness was his main problem, but rather a side effect of the fact that he is the embodiment of chaos, and everyone knows how much ponies love their precious harmony. Sombra was redeemed in the comics, which I haven't read yet, but I'm sure if he was redeemable there must've been some good in him. Flim and Flam are just businessmen, and all businessmen are pretty selfish, neglecting their customers for profit and not worrying about demolishing other businesses in the process. Still, they helped out in that one episode in season 6, and now they have a new less-shady-but-not-100-percent-honest gig going for them. All but Tirek. The guy's just a complete megalomaniac. I mean, he finally gets all magic in Equestria (Which apparently still can't compete with the rainbow nuke. Just how convenient is that darn tree?), and what does he do? He starts kamehameha-ming trees to death. Solid plan dude. They could've killed him in a pg way by blasting him 'till he was a pile of ashes, but instead they just sent him back to Tartarus, the place he escaped from in the first place, pretty much just resetting the timer for their impending doom. Way to go, guys.
  8. @Duality Not trying to brag or such, but this is pretty bad. I have obnoxiously high standards when it comes to art, and it would be an unacceptable act of hypocrisy if I didn't apply them to my art as well. I'm far from being outstandingly good, but I'd like to think I can do better than this. I can tell you this though, your handwriting is infinitely better than mine. The irony is not lost on me.
  9. @Duality I'll ignore that comment regarding relationship advice and try to answer your questions 1. They're actually pretty rare around here. Not that they're hard to find, but nobody uses them. Whenever I get my hands on one, I usually use it to practice my lock-picking skills (and fail miserably). 2. My smartphone, occasionally. Most of the time they're empty, as I prefer using my tuxedo's inner, more secure compartments. As for what I keep in those, well, smartphone (usually), keys, spare change, and most of the time dust. 3. You'll need to be more specific. Very few roofs are just one geometrical shape, but rather a mix of multiple pyramids/cuboids etc. I'd like a more modern type house, so probably rectangular, maybe a glass dome above the living room, I don't really know. Something practical that also looks nice. 4. Again, needs to be more specific. Ancient cultures or modern cultures. For modern, I'd say America. After all, they're the ones who get all the cool nerdy stuff first. For ancient, Rome or medieval England. Always been a fan of sword duels and epic clashes of massive proportions. The Victorian era had a nice vibe to it, as well.
  10. @Balareth Thank you for the questions! Charmander. No second thoughts. High risk, high reward. If you can't beat the first gym leader without a type advantage you shouldn't be playing Pokemon. After all, the storyline gameplay is known for being immersion-ruiningly easy. As for the second question, it depends.. though I'd have to go with hot deserts. There's a greater variety of them, which also includes my favorites.
  11. @Duality I must apologize, I'm afraid I'm at fault. It should've been "I have both keys, and locks." Yet, despite this discrepancy, you managed to solve the riddle still. Impressive. Most impressive. Did the way I formatted it help, I wonder? Anyway, I suppose I should attempt to solve your riddle now. Hmmm... I've put a great deal of thought into this, and I must say I am dumbfounded. I fail to notice any correlation between the three bits of information offered. With great shame, I admit defeat. You have bested me. Wait a minute, what am I doing? This is YOUR ask topic! I don't have to answer squat! Ha! Instead, I shall bombard you with a wall of random questions! What is your favorite day of the week, and why? What is your mother's maid name? And finally, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  12. Ask me stuff. Ask me about my day. Ask me about methods of disposing of a body. Ask me for relationship advice. Ask me about my opinion on pickles. To thine questions, the answers I shall seek. Please ask me some questions I'm very bored right now
  13. I've a riddle for you, young traveler. Answer correctly and you shall continue your journey. Ready? Here it goes!
  14. A little thing I did while taking a break from the big project I'm working on.
  15. Best Princess @Duality fer fock sake, mate. Why is it that any popular thread I visit, you're there having some sort of argument about avians #DovesArePigeonsToo am I right lads or am I right lads?
  16. @Duality Gosh darnit The quote option thingy doesn't appear there, I figure I need to make more posts or somethin' Off to draw sum' pones and get all ze' karma points brohoofs
  17. You evil basta'd. You beautiful, evil basta'd. Anyway, thanks a bunch for the info. Really hard to find it laid out together neatly in one place like this. I should really hit the hay, my vision's getting blurry (hope I havne't made any typos). I'll see you around aLwAYs wAtCHiNg
  18. Why did this pop up in my recommended? Has anyone posted this before? (Most likely, it's pretty old. Meh.) Should I be worried that it'll get stuck in my head and I'll get caught humming it? All of these are very great questions. Watch it at 0.5 speed for the extra painful experience***
  19. It's 2 am here what am I doing send help

    Here's a pointless status update. Now give me your karma points. Um, I mean brohoofs.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TheOneGuy0000


      So, a nerdy european physicist brony with an exquisite sense of humor? Quite a portfolio you got there


      i saw that greeting message you wrote on psychedswanna's welcoming plaza forum


      you like minecraft over roblox

      such great taste

      I think you may be my new favorite person 


    3. Duality


      I don't actually live in Europe, though.

      So I can't track you down and hug you without an appreciable travel stipend.

      Of course, I would, if that wasn't the case.


      an exquisite sense of humor

      I hate not to recompense such making-of-my-day-level compliments. :D



      Also, you're a nerdy European sarcastic brony with an equally exquisite sense of humour, a great-taste preference for Minecraft over Roblox, and a simply adorable stalker complex?

      I think you may be one of my split personalities on an alt account.

