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Everything posted by Berry-Bliss-Sundae

  1. I guess the United States is not 'country of opportunities' as painted by the Hispanic countries
  2. As I feel happy, I want to share with you a song by Ricky Martin that ... I do not know, it conveys a lot of joy on me and I dont know not say why, maybe they will have heard the English version ... I decided to share the version in Spanish because ... well, after seeing both versions I feel that the English translation needs a spark ... besides the lyrics are very different. so ... I leave here the lyrics in English in a spoiler if you want to read it :fluttershy:

    You are the best thing in my life
    I finally feel happy
    Sadness doesn't suit me
    what do I care about the past I lived?
    If they give me the future
    I don't want to have it without you in it
    Ah, don't tell me no
    If you are hiding something, give it to me
    Because the time has come for you to be with me
    That's how it was written by destiny
    If this is love, hug me really tightly
    If it's not, maybe it will become love tomorrow
    When we are together, my world fills with light
    You are the best thing in my life
    I'm going to party, in case you want to go (I want to go)
    From Buenos Aires to Madrid (Ay! Olé!)
    And without sleeping, we will end it in Paris
    I swear you will never regret it
    Ah, don't tell me no
    If you are hiding something, give it to me
    Because the time has come for you to be with me
    That's how it was written by destiny
    If this is love, hug me really tightly
    If it's not, maybe it will become love tomorrow
    When we are together, my world fills with light
    You are the best thing in my life
    -Give it to me, give it to me baby, The best, the best, It's you-
     Let your hair down and play in the waves (in the waves)
    Atop the sand, by the seashore (by the seashore)
    Get ready because the night won't show consideration
    Come here, we are going to party once again
    Tomorrow, tomorrow
    Because the time has come for you to be with me
    That's how it was written by destiny
    If this is love, hug me really tightly
    If it's not, maybe it will become love tomorrow
    When we are together, my world fills with light
    You are the best thing in my life
    It's you
    Give it to me, give it to me baby
    The best, the best, the best
    You are the best thing in my life
    You are the best thing in my life
    Give it to me, give it to me baby

    is the best translation I got, I hope it is understood :twi:


  3. with respect to low-income people ... is not the government supposed to have 'public' schools, colleges, high schools and universities? At least in my country the best education comes from the gratuitous universities, the payments are in case you want an 'easy' title. What about the scholarships? I understand that if you study a lot you can be a local scholarship and it is a great help to improve your lifestyle, what happens with that help?
  4. the purpose of the post was to publish some lived experience or that you have seen, not discuss ... those concepts of 'real racism', 'modern racism' ... in the end racism is that .... racism that, as we know, that word means 'exclude a person' ... for really stupid reasons I must say. many take it only for the skin tone (which is the concept that puts in the dictionaries) but for me is racist a person who excludes another because of skin color, for their tastes, for their status, for their religion, others ... we are human beings, we all breathe the same air, we all had diarrhea at some point in our lives... we do the same things and, at least for me, we are exactly the same and at the same time different ... I think our differences should unite us more, as well as friends! I have friends of all types ... black, white, Asian, Hispanic, middle east (my former boss is from that area) some I know in person, others online, all with different tastes ... some appreciate more art, others science, some sports ... and we get along well! I know that maybe I sound like a movie of those type optimists '' everything is fine '' may sound even utopian ... but if we are so equal and different at the same time, why should there be racism and hatred? Is it because of past events? Well ... that's already happened, it's a new era with new thoughts ... being a racist in the 21st century is like if hate Spain because they colonized hipanoamerica by the 1400's ... that is, that happened .. but ... does it matter now? those affected at that time unfortunately died and there is nothing that can be done to remedy the hardships that happened ... but we can write a new future where we do not make the same mistakes as our ancestors. Maybe I'm wrong or a little ignorant about the subject ... but I think people get so complicated because things can be solved if they just try, something that costs nothing... Well ... it's just a message trying to be optimistic, and I hope it has been understood in the right way ... because of my little experience in English some people can misinterpret my words, I hope they have understood in the best possible way.
  5. I am reading the story ... everybody in the town worried that the child would see which home has and does not have people.... and I... worried reading and thinking '' what does a child do only in the night? Do not know that there can be criminals outside? Where will sleep? something could happen to him! Where are his parents? Is he orphan? And what if his parents sent him to sell chocolates so he could eat something more decent afterwards? " more than racist I think a very sad story ... in my country many children ask for food for the economic situation of the country, there are even very poor areas where people (like my mother many years ago) were sent by their own mothers to sell food and/or objects, bring money to the house and eat something ... now imagine a couple of girls ... alone ... in highly dangerous neighborhoods ... with men of dubious intentions. Thank God, nothing happened to them ... but I get angry because of these situations ... I really do not like to see children in those situations, they have to be protected.
  6. that's cruel ... where I come from, everyone usually gets along, if someone does not like someone else, it would be for personalities that do not fit together or for some bad moment and / or misunderstanding, but very rarely because of the color ... I do not know if it will influence the fact that in Latin America we are mostly mestizos (mixed races). in any way I regret that you had to go through that, there are people who are still ... of thought closed... I also regret having made you relive a bad time. Im so sorry...
  7. because of my Latin American origin I do not know that word, I do not want to know it either, although I do not know what word it is, I know it is very insulting in the culture of North America, I only know that the people make reference to it in some movies '' the word with N'' but it's not very clear to me even so, as I said before, I do not want to know a word that could hurt someone
  8. I think the best answer so far , I did not know those words of Morgan Freeman, but really very accurate.
  9. Racism.... controversial question because yes, because ... why not? just to see different opinions ... What is the most racist thing that you have seen in your life? in my case it is a difficult question because I believe that the only racist I have seen in my life has been hatred towards Cubans and now racism towards Venezuelans (this is for socialist reasons in my country) but apart from that I rarely see that someone is racist .... My father once told me that he traveled to Panama and sat in any square, right next to a man with dark skin, this man asked him: why do you sit next to me? you do not see my color? you are white! Whites do not sit with people of my color. (The man spoke feeling bad for his skin color) my dad answered: are you sick in the head? your color its great, I am not the great thing, I am a person, just like you! (Although this was not properly racist, but my dad could see how bad society could be with such a mentality, nobody is inferior or superior to anyone) Having said that, what has been the most racist thing you've seen? Has it been with foreigners? has it been for skin colors? any other? Let's talk about controversy.
  10. I want a gringo(american) boyfriend ... according to the movies they are very romantic, not as much as the Koreans but even so ... would it be true ?, huh? Why do I post this here? Well, it's the only social network where they do not judge me, well, not too much. :laugh:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Widdershins




