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Emperor Azurailo

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Status Updates posted by Emperor Azurailo

  1. Me? A Yak?! What is that supposed to mean?!?

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Don't worry. It's a new rank badge. In the future, it should be changable

  2. The surgery was a success! I'm healed now.

    1. TheRockARooster


      That’s great to hear, my friend.

    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Thanks goodness!


    3. Luigi


      That’s good news, Azurailo

  3. Well, it's time for me to leave. I'll be out for the morning at least, since I am going to the hospital, to be operated on. Hopefully everything goes right!

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Good luck my friend and royal husband.

    2. Luigi


      Oof. I hope the operation goes all right

  4. Here we are, July 14th. My country's National Day. Happy National Day, France! :grin: 


    For the occasion, I'll be wearing that uniform today. :) 

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Happy National Day, France!

  5. Finally!

    Behold, my new profile picture! ;)

    1. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp


      Your OC is hot as always

    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Sherbert MGS

      Yeah, my Royal husband is hot!

  6. Greetings, everycreature!

    It is me, your Emperor, who has returned from a busy period of time, regarding duties.

    I hope you all are doing well, thy Throne Room is now open to visitors again. :) 

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      My Lord, it pleases me to see you here again.BluWill_4.thumb.png.99f14b11b4a3d5e23019c9abf352c673.png

  7. Man, I don't know what I have these days... 

    I feel tired, and lack energy to follow classes. This is frustrating, because if I can't follow classes I'll struggle in my tests of May.

  8. What's the deal with people being so joyful about Xmas honestly? Seriously, I don't see why this is a big deal. Personally I'll spend it on my computer this year.

    1. Emperor Azurailo

      Emperor Azurailo

      As for me, I don't think I'll be spending time with family.

  9. Your Husband (for @Will Guide), Daddy (for @Baby Dashie) and new friend (for @Aurora Wolf) is going to watch over his Empire. See you guys later! :grin:

    1. Matraxial Artemi

      Matraxial Artemi

      Nexolian will be here to aid you in protection

  10. Greetings to everyone. :mlp_smile: 

    May I present to you the Trains Empire's National Anthem's lyrics, both in French and English :-D

    French Version:

    Noble Empire des Trains, ô Patrie Chérie,

    Nous te prêtons tous allégence!

    Tu as notre dévotion entière

    Et un bel avenir t'attend.

    Tu seras toujours grande et forte

    Grâce à ton indestructible unité

    Qui aura pour devise éternelle

    L'Empereur et l'Union de l'Empire!

    Aura pour devise éternelle

    L'Empereur et l'Union de l'Empire!

    L'Empereur et l'Union de l'Empire!!

    L'Empereur et l'Union de l'Empire!!!!

    English Version:

    Oh Noble Empire of the Trains, our Fatherland

    We shall all prostern ourselves to you!

    You have our entire devotion

    And a great future awaits you!

    You shall always be strong and powerful

    Thanks to your roaring Unity

    Which will have as personal motto:

    The Emperor and the Empire's Union!

    Will have as personal motto:

    The Emperor and the Empire's Union!

    The Emperor and the Empire's Union!!

    The Emperor and the Empire's Union!!!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Altastrofae


      Like, a pledge

      Like, you pledge your loyalty to your country

      In the US at least, we have both an anthem as well as a pledge

      I don't know if that's the case elsewhere

    3. Emperor Azurailo

      Emperor Azurailo

      Well you're right in some point. The Trains Empire's Anthem is a pledge to the country, but also refers to the unity shared by its inhabitants.

    4. SDP40F amtrak

      SDP40F amtrak

      Pretty good 

  11. Message from His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Blu Traincrown:

         Greetings, fellow Citizens of Equestria and my beloved subjects.

         It is me, Emperor Blu, who inform you of my partial return on the Throne. To be more clear, I shall be here, but less often, due to important affairs outside of my Empire. 

    I am looking forward to seeing all of you next time I am coming back.

    Sincerely yours, 

    Emperor Blu Traincrown

  12. Greetings!

    I think you have seen me before, but it seems that I'm a new father to you, trough marriage with Prince Consort Will Guide. I'll gladly adopt you as my son, but will you adopt me as your other Daddy~? :adorkable:

    *opens hooves for a hug*

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Baby Dashie

      Here's a picture of your two daddies together


    2. Luigi


      (Wakes up and accepts the hug)

  13. Oh, look who went back here! My favourite Comrade bro! How's it going mate? :grin:

  14. Hi there! Thank you very much for the follow! :D

    1. Shy


      No problem :)

  15. Darn... You guys have no idea how bored I am right now... :yeahno:

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Wanna RP with me?

