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Treeglow Flicker

Event Coordinator
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Everything posted by Treeglow Flicker

  1. 374! If we play our cards right, we might get a badge for it.
  2. 374! I'm the last person to speak about giving up. Works very well. Although with the recent male boom in this thread, it's been downgraded to delaying the inevitable through stubbornness. I bet the OP never imagined that creating this simple forum game would spark such an entertaining rivalry.
  3. 374! Then I would have to ask him if he could invite Minnie Mouse just to maintain a deadlock with Mickey.
  4. 374! I could invite the mice to play for my side if you want. Steal the win and your cheese.
  5. 374! We kirin have a way of sneaking up on ponies.
  6. I've kind of kept myself shut away these past few years for the sake of studying and working on things. So... not very?
  7. The most uncomfortable place I ever stood was at the top of a ladder out in the wind and rain when I was 16. I was working as an apprentice electrician at the time and I had to stand at the top of that ladder for ages to wait for the electrician I was working under to poke a wire out to me for a security floodlight. There was nobody footing the ladder and I was haunted by the prospect that one bad gust of wind would send me falling. The rain was freezing and I was soaked to the bone. Not super happy fun times.
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