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Status Replies posted by JetPistol

  1. "How are you?"

    I dunno. I'm so done with life already. There's nothing here for me. I'm tired of trying and not getting anywhere. I'm tired of failing myself and everyone else. I'm tired of being tired.

    I just want to disappear forever.

    "I'm fine."

    1. JetPistol


      Small talk is one of my biggest pet peeves ever. It's like filler dialogue. 

  2. *sigh*

    1. JetPistol


      I'm sorry, dude. I hope you can find plenty of new friends here on the forums. Please don't let me get you down in the dumps /)^3^(\

      <-- Look at all those followers. Why not turn your sights to them, my nigga?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. I don't think I'm fully prepared for the S9. Not because it's the final season, but because I feel I haven't refreshed myself by mini-marathoning the episodes via Netflix.


    Heck, even after the S8 episodes were added to Netflix and I had ample opportunities to watch all the episodes of any given character or location, I didn't took advantage of that. And now I simply don't have time to do so. I feel a little bad for wasting the opportunity.

    1. JetPistol


      Marathoning entire seasons is my usual preference as well. All it takes is a day or two and you should be set, bro. Are you seriously that busy that you can't even take weekends off? :o 

      Just a word of advice: I wouldn't recommend over indulging in pony marathons before S9. I tried the same with S3~S4 right before S5 aired and I completely burnt myself out. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I don't think I'm fully prepared for the S9. Not because it's the final season, but because I feel I haven't refreshed myself by mini-marathoning the episodes via Netflix.


    Heck, even after the S8 episodes were added to Netflix and I had ample opportunities to watch all the episodes of any given character or location, I didn't took advantage of that. And now I simply don't have time to do so. I feel a little bad for wasting the opportunity.

    1. JetPistol


      So, wait up. Are you implying you have yet to watch S8? Or just haven't re-watched it yet?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Since when do birds fly at the speed of sound? :yeahno:

    1. JetPistol


      Lmao. I coulda sworn that's what you were referencing. xD


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Since when do birds fly at the speed of sound? :yeahno:

    1. JetPistol


      Since they came flying up from the underground.


      If you saw it, then you'd understand, bro...


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. *facehoof*

    The Derpy mailroom scene's still ableist garbage. NEXT! :unamused:

    1. JetPistol


      I don't get how the writers went from her portrayal in Slice of Life to that, tbh. 

  8. I feel like i'm a hypocrite for not liking turn based combat, because i fawn over pokemon (which uses turn based combat)

    Maybe i need to re-evaluate my standards a bit.

    1. JetPistol


      Well, Pokemon offers a helluva lot of freedom within the bounds of party customization and diversity. Therefore, the turn-based combat in Pokemon doesn't feel overly restrictive as it does in nearly every other rpg. I'm with you on turn-based combat for the most part. It's generally not my cup of tea; even if it's commonplace in my most beloved jrpg franchises (namely Mother, Pokemon, & Fire Emblem). 

      I don't think you need to "re-evaluate" jack shit ;) You ARE allowed to have your own personal biases, ya know~

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. *MOTHER 3 Spoilers in the following tab*


    The Pig Army has arrived!!!


    You haven't any idea how much of a nightmare the Clayman was to construct... :mlp_please:


    1. JetPistol


      I regret to admit that despite being "enchanted" by the Mother series myself, I still have yet to dip my toes into the third installment to this very day. Played Mother 2 for the first time on Wii U back when it released on the VC. Same thing goes for Mother 1. Played Earthbound again recently on the SNES Classic one last time before selling it on Ebay. I must say, the emulation on the SNES Classic was worlds better than the Wii U (so much freaking lag it was unbearable; even in a turn-based RPG).


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. *MOTHER 3 Spoilers in the following tab*


    The Pig Army has arrived!!!


    You haven't any idea how much of a nightmare the Clayman was to construct... :mlp_please:


    1. JetPistol


      Oh man, that brings back memories. I used to make those things all the damn time when I was a kid. Do you happen to know what this kind of art is even called? The name completely eludes me lol.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. I can’t believe it, everyone! I’m about to reach 10,000 brohoofs!

    i never thought that I’d ever make it that far!


