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Sondash Studios

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Everything posted by Sondash Studios

  1. Being that it's Rainbow Dash, she could either be the best or worst spotter at the gym, and honestly I like those odds (she's gonna force me to enjoy cardio and leg days).
  2. I was 7 years old when they started airing season 1 on Saturday mornings (I believe it was on "The Hub"... God bless them for introducing me to the masterpiece)
  3. I can't recall where I stopped since it's been several years... I've tried watching as much as I could up until season 5, and from there it was mostly just a few episodes here and there. I once downloaded and watched the entirety of season 1 with the intent to finish the rest but never got around to it... maybe 2025 is the year I finally crusade my way through the entire show.
  4. The worst professor I've had the immense displeasure of having was my statistics teacher in college who not only had the worst accent to understand during lectures (he was Chinese), but also was needlessly unfair and unforgiving. You missed attendance three times? Automatic fail. You're struggling to understand his awful teaching? Good luck on the exams that are worth 80% of your grade. Dude wouldn't even let me miss class once when I told him I had to help my parents move. My other professors weren't as bad, but by the end of the semester I realized that ChatGPT could've taught me more effectively than them. Some people should simply be barred from teaching
  5. I'll finally be graduating from college this spring and plan to tour Europe with my younger brother. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to watch the 24 hours of Le Mans live in France
  6. I probably wouldn't go older than the 90s... mostly because cars from that era and beyond don't really attract me all too much design-wise. That being said, I wouldn't think twice about getting a 1990 - 94 Honda NSX. The JDM masterpiece will forever remain timeless in my heart. Plus it's reliable so I could daily it.
  7. For those familiar with Sui Ishida (author of Tokyo Ghoul), he had an art exhibition a few years back in Japan showcasing some of his best artworks from Tokyo Ghoul and Jack Jeanne (otome game created by him). These masterpieces were compiled in a really nice book which I was able to snag brand new directly from Japan. My wallet is crying since these are rare, but it was worth every penny.
  8. I'm quite surprised to still see some of the topics I've created (what appear to be eons ago) still actively circulating around the forums today. Honestly, I can't help but cringe at some, but it's nice to see people contributing to them :sealed:

    1. Snow


      What can we say, A good topic is a good topic :winking-izzy:

  9. Do ya ever put in a lot of effort in texting a person or friend and they can't seem to put in half as much interest when responding back?
  10. Funny enough, I kinda forgot this place existed (shame on me) after my last activity streak in early 2022. With college and work taking up most of my time, I found myself cherishing moments with family and friends more, thus limiting my exposure and activity in online spaces. However, I recently had more free time than usual and decided to draw some ponies... browsed through some reference art for Rarity when lo and behold, one of them linked to the forums... and now I'm back on the best corner of the internet.
  11. A warm boop to the few awesome ponies and friends I still remember fondly on here It's great to see you all active and thriving @Rising Dusk @Partialgeek514 @Tacodidra @DivineDefender1000 @Dreambiscuit @CosmicSpark @Windy Breeze
  12. Getting to work in the digital aspect of Healthcare has been a pleasant experience that introduced me to a lot more functions than run in the background of a hospital. Your doctors and nurses wouldn't be able to operate without us.
  13. Coming back to this place after several years really was a big reality check that not everything... or friendships, last forever. Saw a few familiar faces, some gone for good, others stopping by here and there. It almost feels like that one friend you made on Minecraft who promised to play again next week (and they proceed to disappear off the internet). I suppose everyone moved on at some point or another and pursued other interests, especially when G4 concluded. Whatever happens, moments like these will always remain memorable to us when looking back.
  14. Nah. That kills your gainz and you won't be able to join the 1000lb club like Bulk Biceps here.
  15. This little filly was 13... now pushing 22. The years have gone by way too fast.
  16. WOW... it's been several years since I've put a hoof in this place. The sense of nostalgia is nothing short of overwhelming... old posts, old friends no longer here, familiar faces, the list goes on! :(

    I don't expect anyone to see this after being gone for so long... but I sincerely wish everypony a fantastic day wherever they are! Maybe 2025 is the year I start showing this face around more often :wub:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dreambiscuit


      Looking forward to seeing you around! :P

    3. TheRockARooster


      @Sondash Studios

      Nice to you see again. :adorkable:
      Not sure if we’ve met or not.

    4. Sondash Studios

      Sondash Studios


      Hey! Your profile picture doesn't ring a bell, but I definitely remember seeing your username all the time several years ago... it's great to still see ya on here! :dash:

  17. Until the end of time... you can never get rid of the brony within you
  18. Like several other members pointed out, I think the only thing that will turn me off, including many others, is if the writers try to connect it in any shape or form to the G4 show. The differences, both visually and methodically, are too vast to seamlessly connect the two shows/styles. While the new MLP direction isn't my cup of tea, I agree that G5 should be its own thing while G4 remains its own.
  19. I don't believe the My Little Pony fandom is necessarily divided, but moreso hold strong opposing views on certain parts/changes of the universe as a whole. (i.e. Equestria Girls, G5, S9 ending, etc.) Even then, those views are held in respect and aren't debated to death... like some fandoms out there
  20. Rainbow Dash cause... you know... Rainbow Dash As for secondary characters, Big Mac always does it sweet an' simple so he's a winner in my eyes.
  21. Bold of you to assume I somehow got over the G4 show ending lol. I merely embarked on a journey to watch all the seasons and relieve nostalgia... and cry.
  22. *Casually lurks around the forums* :catface:

    1. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :yay: It's been a while... :wau:

    2. Sondash Studios

      Sondash Studios

      Thank you kindly for the warm welcomes! It certainly has been a while... heh :(

  23. Happy Easter everypony! B) :mlp_icwudt:

    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Good morning and happy Easter Sunday to you, Sondashie!

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