      And therefore automatically my new favourite person, of course.



      this mai mc castle :3


      don't look like much but doesn't have a single block of space wasted.

      three basements with farms that give me over five stacks of every farmable material when harvested, all normal farm animals in the game + horses, llamas, donkeys, and one mule, skeleton spawner next door, end portal less than a couple hundred blocks away, every utility block in the game, every music disc in the game twice over, custom village next door, subforts manning the nearby extreme hills, two underground nether fortresses within walking distance of my nether portal, one ocean monument with a portal to the nether situated right next to one of my fortresses, even a pink sheep that naturally spawned in those plains there (mistook it for a pig at first way back when n00b and first made the world).

      perfectly placed lighting, doubled-up water doors, automatic redstone player-access-only gatehouses, built-in sealed-off hostile-mob-spawning areas, easily replaceable snow golems manning the exterior, moats that are well on their way to bedrock since this pic was taken (where the water is on the lower right), the works.

      penetrated by hostile mobs only three times since built twoish years ago (somehow two of those times were by a creeper; evil things).

      got diamond armour, weapons, and tools that almost all maxed out on enchantments (incl. Mending on all of them; found like three villagers selling that in enchanted book form almost as soon as they added it to the game).


      personal fav feature of my first and only mc world (that is, the one with that castle in it):

      the Kill Switch.


      four withers buried below each of my moat's four 'draw'-bridges, with their final head placeable by four dispensers linked up to four strategically placed buttons below the castle's keep.

      when you press the buttons, they near-instantly destroy their way out by going for my bunny farm and subsequently my farm animals, thus taking out the 'draw'-bridges - the only way in or out of the castle besides blockplacing and/or running jumps over the moat and hoping not to die - along with most of the castle's extremities.

      since there are very few animals immediately targetable by them in the castle, they are fully airborne, surrounding the castle, and targeting any players near or inside it within a matter of seconds.

      tested it once for the sake of making sure it worked, then did it a whole bunch more times because it was so awesome to watch (after backing up my world, of course). :love:

      I admit to maybe being just a smidge too obsessive over Minceraft at times. Not that I've played it for a while, been too busy.

    4. TheOneGuy0000



      Also, you're a nerdy European sarcastic brony with an equally exquisite sense of humour, a great-taste preference for Minecraft over Roblox, and a simply adorable stalker complex?

      I think you may be one of my split personalities on an alt account.

      And therefore automatically my new favourite person, of course.

      You flatter me greatly, sir. Thank you immensely for the follow, I am honored to have you as my first. don't take that last bit out of context

      There are very few places on this floating ellipsoid of dirt I'd bother to visit, but the British Isles have always been a close second to 'murica of course.


      I must say I am extremely impressed with your survival castle. Aiming for practicality over design, it still manages to be elegant, mixing together the simplicity and symmetry.

      And that's not even taking into consideration all the features. I can only imagine immense amounts of dedication were poured into it. I must say, it perfectly mirrors your personality.  

      You mentioned a stronghold, yet no dragon egg. Such an exquisite and unique decoration deserves to at least be mentioned, I would assume. Have you not retrieved it yet from the dimension of the lost?


      four withers buried below each of my moat's four 'draw'-bridges, with their final head placeable by four dispensers linked up to four strategically placed buttons below the castle's keep.

      when you press the buttons, they near-instantly destroy their way out by going for my bunny farm and subsequently my farm animals, thus taking out the 'draw'-bridges - the only way in or out of the castle besides blockplacing and/or running jumps over the moat and hoping not to die - along with most of the castle's extremities.

      since there are very few animals immediately targetable by them in the castle, they are fully airborne, surrounding the castle, and targeting any players near or inside it within a matter of seconds.

      tested it once for the sake of making sure it worked, then did it a whole bunch more times because it was so awesome to watch (after backing up my world, of course). :love:

      Out of all the features you mentioned, this is by far the most impressive and insane one. What kind of masochist one must be to acquire so many wither skulls? Unless you built a farm, which, considering it would have to be in the nether, would be equally obnoxious. 

      I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, though. Every villainous mastermind who respects themselves attaches a self destruct button to their creation. Some people just want to watch the world burn, as they say.

      Please, forgive this troubled pyromaniac.



      I admit to maybe being just a smidge too obsessive over Minceraft at times. Not that I've played it for a while, been too busy.

      I suppose we fall in the same category here. It's been a good while since I built anything in Minecraft myself. Although, I personally tend to stick to the artistic side.




  20. Wow, thanks a lot for all the warm welcomes! I suppose I should ask how to use those neat pony emoji-like things. Also that quote/banner some people have under their profile. Also these random groups I see people in (parasprites, changelings, bunnies etc.). -I really need to figure this place out.- @Duality I've seen you on pretty much all the Welcoming Plaza posts, are you the official greeter or are you just on an epic quest to make everyone feel welcome? Anyway, I must say I 'dig' your 'lingo'. Bestow upon my mortal ears thine precious knowledge, if you wish to do so.
  21. Granted, but you can only paint requests from deviantart I wish I had an Iron Man suit
  22. Although I appreciate them trying something new for once, there are many bad things about the new movie's style. The thick colored outlines don't really work with the semi-soft shading, at least not for me. Not to even mention princess Luna and Cadance's eye-to-head ratio (that's some nightmare fuel, no pun intended). I'm glad they finally gave Luna her own throne and I hope most of the Canterlot throne room changes from the movie make it in the next season of the show. However, I don't like the light blue hue the Canterlot castle seems to have in the trailer. It just looks too similar to the crystal palace and Twilight's castle. So overall, I don't think the movie's style should be our goal, but as usual, I'd be happy if we got some more detailed backgrounds and more complex CELL shading depending on the specific scene's lighting (time of day, etc.)
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