    1. JetPistol


      You've still got a 1,000 years on the moon left to go, bro. Don't count those chickens before they hatch! 

      Here take a freebie on the house for that adorable Woona.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Would be nice if my life had any real value.

    1. JetPistol


      ^Well, based on what you just said there, it sounds to me like DS3 is right up my alley. Do you have any idea whether or not it has Xbox One X enhancements like increased resolution or improved frame rate? Honestly, I might just buy the entire Dark Souls trilogy when the next price drop comes around. If there's no improvements via patch on X, I might opt to wait until I get a high end pc/ laptop so I can run it 4k/60 max settings.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Would be nice if my life had any real value.

    1. JetPistol


      Isn't it kinda sad that the first entry caps out the developers' potential? Unless you wanna count Demon's Souls, ofc. Was DS2 as bad as they say? And DS3, was it too casual?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. Would be nice if my life had any real value.

    1. JetPistol


      I quite enjoyed reading that. Perfect timing btw, considering I literally just woke up mere moments ago. What you've described sounds like the typical case of developers becoming lax in their craft due to a perceived safety net of cult-minded fans who will eat up anything they shit out.

      Have you played all the Souls games prior, btw? Obviously excluding Playstation exclusive, Bloodbourne. How would you rank DS1, 2, and 3? I have yet to dip my feet into any Souls game, and I've been looking for a good place to start. To be honest, after watching some reviews of both matthewmatosis and hbomberguy, I have concluded that the original Dark Souls looks a tad too dated for my tastes. One of the reasons Sekiro stood out as a potentially good starting point was the fact that the graphical presentation seemed to be head and shoulders above all of From Software's prior works. That being said, the environmental variety did seem a tad monotonous. I would have started with BB, but the freaking frame pacing makes my eyes bleed T^T (if only there was a goddamn patch for the Ps4 Pro that alleviated this issue).


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. Began writing my S8 overview. I don't know if it'll finish in time before S9 debuts this Saturday, but I'll get it done!

    1. JetPistol


      Nice to see some familiar faces around these parts <3


      I was one of the *ahem* notorious troublemakers around the time period I mentioned ^^; Can't even count the frequency of times I was perma-banned... Admittedly it was pretty fun.

      But that's all in the past now. It's time for my redemption arc! ;) 


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. :glimmer:why are all the Starlight plushies from before she was reformed? Trixie needs some friends!

    1. JetPistol


      "would buy their children the Same plush but with different hair."

      ^Considering that the CMC got updated plushies and figures after their Cutie Marks were canonized, I don't see any reason Glim-glim's new hairstyle shouldn't be accommodated.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Began writing my S8 overview. I don't know if it'll finish in time before S9 debuts this Saturday, but I'll get it done!

    1. JetPistol


      You sure put a lot of effort into your contributions to this forum. I, for one, am very impressed and grateful for your input =^-^=


      Quick question: Have you ever frequented the Nightly Discussion on EQD back around 2015~2017? Your username and avatar seem uncannily familiar...


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. It was a God damn grind but I finally got snake, lucina, and inkling in elite smash #feelsgoodman

    1. JetPistol


      Is Ultimate actually worth a damn? I bought Sm4sh day one on the Wii U and have never been more disappointed in my life. I avoided Ultimate like the plague due solely to this reason, since it seems like more of the same. Is it really true that you've gotta pay to even play online now? I mean, I had a Switch back in late 2018, but I sold the thing early this year. Never even considered paying for the online.


      Also Gratz~

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Would be nice if my life had any real value.

    1. JetPistol


      Aww, don't say that. All opinions are valid. I was actually contemplating giving Sekiro a go about a week ago, but I've just been so goddamn busy trying to milk my one free month of Game Pass for all it's worth. 

      What in particular is "fucking trash" about Sekiro though? I need the juicy details.


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. Would be nice if my life had any real value.

    1. JetPistol


      It would be nice if you didn't delete posts before I was able to hit the "Submit Reply" button >.<;




      So, how's it hanging, Kyoshi-kun? :o 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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