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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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About Wannabrony

  • Birthday October 24

Contact Methods

  • Discord Username
  • Twitter

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Mythical Lands of Canada
  • Personal Motto
    Everything is edible if you try hard enough!
  • Interests
    Being social (or at least try), my lovely friends (online and off), cartoons (including MLP of course), Nintendo, jazz and Mid-20th Century music, drama and theatre, Broadway musicals (and just musicals in general), info-tech, food, collecting playing cards (I have around 15 different packs so far), foreign languages and cultures (but I only know 3), messing around in MS Paint, procrastinating (more of a bad habit than an interest, really.), and brackets (that was a joke)

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section
    Cloudsdale Colosseum

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Twilight Sparkle!
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
    ...I'm sure you know...
  • Best Mane Character
    [as stated above]
  • Best CMC
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
  • Best Episode
    Saddle Row Review
  • Best Song
    Apples To The Core
  • Best Season

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Kirin (10/23)


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  1. Bonjour Monsieur! Comment ça va? :muffins:

    How's your weekend so far? Is it good? Or is it bad? I hope it's wonderful for you! :-D

    Did you do anything special this weekend or just another usual day on end of the week? :fluttershy:

    1. Wannabrony


      Honestly, absolutely not good. :please: But thanks for asking anyways. :fluttershy: I hope your English course went nicely yesterday! :squee:

      My weekend is going fine, it's just the exact normal things I do every end of the week, except right now I get to feel like trash! That's different! :P

      Nothing special is really going on this weekend unless you count my unusually bad mood. It's mostly the same mundane weekend I get each week. ^_^ How about yours? I hope your weekend has been going much much better than mine! :rarity:

    2. Kevin Tang

      Kevin Tang

      The thing is I accidentally overslept yesterday, so I missed it and I feel bad for it. :sunny:

      I feel like I'm trash too this weekend, so you're not the only one. :maud:

      Well, because I didn't attend the course, I have more time to do my weekly house cleaning and *cough* doing that *cough* useless thing. I don't feel that bad today but I still feel guilty for missing that course. Plus, that was a 3 hours course instead of the usual 1 and a half, so...


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