       Feeh-heehee! I'm about as American as they come! You sure you don't mean South, or Latin Americans? Because sensitive to emotions is usually not the first thing that comes to describe us! You know the joke about how the French hate Americans because our first impulse is to either throw money or just yell louder if we're misunderstood? Yeah, funny because it's true! 

       Think Gringo is meant to be insulting, like Cracker. Either way, not very insulting words, but us Americanskis will sure as tootin' let you know if we're miffed at ya!

       ...think of us like Applejack. :mlp_smug:

       Remember, Dearie. Nationality does not make a being. No one term usually does.

       ...but... should say... if you want emotional, sensitive, a little clingy... find yourself a nerd or shut-in. We'll treat you like a goddess because we'll always know we're already pushing our luck just by being noticed by you.

    3. Berry-Bliss-Sundae


      my 2 ex-boyfriends are nerds :laugh: and, although both were funny and affectionate when they wanted ... the first one barely wrote to me (according to a friend if you do not have sex with him do not expect a lasting relationship) he ended with me telling me that 'I was very worried for him ':confused:, the second was unfaithful... :huh: I do not know if it's only in the area where I live, but the guys usually have a casanova behavior, or do not have many aspirations ... or tend to get bored with you after a while without sex...

      obviously every man is a different world, but, although it sounds stereotype ... it is obvious that they have more accentuated behavior according to the area where they live ... for example: the Asians are usually very hard workers compared to the average Latino. :proud:

      Well, maybe I'm too complicated ... I need to be more optimistic and less perfectionist.:twi:

    4. Widdershins


      To each their own. Those of us uninterested in sex (what most seem to assume is the point to relationships these days) are likely not going to be out & easy to find.

      I don't even know what sex is; so why should I care? 

      Well... vaguely, but... it's like paying extra for a pizza topping you've never tried.

      You take what shots you can. Draw your lots. Make your mistakes. Get a good lead on somebody's personality & figure out how involved you want to get.  ...dunno, Taylor Swift tends to cover this topic a bit better.


          ...can't imagine a legit nerd on the dating scene... Lol!

  11. This is one of the days when I feel sad ... rare thing in me since I am usually happy, what is the reason? Well ... I do not know if anyone has read my old publication about some hares that I adopted, well ... one of them died approx one hour ago. he was perfectly in the afternoon and suddenly he just stopped moving and opened his mouth a lot until he finally died ... you do not know the grief I have over me at this moment, he had a few days with me but I had the hope of seeing him grow .
    right now I'm watching over his little brother, apparently healthy but I'll take him to a veterinarian to make sure that's okay, I'll also make every effort to get the milk he needs. I just hope they do not sanction me or something like that in the vet because it is an exotic animal, anyway ... I leave you this song of guns n roses that I like a lot, at least it makes me feel a little better.


    1. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Oh God... I'm terribly sorry to hear that. :sunny: While I can't bring back the deceased rabbit... I hope that the younger sibling lives a longer, healthier life! :rarity:

      I hope you feel better soon, Bliss!

