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Supernova Energy

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Status Updates posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Happy birthday, my friend! I hope you enjoy your day today! :grin:

  2. How's everypony doing today? :grin:

    For me, today was nice because I slept well and played some video games. Been working on Black Desert mostly since I've found lots of things to do in it and since a new update is going to be released tomorrow. :eager:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Glad you had a good day, my friend. I'm good, thanks for asking. ^_^ It's been a fun day, and will probably be an even more fun weekend.
      But if you have any spare hugs lying around, let me know. :wacko:

    3. Supernova Energy
    4. Samurai Equine
  3. Happy birthday, my friend! I hope you have an awesome day today! :eager:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      Thank you, my amazing friend!! :pinkie: I most certainly will make the most of it. Hugs for you.


  4. *notices you are starting a lot of conversations through status updates and wants to join in* :P

    Hi! How are you doing? :eager:

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Hello, who is this? :P

    2. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      *excited pony noises*

      I am energy drink I am pony! :squee:

    3. Sparklefan1234
  5. It Friyay. Happy Friyay everypony! :yay:

    I hope you all had a good day today! :grin:

    1. Rising Dusk

      Rising Dusk

      Happy Friyay! :yay:

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi there, my amazing friend! :eager: I did. Same to you.

  6. Been playing a lot of Black Desert and Astroneer recently! They are open world games, and I took a break from playing that genre of games until recently. I've forgotten how much I love the open world feel, being able to do whatever you want in the game with an optional main questline.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Glad to know you are having fun, my amazing friend. :squee:

  7. Happy birthday, my friend! I hope you enjoy your day! :yay:

    1. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      Thank you so much hug*

  8. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! :yay:

  9. I don't plan to watch MYM, at least not right now, because I don't have Netflix and I'm also not too interested in it anyways. I still love pony, but I haven't been watching any movies or shows recently.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Totally your choice. :proud:

  10. Ok, today I went to the see a doctor. They are going to change my medications as I anticipated. I'll be slowly going off one medication that I've been taking for years and slowly going on a different one. Not sure how this will affect me, hopefully not in any negative ways.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Just need to be observant. You'll know if it's working or not, and if not, tell your doctor. :rarity: Good luck, my amazing friend.

  11. Hey ponies, guess what...


    Today's Friyay! Happy Friyay everypony!:mustache:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Happy Friday, Epic! May the following days be awesome for you. :D

    3. Supernova Energy
    4. Astralshy


      Happy Friyay

  12. Hi everypony, how are you all doing today? I'm doing ok, played a lot of Destiny 2 today so I had fun. 😀

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I'm fine, thanks. :BrightMacContent: Sounds like fun!

    2. Astralshy


      Hi, Im fine. I hope you are too

    3. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      I’m doing fine. Just woke up. Hope you have a good day

  13. > is 3:15am

    Time for me to go to bed, goodnight everypony! 💤

  14. Replacement for the disappearing pony emotes: use the shortcut *Windows key + period* to open the built-in emojis for Windows 10, and then you will be able to select whatever normal emote you want to use. 😄

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      True! And I am not sure if this is true on other computers, but it you right-click on any text field, one of the options should be the Emoji window. 😎 Not as expressive as the ponies, but it'll do in a pinch.

  15. How's everypony doing today? I'm doing ok. Today was just an average day for me today, but tomorrow's Friyay!

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry for the late response. Good to know you're doing well. :kindness:

  16. How's everypony doing today? I'm doing ok but didn't really get many things done today.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I'm also good, thanks for asking. :squee: Stay epic, my amazing friend.

  17. LOL, I was playing Destiny 2 and one of my teammates cast their super ability to literally fly past me into the teleporter like Superman! I don't know why it was so funny to me, but here's a clip of it anyways.

  18. How's everypony doing today? I be doing ok today, played a lot of Destiny 2 because I'm trying to get my own customized weapon with the voltshot perk on it. The voltshot perk electrifies enemies you shoot after you get a kill and reload, and I think it's neat! :squee:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Awesome! Have fun, my amazing friend. :Rara:
      Also, I am good, thanks for asking.

  19. Happy Friyay everypony! :yay:

    I hope you all had a good day! :grin:

  20. Well, it's time for me to go to bed. Goodnight everypony! :fluttershy:

  21. "Why won't you die?!:Cozy:

    "Nanomachines, son!:Pharynx:

    Yep, I'm Senator Armstrong. I didn't feel like announcing my profile theme change which took place a few weeks ago until now at least. It changed from Kylo Ren and Star Wars to Senator Armstrong/Raiden from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.

  22. Hi everypony, it's been well over a month since my last status update. I just haven't been feeling like posting status updates lately because I've been feeling like nopony ever reads them. Anyways, I just wanted to say hi to let everypony know that I'm not dead! I've only been active in the debate section on here, haven't really been posting much in other sections here. Maybe that will change, or maybe it won't. It depends on how I continue to feel.

    1. Astralshy


      Hi there :>

      Sadly I also havent been very active in the last months

      *hugs ya

    2. Supernova Energy
  23. Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day today! :grin:

    1. Rikifive


      Thank you! e-glimlove.png.61d49f640b098e894f62157567582a55.png Weekend = no job = a great day indeed. ^_^ 

  24. Happy birthday, my friend! I hope you have a wonderful day today! :eager:

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Thank You, BFFFF! :D



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