  16. You know that feeling when you have a lot of things you can do, but don't do them because you're too lazy to get your ass off the bed, resulting in you being bored?

    Well that's exactly what I'm experiencing right now... :scoots:

  17. Greetings, everypony! :) 

    Just to tell you that I'll be off from tomorrow morning until August 8th, due to a flight to Guadeloupe, and I don't think my grandma got an internet connection :adorkable:

    So I'll see you guys in two weeks! :D 

    1. SDP40F amtrak

      SDP40F amtrak

      Ok see you then

    2. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      See you in two weeks!

      Hope you enjoy yourself!

  18. Let's go a few years backwards, to Blu when he was just Crown Prince. Here are some pictures of him as a colt! :D 


    Blu Traincrown aged 6:


    Blu Traincrown aged 12:


    Blu Traincrown aged 17:


  19. Greetings, Everypony! :) 

    The Trains Empire now has its Royal Flag! :D 

    This Flag is a tribute to the Trains Empire's Emperor or Regnant Empress, as it has the initials, colours and Cutie-Mark of him/her. Since Emperor Blu Traincrown is actually on the Throne, the Royal Flag pays tribute to him. 


    For those who ask, the necklace here is the Imperial Order Necklace, which represents the Unity between the Kingdom of Trains and Kingdom of Renewable Enregies that makes the strength of the Trains Empire! :proud:

    Royal Anthem: Long Live thy Emperor! (Боже, Царя храни!, God Save the Tsar!)




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      Both flags are very nice comrade, but I like your royal flag better, it looks fancier :grin: 

    3. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Emperor Blu Traincrown

      I see you got the full flag ready, Your Majesty. The Changelings are pleased with it too!

    4. SDP40F amtrak

      SDP40F amtrak

      Wow very good artwork

  20. We now have both portraits of Traincrown in Coronation Coat! :D 

    Pony Traincrown:


    Equestria Girls Traincrown: 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Emperor Azurailo

      Emperor Azurailo

      Thank you so much! Both of you!! :D :pinkie:

    3. SDP40F amtrak
    4. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Emperor Blu Traincrown

      Your Ambassador is quite impressed!

  21. Greetings, Comrade King! :) 

    I tend to like that music so much I want it to get as important as the National Anthem in the Empire.


    Is that normal? Am I getting crazy? :sunny: :toldya:

    1. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      Wait, I thought you already had a national anthem in your empire? Not that I wouldn't support changing your anthem to this, it is quite impressive if I do say so myself :proud:

      I don't think your crazy comrade, I just think our communist ways are growing on you! Nothing wrong with that though ;)

  22. I, Emperor Blu Traincrown, ruler of the Trains Empire, hereby decree that His Majesty, @King of Canterlot, Admiral @Sherbert Music-Guard and His Excellency @Wholly Windcharger as Ambassador Will Guide, are now awarded with the Imperial Order: thy highest decoration of thy Empire! All three are awarded with it for their friendship and loyalty to the Imperial Crown. Congratulations! :) 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aqua shine

      Aqua shine

      fly into the castle  walks around the castle looking for blu

    3. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      Eyyyyyyyyyy thanks comrade! I appreciate it a lot :rarity:

    4. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Emperor Blu Traincrown

      Thank you, Your Majesty from Will Guide.

  23. Greetings, @Tropical Melody! :) 

    A genuine thank you for following thy Emperor! :D 

    Here, I award you with thy Imperial Order for joining us! :proud:


  24. "I, Emperor Blu Traincrown, First Emperor of the name to rule the Trains Empire, swear to protect and respect the Constitution now in application, to defend it's laws and ensure they are folowed by our Citizens, to maintain the unity and preserve peace in the whole territory. To enforce my promises, I officially sign the Trains Empire Constitution before your eyes, Your Excellencies, and my dear Citizens." 

    Swearing-in done and Constitution signed in Ferroviaria, July 4th 2018.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Emperor Blu Traincrown

      Well done, being the Train Kingdom equivalent of the USA Constitution.

    3. Emperor Azurailo

      Emperor Azurailo

      *The National Anthem sounds* :proud:



    4. Castle Bleck
  25. Greetings, Comrade King! :proud:
    How are you doing today? :) 

    1. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      I'm doing pretty good comrade, thanks for asking! Your doing well too I assume? :fluttershy:

    2. Emperor Azurailo

      Emperor Azurailo

      Indeed I do! :proud:
      Say, I sent you a few messages on Discord :grin:

    3. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      Alright, I'll take look! :P

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