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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by PegasisterTaco

  1. Join us.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Pinkazoid
    3. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      *head pops up and fez come out* just pull it out :3

      (thats what she said)

    4. Pinkazoid


      that whole sentence .__.


      ....my brain is a waddafle now

  2. Banned because all these notifications are making my computer lag more.
  3. Banned because why are we going on with this conversation?
  4. Banned because you have the same problem as me and I do not want.
  5. Banned because this ban game is making my computer lag and for taking away everyone's share of doritos.
  6. Banned because I'm going to share my Doritos.
  7. Banned... Because I really don't know what to say.
  8. Banned for being the only blue Kirby around here. Edit: Banned. Because I said so.. Again...
  9. Banned because Papa John's pizza is the best. Edit: Banned... Because I said so...
  10. I too, would like to meet Leonardo Da Vinci. I don't really have much to say since you already took the words straight from my mouth. =P Skilled, artisitic, genious, everything.
  11. Jaide hadn't taken off her eyes from Wits the whole time. Something about him made her feel strange and uncomfartable. "and I see a lot of possible futures," Upon hearing this, Jaide perked her ears. "See futures? But that isn't possible. Unless... Unless... He has... visions," Jaide backed away from Wits a little. She bumped into Blossom Bloom who was in the store during the moment. "Oh h-hi Blossom Bloom. Sorry for not talking to you right now. A lil' disracted,"
  12. What is up with all these "Good Day Today :D :D :D" status thingys!? It doesn't make sense! D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      Something must have happened.

    3. Nas


      Octavinyl, Y U NO Good Day Today :D :D :D?

    4. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      Because I miss my violin. ;_;

  13. Plum? Eh... Doesn't sound like a good flavor. I prefer it to be grape or something else that's purple. (Yes even a shoe)
  14. I think about that many times too. Maybe in a few years people will start to loose their interest. Switch over to another thing. MLP is what brought us all together. It might end when the show is long done. But let's not worry about that and enjoy it while it lasts because, yeah.
  15. Either Derpy, Octavia, or Vinyl. :/ This is hard. Ummm... Meh. I'll go with Octavia. (because I can)
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