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About Glitterpen

  • Birthday 1996-04-25

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    I love drawing and writing, usually my own personal works, but fanart as well. I dream of becoming a cartoonist, preferably a writer, storyboarder and director. Well, not all at once, but changing between the three.

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  1. Oh, I'm horrible at being in a fandom. Everyone annoys me and I get overprotective and stupid. Think I'll just leave the forums be and go back to being a stalker. It's been fun. Bye, folks.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Linguz


      If you want any help, just make a post of it in Everfree Forest and we'll make you feel welcome and then you won't have to leave.

    3. Crispy


      Oh, over that shipping thread.


      One person's opinion shouldn't turn you away from a place with this many fun people on it. If you still want to leave, do. But I think you'll find most of us to be pretty rad if you stick around.

    4. Lady Rarity Pony

      Lady Rarity Pony

      I must say that I do not think anyone was intending to attack your opinions or offend you. The topic is one of the most controversial ones out there and no matter how it plays out someone will feel attacked. It's happened to me too, I've tried engaging in a discussion like that but no matter what anypony does they all end up losing. I can't force you to stay on the forums but I would suggest giving it another shot before making your decision

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