    2. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      I'm sorry to hear that *hugs* my pet cat died a couple of weeks ago. Its always very hard when a pet dies...

    3. Berry-Bliss-Sundae


      @The Recherche thank you very much for your good wishes, I also hope that the little brother can live for longer, it hurts me a lot when I am not able to properly care for a baby, I feel that I fail as an animal rescuer. :sunny:

      @Nightfall Gloam I also sorry hearing about your kitten , I hope that soon you can feel better my friend -hug- 

  12. my father got a couple of bunnies on his farm, having a ditch broke his burrow accidentally and decided to bring them to our house before someone stole them or made soup with them ... :sunny:

    given the Venezuelan situation that there are no products I can not get formula (artificial milk) for rabbits, milk without lactose, or skim milk ... only cow's milk, hopefully the bunnies resist this milk, wish me luck! :mlp_wat:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snow


      Are they only babies?

    3. Berry-Bliss-Sundae


      @Snow They will have 2 or 3 weeks on, I mean ... they have fur, their eyes are open and they can walk. They are about 7 centimeters (2.75 inches) long, approx.

    4. Snow


      Daww, I hope everything goes well!

  13. probably the game and the dumbest song in the world ... but it does not stop enchanting me! I love this game, It brings me very nice memories :twi: ♥ 


    1. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Funny story, actually; I remember back when i was a young boy, I used to love watching my sister play the Sims for some reason. :D I would be lying if I said this this doesn't evoke from nostalgia from me as well, to be perfectly honest~.

    2. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      Sounds like a pretty nice theme. The only Sims game I played was SimCity 4.

    3. Berry-Bliss-Sundae


      The Recherche I played the versions for ps2, it really is a very fun game! It caused me a lot of laughter when there were fires :D

      Nightfall Gloam I never get to play simcity, but I heard it's good :)

  14. I thought there would be no problem with uploading the pony illustrations here too oh well, I will avoid uploading pony content in this section
  15. well, in summary I made them with my tablet (connected to the pc) and then I uploaded them here I did not understand the question very well so I do not know if I answered what you were asking
  16. Lunar Glow thank you very much for the comment, I'm glad you like my work! CherryAcorn I am not a fan of Bendy either, in fact she is Ortensia, the girlfriend of Oswald the rabbit of luck, both of Disney by the way, thanks for the comment
  17. first of all I want to clarify that this is a topic that, in my opinion, is delicate ... so I want to highlight the fact that it is not suitable for children (if there are any on a page), I also want to highlight that I expect tolerance in the opinions because we are supposed to be adult enough to be respectful to each other, that being said we can begin. I do not know what you think about it ... I may be wrong but really this is an issue that has been overwhelming me because it is the only thing I read and I am angry at the lack of intolerance that exists at a social level ... I do not know what to think ... this is more an outlet, if you want to say something or not, it's fine ... if I offended someone I apologize for it, it's not my intention.
  18. Commission I recently made to @Dark Horse I hope you like it (to everybody) and do not forget to recommend!
  19. commission for @Dark Horse I hope they like it as much as I do :) Remember that you can follow me on my social networks! :yay:

    1. Tumblr
    2. Deviantart (Comercial)
    3. Deviantart (Personal)
    4. Twitter
    5. Facebook

    and, if you like, you can support me from my website in Ko-fi (Click here)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      An outstanding job, Bliss! I couldn't recommend your services enough~ Professional, reliable and very friendly. What more could you ask for in an artist? :D

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I love the expression and emotion in this pic =) very beautifully constructed piece =) Amazing work =) 

    4. Berry-Bliss-Sundae


      thank you very much for your nice comments, I really appreciate it :rarity:


    1. Shrug


      I’ve always liked Madonna. :) 

    2. Berry-Bliss-Sundae


      I like her classic songs more, she has a nice touch :proud:

    3. Shrug


      Yeah. Her older songs are my favorite too! Borderline is her best song imo. :squee:

  21. thank you very much for your nice comments! it really makes me very happy
  22. I have decided to open this gallery to exhibit my art (Original or Fan Art), where I will be uploading works periodically ... in case you want a commission do not forget to visit my store here on the page. List of prices (Click here) without more to say I present some of my works (as well as work for other people.) I hope you like it if you have opinions or criticisms do not forget to comment, for direct contact do not forget to send a private message! Many kisses and hugs for everyone! PD: do not forget to follow me on: Tumblr Deviantart (for ponys) Deviantart (personal) Twitter If anyone is interested in support me, you can do it from Patreon or from the Ko-fi website, I would be very grateful As I said I will upload more drawings periodically, as well as commissions, a greeting and I hope you enjoy them!

    1. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      Welcome back!

      Beat It is one of my favourite Michael Jackson songs! :D 

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