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Kevin Tang

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Status Replies posted by Kevin Tang

  1. Is it just me or has it been... a lot calmer around here lately. :ooh:

  2. Equestria amino is a very different place.

    I think I prefer the forum rather than that.

  3. I'm full of negativity right now. I hope listening to MLP songs will cheer me up. :maud:

    Going to bed soon! >_>

  4. I will have to give a speech tomorrow at Youth Conference 2018 held by my school. (I can't even find a suitable emoticon for this)

    Just with one big problem, this thing is like a dilemma. If I do good, I will be giving another speech at the second stage which will be held at the local mall. But if I do it badly, my score will be crap.


  5. I realized that you always post on my profile, and I never really do the same to you! :o 

    ...Time to change that! :mlp_icwudt: Bonjour monsieur! As-tu eu une bonne journée aujourd'hui? :fluttershy:

    Say, are there any other ways as to reach you? I've been feeling like this way isn't the most efficient way to chat... :please: But hey, if you don't, there's nothing wrong with that either, I just want to be able to talk to you, so if that means talking in status updates, it's perfectly fine by me. :kindness:

    Did you learn anything new today? Anything interesting that you learned about or discovered? :ooh: 

    I hope that you've been having a fantastic day so far, and hopefully, we can chat again soon! A tout à l'heure! :squee:

  6. Internet is awesome. Internet services are trash.

  7. I'm so glad the colors are back. The black and white was ruining my mood even worse, considering there's a lot going on in my life.

  8. Internet is awesome. Internet services are trash.

  9. You know what I hate. Being accused for stuff I don't do. You know what I hate more? Being punished for something I didn't do and having to apologize for doing the thing I didn't do and watching the person that lied pretend to be accepting and shit but then smiles when they watch me cry. 

    I am personally of the mind that earning respect goes for all ages. Just because you're a teacher doesn't mean I need to be impressed by you. Here's context

    I had taken my phone out of a bag I wear to find a pencil during math. My teacher said to give it to her because I was on it. Easy enough I proved to her I wasn't. She then proceeds to lie and make something up so she has a reason. I reacted badly yeah but then I'm told to respect her. My issue wasn't my phone being taken. It was being falsely punished by an authority figure lying so she would be right. 

    You lose my respect when you lie to make your point. You lose my respect when I have to apologize to you and you feel you have no reason to feel you're in the wrong after the lie. I did nothing wrong before I swore at her and honestly after it I feel she deserved it. Anyone could have proven she was wrong but she needed to be right. 

    You cannot claim you respect your students when they respect you when they show you respect and rely on your integrity and you lie and reprimand them.

    At the end of all of this I'm seen as the one who's wrong and whatever inaccurate narrative she has now made will be the one that sticks because she's an authority figure who deserves respect.


    Sorry for the rant but honestly I needed to feel like someone cares enough to understand

  10. The black and white colour of this place makes it looked dead.

  11. Bonjour Monsieur! Comment ça va? :muffins:

    How's your weekend so far? Is it good? Or is it bad? I hope it's wonderful for you! :-D

    Did you do anything special this weekend or just another usual day on end of the week? :fluttershy:

  12. Anypony here watched "Disenchantment"?

  13. I feel like a fucking god!

  14. Good morning everypony! I finished the animation of Mars rotation and still got a full night's sleep. I feel like a recharged battery. :mlp_yeehaa:

    Mars Animation_9-7-2018 2x.gif

  15. Anypony here watched "Disenchantment"?

  16. Is my English good?

  17. I can't wait until I get home from school, and then I can brush the thought of school away, at least for 2 days.

  18. Man! I'm rich ... I dun got me some Sapphire and such! 


  19. Goodnight.

    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

  20. goodnight everypony

  21. I should go to bed soon. Goodnight, everyone!

  22. Bonjour Monsieur! Comment alle-vous? :mlp_grin:

    Exams are over once again, but I don't really satisfied with this month's exams. :bea:

    You're online at around 7-8am, so I'm going to assume that school is already started for you. :proud:

    How was your day at school?

    I hope you will enjoy the new school year! And be a better learner than last year! :muffins:

    Ok, have a good day at school! :mlp_yeehaa: À bientôt!

  23. 1. I really like the 2d ponies better than the 3d ones. The toys, the video games, and 3d animations aren't very enjoyable to watch/look at.

    2. I tried to play that my little pony game on mobile, but I don't like it. Mainly because the 3d models and the out of canon storyline.

    3. Grind grind grind for dem pickaxes! (Maybe tomorrow)

    4. Also, time to sleep, I can't sleep too late. Tomorrow is a school day.

  24. I am the only one who loves how the cover image of the forum looks? It makes me feel fresh and fabulous :darling:


  25. I've done nothing productive all day.

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