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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Eniac

  1. why do our threads now get this weird.. icon on top of our own icon's when we make a status?

    1. Eniac


      It also only seems to be visible to the status poster. Idk why myself

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Received Animal Crossing today for the switch and its great. Haven't been able to do much on it yet but I'm super excited.

    Also going to add my comments on the last few episodes of mlp I've watched. Losing track of time, next thing I know it's midnight and I need to sleep, where does it go

    1. Eniac


      @Kyoshi @ElectricEnergy IT REALLY IS GOOD:wub:. Been meaning to get it since it's anouncement so glad I have finally got it!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. *hugs*

    1. Eniac


      *hugs back*

      Sorry for the delay haven't been on for a while:ButtercupLaugh:

  4. Good morning y'all.

    Have a wonderful time today, stay safe.

  5. Hi friends! 💖

  6. Spoiler


    Day 14: Favourite scene


    1. Eniac


      That is a great scene

  7. Goodnight everypony.:fluttershy: Haven't posted much on the actual forums, but I'll get around to that.

    Been working on some pony art, two new OCs based off of two of my friends. Should be completed by the end of the week, then I'll work on my banner.

    Also finally getting around to watching the final seasons of mlp and also looking into more of the fanmade stuff. I am not sure if there are any iconic fanmade things I need to see/read?

  8. Well after a brief visit of the forums I'm off to bed, hopefully will be back to getting myself more familiar with ponies here and the fandom in general

  9. Doe is going to call it a night soon! <3 this week I need all the rest I can get as we are extra busy, Tuesday I have a 6am shift but because there is so much to do I’m put on heaviest stuff so I might be in a lot of pain (back pain) and then be tired — I think I need more than a full package painkillers TwT <3 


    1. Eniac


      Goodnight, get a good rest. Hope work isn't too bad

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Gotten to the point where face recognition won't register without me actively pulling the hair from out of my face. Might update my profile pic, which reminds me I need to make the big profile picture thing at some point

  11. Good news! My mom gave me, my brother, and my dad a haircut because we really needed it! :yay:

    That was really nice of her, especially on mother's day! :grin:

    1. Eniac


      Nice, it looks good. Like the shirt as well. I need to get a haircut myself:lie:

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. Pan and Hunter 💖 


    ((they are both my oc so please don’t save and upload elsewhere))

    1. Eniac


      Very adorable:pinkie:. Hunter looks sweet and pan is jsut cute

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Gonna get the recommended hours of sleep tonight (hopefully atleast I'm going to sleep earlier) Hopefully be more motivated tomorrow:yay:.

    So yea, might be a bit more active tomorrow

    1. Eniac


      @Super Splashee Thanks, you too (when you sleep) Also that is the best emote/picture on this forums no arguments

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Holy, the Hilda gif I posted in the “Hug a User” thread caught a LOT more attention than I expected! :o Surprised me in a really happy way!


  15. I'm just gonna leave this here... :pinkie: UwU :catface:



  16. 431DC8B9-5016-41CE-805E-0B669C7B2ECD.png.f5bb0b5bacc7d04f50cf004e76ca9128.png

    1. Eniac


      I definitely agree with the rest. Getting the right amount of sleep helps with everything

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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