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Supernova Energy

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Status Updates posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Ok I am late with delivering cookies for New Year's, but have no fear! For I will make up for it by giving every user 2 cookies instead of one! I just need some time cause I keep getting distracted lol.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I return for cookies once more. :wacko:

  2. Happy birthday again, may the orb be with you! :Pip-giggle:

    1. Astralshy


      Thank you too
      Here have some cake as well


  3. I will deliver cookies soon!

    Also happy New Year!

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I am here for cookies! :kirin:

    2. Sparklefan1234


      Happy New Year, BFFFF! :D 

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      ..... Aha! I finally know who you are!...

      The one who always gives cookies!

  4. I will be giving out free chocolate chip cookies so come to my profile after 12am tonight and you will get a free cookie to start the New Year!

    Also I'm in USA so just keep in mind that I'm only doing cookies after 12am in my timezone lol.

    Happy New Year's Eve! 

    1. Tacodidra


      Happy New Year, my friend! :D

  5. Nooo! the corruption is spreading, It's getting too strong! Despite my efforts to find and destroy this anomaly, it continues to grow! I must ask for help now, and I know of a very powerful being here who might be able to assist...

    Time to summon Silky, guardian of the flame of light and the very Planeswalker herself!

    To do this, I must perform a dangerous ritual that could cause so much chaos, but it is a risk I must take, so here I go...

    🍫🥛🍨🍩🎂 Ok these are the ingredients to the first part, now to combine them...


    Step one done and the fabric of reality remains intact so far, so step 2 of 3....

    sun GIF

    And the final and most dangerous step of all, I must put this in a spoiler tag to contain it's power...





    Now I must wait to find out if it works, for Silky could be in another realm right now and it might take some time for the summon to reach where she is at...

    @Planeswalker Silky

    Ok it's been sent! But now I must wait to find out if she answers it!

    1. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      Ok! I have been summoned and now I must say - this was just wrong - epic - MODERATORS BAN HIM AT ONCE D:

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      @Planeswalker Silky

      ... :BornAgainBrony: I would, but he mentioned flames, and now I'm hypnotized. Halp!

  6. Oh no... the anomaly is spreading! I will try to test the limits of forum polls to see if I can undercover the secret to this anomaly... only chaos will reveal the truth!

    1. Samurai Equine
    2. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      Good idea @Samurai Knuckles Chao, maybe popcorn will help unveil the darkness so I can repel it! :ithastolookpretty:

      The more chaos I create, the closer I get to saving this realm and my pizza from going cold!

  7. Thanks for following me! :eager:

  8. You know, I feel different but I can't exactly figure out why.... hmmm, I need to do a self-assessment to determine the cause of this anomaly. :mlp_huh:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      @Samurai Knuckles Chao Sure thing! Actually you can come along on this journey now, I might need the help of a moderator in case things get too "chaotic", and hugs are very amazing! Don't worry, rules won't be broken, but software limits might be tested, and things might break, but with you by my side the fabric of reality will remain intact! Hopefully XD

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine



      Ready to go, my friend!

    4. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      I cannot step away for a single day without some shenanigan going on with you guys… who broke the site now? :zipp-wut:

  9. Where is igloo Fluttershy? I miss her! :(

    1. Trot Shuffle

      Trot Shuffle

      Something hit me in the face when I tried to congratulate Treeglow and now it's dark wherever I am :sealed: :(

  10. gg to whoever updated the generosity title color! I loved purple but it looked a little close to moderator title color, so it might have been confusing to some. And green title looks amazing too + festive! :eager:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      And now you really a Monster Energy. :ButtercupLaugh:

  11. Ok so now that I've posted a ton, I'm going to state the obvious - I'm alive and I'm back! Yep I am not dead and I am active for now at least, so time to celebrate! You know how I'm going to celebrate? By going to bed cause it actually is past 2am in the morning now and sleep is kinda important. :kirin:

    So with that said, goodnight everypony and rest well! Also remember that Christmas is coming up fast! Kinda a reminder to myself too cause I didn't realize it's about halfway through the month til' Christmas .

    1. Samurai Equine
    2. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :D I'm glad to see you here again! :eager:

    3. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      @Tacodidra Thanks! Yep I am back after a few months of inactivity lol

  12. I must say something - sorry for flooding the general discussion forum with a ton of posts, I haven't been posting in a long time so I just looked through some of the threads in there that I haven't read. 

