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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by F-22brony

  1. goodbye internet :( hello phone

    1. Whiteshade


      ....which also has internet.

    2. Azura


      You Don't Say!

    3. F-22brony


      that is slow and somehow is awesome enough to let me post on status updates from mobile. thanks if you did that if your seing this Feld0

  2. Should I play Slenderman?

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Nas


      This is going to reach 100 comments, isn't it...

    3. Pinkie D Pie

      Pinkie D Pie

      If we spam it it will, but I don't feel like spamming tonight.

    4. F-22brony


      well how about we make a role play where there is slenderman and people can join as they choose. If so I call slenderman

  3. I am it BFE and have 5/6 bars of service FTW

  4. im in the middle of wyoming on a phone that lags sooo bad

  5. Bye Internet D:

    1. Count Paradox

      Count Paradox

      where u off to?

  6. I'm feeling like I'm hiding something. I don't think I am. Well ask me any question, comment or PM, I don't care, and I'll answer you truthfully.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Count Paradox

      Count Paradox

      Just go to 8bitpeoples.com, they have a crapload of chiptunes, believe me, all you do is click productions, then discographies. or better yet, here's a link: http://www.8bitpeoples.com/discography

    3. F-22brony


      ok, thanks! :P

    4. Count Paradox

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Count Paradox
    3. F-22brony


      Well I will when I'm on my PS3, which has 5 GB of RAM, my laptop has 12 MB. So it takes an HOUR to upload 1...

    4. Count Paradox
  8. Downloading desktop ponies V1.41.zip Lulz

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. F-22brony


      It was the first time getting it

    3. NavelColt


      That's what I was confused about :P

    4. F-22brony


      oh,lulz. CCCAAAKKKKEEEEE

  9. Has internet for a few hours, hello everypony. I'm now in some crazy town in wyoming! It is Worland I THINK, IDk it's night I can't see the sign, FTW On my way to Yellowstone tomorrow! Only 400 miles away!

  10. I have internet for about 5 seconds

  11. I have internet tonight :D:D I'm at devils Tower Wyoming!

  12. It may sound selfish, but I'm not that excited to go to Yellowstone.. Because It's gonna be lonely up there after doing ES training I'm on my own for 4 weeks. I'm going to miss you guys, really. I want you all to know that you are my joy, my happiness, my everything. I would be nothing without the people on this website. I love you guys. I am so glad I found this website, and believe it or not I have had the best times of my life on here so far. Thank you Feld0, and everyone e...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. F-22brony


      (This is a ligitamate question, not a 'oh poor pity me' thing)

      Is person to person interaction count if it's insults?

    3. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      if the person that is being insulted just ignore it, then no, but if it replies back, then it is, but I was talking about 'friends' interaction!! :o

    4. F-22brony


      Oh, well it's not essential. :D

  13. YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!!YES!!! I found my flash drive with ALL MY PONY THINGS on it!!!! Yellowstone National Park + Ponies = CAN'T DECIDE WHAT TO LOOK AT. P.S , I'm leaving tomorrow at 8:00 AM for Yellowstone National Park.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. F-22brony


      Went to the hot springs, mammoth hot springs, there are 2 now, all the old ones closed up D:


    3. AnonyPoni


      :( did you like it?


    4. F-22brony


      It was pretty cool, I got some awesome panoramic pictures.

  14. Tried to use ballad of the brony, got a coffee cup thrown/broken on me. Well, it WAS funny though.

  15. I'm leaving tomorrow at 8:00 AM for Yellowstone National Park. I wont be able to post for a month. :(

  16. I'm leaving tomorrow at 8:00 AM for Yellowstone National Park. I wont be able to post for a month. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. F-22brony


      If I can find a camera that is above .025 megapixels....

    3. F-22brony
    4. F-22brony


      So far I have 1227 pictures, enough for you?

  17. Nice OC you have there. I like it, good job.

  18. I'm not giving him cake! I'm ASSAULTING him with cake!

  19. Secrets and lies! It's all secrets and lies with those ponies!

  20. America and I are going on vacation, Canada can come too ( I hope this pleases the master Feld0 )

  21. America : We'll free you, with our bombs.

    1. The Tainted One
    2. F-22brony


      Glad it did. It's funny because it is true.

  22. I love the banner. It has my favorite day, country, colors, flag, and my favorite two ponies!!! Fantastic. Shut up and TAKE MY MONEY!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Canada is not your favourite country? You must not understand how much a Feldian Smite hurts.

    3. F-22brony


      I cant decide to support America, and get smited. Or support Canada and be OK.

      It must hurt more than I have heard. But I have also hear you are one to accept peoples opinions, so I beg thou' not to smite thie' (PS I live in America, so I love my country, canadians love Canada, Russians love Russia, and so on. Plus we free people, with bombs :D )

    4. F-22brony


      PPS: You would HATE my sister.

  23. I love the banner. It has my favorite day, country, colors, flag, and my favorite two ponies!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. F-22brony


      ? I'm on Ps3

    3. Nas


      Oh, I just meant if you love it, then save it. XP


      Maybe when you're on your computer or something :P

    4. F-22brony


      I just click "Save target" on my Ps3. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  24. I'm so glad Bronies are amazing people, Always caring for each other. Makes me feel warm inside.

  25. Can somepony talk to me, I need to do something. I don't even know what I need to do. Vent? Chat? Joke? I don't know.

    1. Smokin'HotRarity
    2. Nightfall


      Give me a PM.

    3. F-22brony


      There isn't really a huge problem, I just need SOMEONE to talk to.

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