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Here No Longer

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Status Updates posted by Here No Longer

  1. Evil Mojo, why would you nerf a character that's already considered mediocre at best?

  2. Can all of these greedy, bordering on downright evil corporations like Google and Disney stop trying to become monopolies? Of course not, because corporate capitalism is morally bankrupt by its very nature and people who advocate for it are either brainwashed or are just plain horrible people.

  3. So there's actually the carnivorous equivalent of vegans out there. And it's apparently not all THAT bad. Still bad, because you miss out, particularly on important vitamins so you will probably die from scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) if nothing else kills you first.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi Not really, they pretty much just call it the "clear liquid diet." Pretty much the only solid food allowed in it is gelatin, but even then it counts as a fluid, and it works for that kind of diet because it requires no chewing.


      But it's not really the most healthy thing to pursue over longer periods, as it lacks nutrients and calories, and it's really only a good idea when you absolutely can't eat solid food.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I definitely would not suggest any exclusion-based diet though for people, because it just makes you miss out on important nutritional supplementation.


      But I will say do NOT listen to the food pyramid. Seriously, it's a joke made to promote a high carb diet.

    4. Rebel the Wolfgirl
  4. Sometimes I wish there were more hours in a day so I could dedicate more to taking care of my body. Seriously, parts of me right now are just... Yuck... :eww:

    1. AveryGamerDude


      Hey... I feel ya, man. I feel like I have to deal with hygiene a lot... :dry:

    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @AveryGamerDude Most people would probably not bat an eye though with most of what I find to be absolutely disgusting. They'd probably be like "ehh, you're a man, of course you'll have X." Of course, having gender dysphoria and being bothered by a lot of that kind of stuff makes me think "you'll never understand." And it's pretty much true. They won't. :dry:

  5. Honestly it's so ridiculous to think that people could actually believe anything that comes out of Alex Jones' mouth. All I hear is evidence he needs to get a lobotomy.

  6. If anyone still thinks Paladins is a shameless Overwatch clone, they should watch this.



  7. "The best thing about it was Racist Barns" - Me, out of context


    I'm pretty sure that a decent chunk of you pretty much know the context, considering...

  8. Trying to play a team game with a toxic team that's intent on losing is an awful lot like being forced to get an unnecessary root canal, if the dentist performing it had no reason to even have a dental license.

  9. Some drama-starter on YouTube: "ESAM actively advocates for rockcrocking"

    Me after extensively looking for anything like that: "What are you talking about?"

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      ...What's ESAM, and what the fuck is rockcrocking?

    2. Splashee


      ???? ????? ???? :ooh:

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      ESAM is a competitive smash player and rockcrocking is a Smash mechanic that's very detrimental to a couple of characters that may be a bit hard to understand for the uninitiated.


      For those who are, it's teching a Ganon/Captain Falcon Up-B and punishing the end lag. 


      Funny to see people claiming ESAM says it shouldn't be buffed out of the game, seeing his tier list video he made a few days ago saying they're both low tier. And I'm more than positive ESAM has no vendetta against Falcon and Ganon mains.

  10. When you realize that all of existence is a JoJo reference:



  11. Feels like I slept for a heck of a lot more than 3 hours... :huh:

  12. Loeder proves to us all that the score for Waluigi Pinball was MADE to be put into 8-bit.



  13. So there's a gun in Borderlands 3 now called the Boomer. :ButtercupLaugh: Though they totally missed out on the meme.

    1. CypherHoof


      meh, it was ok... :)

    2. Cash Ins Toaster

      Cash Ins Toaster

      Such a missed opportunity!!!

  14. When you're eating a burger and you can just feel your arteries clogging up that little bit more. Oof.

  15. I'm sorry to notify snobby film buffs, but there are no such thing as films that are "objectively" the best. There isn't such a thing as objectivity in matters of opinion, except of course when those opinions contradict the facts of what it is over. Like if anybody said that the Shining had no substance or The Big Lebowski was high concept trash, that would be objectively wrong because anybody who's seen either film knows that these are simply falsehoods being presented as opinions.