    I didn't realize I posted 2 pages of stuff on there, like I just kept posting until I got caught up and now that I did, I realized I posted so much. So yeah sometimes I post a lot but no more than 1 page of posts for each forum so I don't flood it. I don't think there is a limit as long as I don't break any rules and spam or something like that, but I feel like 2 pages of posts in a single forum section is a little excessive and might be a little overwhelming to some users.

    Also note to mods - the posts I made are genuine posts that have been thought out well and aren't just like saying only "yes" or "I agree" or something like that, they are quality posts but I'm just saying there's a lot of them.

    So yeah, apologies for the excessive posting and hopefully you all have a good day, if anyone reads this because it's 2am in the morning and I'm not sure if anyone is even online at this time.

    :raritycutehat: <- also I put this emoji here to lighten the mood and hopefully brighten up someone's day. Or night or whatever time it is.

    EDIT: yes if you look at the posts I've made I did in fact not do much except post for around 4 hours, and yes it took me that long to post 2 pages of stuff cause some things took some time to read and think of something good to say.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi Epic! It's your pal and friendly neighborhood Moderator, Samurai. :applehat:

      Just letting you know, you're good. If anything, it's GREAT to see such activity here! :pinkie:

    2. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      @Samurai Toshigami Thanks! Glad all is good, and I hope you've been doing well recently! :grin:

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      I have! And I hope you've also been doing well. :flutterhat:

  13. Hi everypony, I hope you all are doing well today and have a good start to the new week! :eager:

  14. Hi everypony, I hope you all are ready to start the new week! :eager:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi there, my amazing friend! ^_^ It was such a good week for me, I don't know if I want to start as new one. But time marches on.

  15. Everypony on these forums: hey epicenergy why u posting so much right now?

    me: :kirin: (translation: I'm hyper because of that MTN Dew I drank, so my brain won't stop thinking)

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Yay! Ride that energy~! :ButtercupLaugh: Just hope you don't crash too hard later.

  16. Was listening to this song and it's very good for this time of year, so I'm going to share it!


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      That was very fitting for the season! Thank you for sharing! :D

  17. I'm actually going to bed now, so goodnight everypony! :kirin:

    (yes I put a hyper kirin emoji because it represents how my brain is feeling at the moment lol)

  18. What is this club I found and why are you the only member in it? :okiedokieloki:

    I smell shenanigans! You've been caught! :manic-laughter:


    1. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      Ahahaha I freakin love you so much Epic Energy. XD Stop being so awesome and finding my top secret secret clubs that no one was supposed to find because it was actually a test club before clubs were a thing for @Wolf of Shadowsto test some things out on :orly:


    2. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      That's neat, always good to test things out before releasing them to avoid too much chaos lol. I've been looking at these clubs a little since the feature came out, and maybe sometime I'll join some of them. Not right now since I must sleep, but maybe soon! :Pip-giggle:

  19. I really need to update my profile "about me" section, it seems very outdated lol. Maybe I'll work on it sometime or another.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same here, my friend. Same here. I really need to do some updating and redecorating.

  20. Thanks for following me! :grin:

    1. Clawdeen


      Thank you for following me!

    2. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      You're welcome, and I hope you have a good day today!

    3. Clawdeen


      I hope you have a good day as well!

  21. Thanks for following me, I appreciate it! :eager:

    1. Hadrien


      Hey, no problem. Always glad to meet new people and see what they're doing :mlp_smug:

  22. I don't know when this happened, but the MLP Forums background changed and it look cool! :kirin:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      I know, right? Surprised they can still change it! I thought the BG would be stuck the same thing forever. :ButtercupLaugh:

  23. I hope you all are having a good day so far today! :grin:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I am! Hope you are too, my amazing friend. :eager:

  24. Hi there, I heard you are sick so I just wanted to say that I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      @EpicEnergy How many of you are going to post on my profile to tell me to get better? My heart is already melted! Why are you all so caring toward me? I'll cry! Thank yooooooou!!! :scoota-sad:

      *big hug*

    2. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      You're welcome, I hope you are feeling better!

      *hugs back*

    3. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      @EpicEnergy I hope that I'm feeling better too! :derp:

  25. Thanks for following me, I appreciate it! I hope you have a nice day today!

    1. WolfyIsAQT


      Thank you, you to :yay:

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