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About equardos?

  • Birthday 1995-06-13

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Finland, Lieto
  • Interests
    Games, movies, friends, dogs and especially coding.

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  6. Yeah I know I wouldn't lose any friends, but I know for sure that some people are going to annoy the muffins out of me and some people will surely start call me names even tough we are almost 18.. Hayters are gonna hate and bronies gonna take it like real bronies.
  7. That's not silence! Oh gawd I just realized what you ment with *Blushes*.. *Blushes* *Leaves thread in silence*
  8. Too open for me :S I'm kind of shy as a brony and it would make me look "gay" infront of some haters on my friendlist. That is why I don't use facebook anymore.
  9. Back again. I'm not sick anymore :) Feels good man.

  10. I just can't get over this darn sickness.. Most of the summer is already gone and still unable to code with clear head.. I'm so frustrated, I could just scream!

  11. Still sick... Sick during the summer. Could life go better than this?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. equardos?


      Brohoof /) * (\

    3. Filly Pinkie Pie

      Filly Pinkie Pie

      I'm listening to Fireflies...



    4. equardos?


      http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/28775b0cac4a910a08f45112ad1db3e3/144551 - artist:giantmosquito ask_dr_adorable computer dr_adorable fluttershy Reaction_Pic wat webcam.jpg
  12. Yeah updates on this game: I'm pretty sick and unable to code right now. I have been sick for quite while now and i tough it would go away sooner and thats why I didn't post it here. Now it seems I will be sick for week or so. I hope this forum would get more posters and interest
  13. That feel when: Too sick to code and not sick enough to sleep the whole day :( Been sick for 3 days now and before that I was two days on my cottage and stuff like that. Finally back on the forums, but I will start reading the post's tomorrow. Way too sick for that.

    1. TomokoKuroki


      I know that feel. Except I can't enjoy coding at all XD.

    2. Neikos


      You coding? :3

    3. equardos?


      Yeah I code. Java mainly, because I'm not interested in building websites and c++ is too c++ for me. :)

      And if you ment "you coding now?" then I would have to say: No. Way too sick.

  14. Belive me, if you offered making normal minecraft skins for free, then I would understand your reason to ask money. No-one likes rushed art, but with thing like MLP skins for minecraft mod, having free time is not a problem. There won't be enough requests for you to get overbooked with making the skins. However, if this topic gets popular you can always look for helpful artists. I bet you could easily find people to help you draw some skins. I don't want to offend you in any way. I just don't like the idea of paying money for fan art. It just doesn't seem very legit. Try to do this again with normal minecraft skins if you wan't some "customers". Again I don't want to offend you in anyway or form. I just think I sound like im doing so.
  15. Sorry, but I think the community ain't really into this "for small price" thing. People actually do this kind of stuff for their community for free. And this might be illegal in some way. Selling skins for game someone else made and to be more accurate, you are selling skins for mod someone else made for game someone else made. Sorry, but this doesn't seem very legal. Don't get offended, but I think you should remove the price part. For the sake of the community. Let's not ruin this great community with money.
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