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  1. Quick question for fellow folks in lockdown, how are you spending your days? What are you doing to keep yourselves occupied?

    Genuinely curious, 'cause I've spent the majority of lockdown re-decorating, doing general DIY and just fixing things the whole time. But eventually, you just run out of stuff to fix, y'know? :laugh:

    Been considering getting back into drawing, haven't done it god-knows how long, should really finish up on the design for my next tattoo as well. :adorkable:

    But yeah, hope you're all having a good one lads. :mlp_smug:

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    2. Pentium100


      I'm working from home, so, yeah, I did not get the "free vacation" everyone seems to be complaining about (where is the emoticon for "envy"?).

      However, I am known to sometimes take a vacation just to spend it at home, so yeah. I do what I normally do during this quarantine, but do not go to restaurants (instead I order in) or most shops (instead I shop online for what I need and other stuff can wait).

    3. Prometheus


      @Le Trotteur Sauvage Fair enough, boredom is a bitch, isn't it? :laugh:

      @Lord Valtasar Oh man, sucks that you don't have as much free time as everyone else, at least you're still able to work despite what's going on. Hey, craft projects sounds really cool, what kind of stuff you making? B)

      @Pentium100 Ah well, it's good the quarantine isn't affecting your everyday life as much at least. Then again, I don't suppose a x86 Intel CPU such as yourself as your name suggests doesn't need much to entertain itself. :ButtercupLaugh:Just kidding. 

    4. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      I'm doing what I've always done: be on my computer. I pretty much just live in my bedroom anyways, so this lock-down hasn't had any major effect on me. I've been reading a lot of MLP comics and browsing a lot on Derpibooru to pass most of my time online as of late :P

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