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Matraxial Artemi

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About Matraxial Artemi

  • Birthday 2000-04-16

Contact Methods

  • Discord Username
    Matraxial Artemis
  • YouTube
    Matraxial Artemis
  • YouTube
    Matraxial Artemis
  • YouTube
    Matraxial Artemis
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  • Personal Motto
    Nexolian Forever!
  • Interests
    Strategies, Gaming, Drawing, Animation, Fighting, Making new spells, Watching Wrestling, Documentary about the marine lives, Listening to Music, MLP, Anime, Minecraft, Terraria, Subnautica, Sci-Fi, World War documentary, Comedy and Musical movies, Protection, Like cars, War

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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    AppleJack & Derpy Hooves
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. Do ya'll think that I should change my cover photo and draw a new and a better one? :kindness:

    1. Tacodidra


      If you feel like doing so, why not! :) I think your current one is good, though! :darling:

    2. Matraxial Artemi

      Matraxial Artemi

      I know it's good but it's getting old :mlp_huh:

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