    But nonetheless, "objective" should almost never be used in these sorts of contexts.

  16. Does anybody else sometimes have this issue in the morning of being unable to talk or really just use your vocal cords outside of concentrated bursts of vocal energy (I suppose you could say) for a half hour or so after they get up? I know that would be under the umbrella of "Selective Mutism," but it's certainly not consciously selective. I'm certainly not choosing not to talk. 

    1. PiratePony


      Can you if you really need to? 

    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @PiratePony I can, but I have to sort of concentrate seemingly a lot of energy to do so. 

    3. PiratePony


      Hmm. I knew I used to have a heck of a hard time getting ready when I woke up, was groggy, and just would be silent to parents when asked questions. I kind of grew out of that (I sleep on a pretty tight schedule now), so maybe some adjustments to sleep might help. 

      Now I'm the chatterbox and my wife yells at me to shut up in the morning :/

  17. When you start going on YouTube and looking at the comments sections of some progressive political videos, you now can pretty much instantly point out who the hacks are in the audience. And there's plenty of them that pretty much are pretend progressives.


    I mean anyone who says that Tulsi voted wrong and that you should vote yes regardless of the obvious hackery, they're them.

    1. Oblivion


      I'm just tired of RINO's 

  18. If only the far right and the center were actually remotely civil, and weren't so intentionally divisive...

  19. Nobody:

    American Political Establishment: "Anybody to the left of center is a commie"

    Lefties: "Well, yes, but actually NO." *Collectively point to Bernie Sanders*

  20. Extremely disappointed with the Squad that they decided to cozy up with the Establishment on the Trump vote. The ONLY person who voted the right way in the house was Tulsi. She was the only person who didn't cave... Hopefully, Bernie and Nina and AoC won't cave like the Squad.


    And I hope that the progressive outlets (Secular Talk and the like) don't take the partisan hack route either, or may they lose my respect. Kyle Kulinski keeps shilling for Cenk Uygur for some reason anyways when it's OBVIOUS TO ANYONE WHO ISN'T A PROGRESSIVE HACK that he is the ABSOLUTE WORST candidate the actual left could be using to represent themselves with.


    EDIT: Humanist Report (Mike Figueredo) and his audience have caved already. Pathetic. Also, a toxic hack viewer is trying to make me seem like I'm being unreasonable and haven't explained myself, when he clearly didn't read the comment that I made at all... What a load of f***ing $#!+. What next? I'll be accused of being a right-wing troll now because I DON'T cave to the Establishment? I bet that's what happens next If it does, all I have to say is "what a way to prove me right."


  21. Michael Bloomberg has already given Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both a run for their money for worst liar in politics.

  22. Any Speedrunner can probably relate to the pain I'm feeling right now... I threw an EASY PB...



  23. It's interesting to see how Americans seem not to care about repeatedly electing war criminals, or candidates who OPENLY state that they support US war crimes. War crimes are egregious crimes against humanity, what? These people should be in jail, not in office.


    And we should consider actually ratifying the Geneva Convention, instead of just saying "ehh, we're America. We are exceptions to rules everyone else has to follow."

  24. Random YouTube Commentor: "America loves our president Trump"

    Me: "Then America must hate itself..." :dry: 


    I mean it has been clear to me that it does to some extent, giving Mr. Patriot Act a second term, consistently electing war criminals... I could go on.

  25. Smash Players think they play an unbalanced game? Smash Ultimate is one of the most balanced competitive games there is and definitely the best balanced of the Smash series... :laugh:

    1. AveryGamerDude


      They need to play competitive Pokemon. Bulky stall teams make me wanna freaking scream and tear my head off.

    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      That and like only a quarter or so of  fully evolved Pokemon are actually viable in actually competitive formats...

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