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Treeglow Flicker

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Everything posted by Treeglow Flicker

  1. I love you because of that gosh darn adorable face.
  2. A root vegetable that was in the shape of Jack Nicholson's head.
  3. I feel horrible for posting these. "I would wish for your rectum to grow tastebuds, but considering what comes out of your mouth, I highly doubt it would make any difference." "You're pretty funny. But keep in mind looks aren't everything." "Talking to you is like being trapped in an elevator with Jedward."
  4. Let's see now... *opens loot bag* 1 book from the reading section of my final year class in primary school (Ironically from the crime section and technically forgot to return it) 1 accidental acquisition of a toy car that changed colour with the temperature during my infant years of primary school (tried to give it back but still ended up with it) 1 House Captain badge from my final year in primary school (technically I forgot to return it) 1 Student Vice President school badge from my secondary school (technically I forgot to return this one too) 1 acquisition of a suspected stolen library book that was handed to me by an old friend during secondary school (Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card) 2 Pizza Express pens from the bank vault counting house I used to work at (side note: pens originally stolen from Pizza Express by someone else) 1 bag of fun sized chocolate bars last Christmas that were I think part of my brother's stash No shoplifting though. Unless you count the time I was undercharged for some stationery a couple of times. In my defence, I didn't realise until I got home. So yeah... I'm not exactly Carmen Sandiego or Lupin III.
  5. Today I've pretty much been doing a big clean up around the house. Vacuuming, polishing, laundry, washing windows, all the fun stuff. Anyway, one thing on my to do list was to venture into my brother's room to see how badly it needed cleaning. Now my brother is one these people who are in their 40's and still doesn't know which end of a broom to use. So it was pretty much inevitable that I would have to go in there at some point.

    Anyway, much to my despair, he still hasn't learned how to make a bed. In addition, when I started vacuuming his room, his carpet let out an audible sigh of relief. I'm pretty sure carpets aren't supposed to do that...

    Also the smell in there... I don't know what it was, but it was pretty interesting in a revolting and horrific way.

    Anyway. Just felt in the mood for some good old fashioned sibling shaming while I wait for my dinner to cook. :-P

    1. imawesome


      Oh, right, you live in the UK!

      Well, have a good dinner!

    2. TBD


      I would say his room is pigsy..but that would be an insult to the pigs. :orly:

  6. Finally after 200 posts, I'm a beautiful butterfly!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. imawesome


      Congrats! I still haven't memorized the order of the rankings, so I don't know what I'll be after a parasprite. Congratulations, though! 

    3. Arc Flash
  7. Unfortunately, I'm not confident enough to sing in front of others. I would love to be able to though. I usually sing when I'm alone as part of my voice training. As to whether or not I'm a good singer? I have absolutely no idea.
  8. I had a clumsy idiot of a friend who closed a car door on my fingers once. Luckily it didn't cause any serious damage. Couldn't move them for a while though and had to stare at some unsightly scabs and bruising. Also itched quite a bit from what I remember. Tame in comparison to what you guys suffered though.
  9. @Snow le Canard Having avatars that never fail to make me smile.
  10. So which way around the board does the little race horse move again? Also, why is the little castle called a rook? Does it nest in trees?
  11. Going into a state of shock to the point my legs failed me and I butt smashed the kitchen bin. Butt hurt for a couple of days but the bin came out a lot worse.
  12. Well, the word "Shit" is actually the name of a powerful ancient demon that lurks within the morbid and dark realms where nobody really goes. Uttering its name can sometimes bring about its summoning that leads to unspeakable horrors that go far beyond human imagining. The sudden appearance of the demon always compels one to utter the words "Oh Shit!". Why do cats have four legs?
  13. If it's something REALLY bad, then I do the only thing I can do to deal with it:
  14. @PaulBron Just take the gosh darn win! I have nothing that can be said or shown that can top that right now!
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