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Treeglow Flicker

Event Coordinator
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Everything posted by Treeglow Flicker

  1. I woke up at 2pm today.

    Stuck my head out of the duvet covers for 3 seconds and discovered that it was freezing cold. Stuck my head back under the covers and stayed within the warmth of the bed for 5 hours. Good for me! :-P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Treeglow Flicker

      Treeglow Flicker

      My army of fruits and vegetables with faces drawn on them! And you know they're female because their eyes have eyelashes drawn on them!

    3. TBD


      I will happy to turn them all into smoothies:sneer: 

    4. imawesome
  2. I love silly little quizzes like this. Right now I'm 35. According to that quiz, my mental age is 25. Ha! In your face, aging!!! Auntie Treeglow still has a younger mind!
  3. 548! *drags TBD back down into the bucket*
  4. 548! You're reading the "Gender Race Thread". Also know as "The Crab Bucket"!
  5. 549! Don't make me beat you with a broom!
  6. Well, I haven't seen a 'Game Over' screen yet. So things must be going right somewhere in my life.
  7. 588! All that hard work the boys did... Now it's approaching closer to the 600 mark again.
  8. Yep! Star Wars Monopoly! Do you own novelty toothbrush?
  9. 580! When the boys are away, the girls come out to play!
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